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GOP Responses to State of the Union

Rep. Buddy Carter (GA-1):

“President Trump spoke tonight about the strong state of our union. Over the past year, Congress has worked with President Trump to produce concrete results for the American people. Due to a bold agenda and pro-growth legislation like the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act, our economy is growing, unemployment is down, and companies across the nation are creating jobs and investing in their employees. We continue to see companies announce wage increases, bonuses, increased benefits, and investments in our economy.

“We will continue building on this work with President Trump in the House as there is still a lot work to do. United, we will push forward to improve American infrastructure, strengthen our military and national defense, combat the opioid crisis, lower health care and prescription drug costs, and more. Together, we will continue on this bright path towards a safer and stronger America.”

Rep. Jody Hice (GA-10):

“The State of the Union is always a very special occasion, presenting an opportunity for the three branches of government to come together and reflect on the well-being of our Nation,” said Congressman Hice. “During tonight’s speech, President Trump demonstrated that he is listening to the American people, and he set an important tone in which he emphasized national security, economic opportunity, and rebuilding America.”

“I share President Trump’s optimism and vision for our country and believe that we will continue to excel,” Hice continued. “America is strong, and Americans will continue to demonstrate the courage and boldness that defines our Nation. By harnessing the powerful impact of tax reform, empowering American families, and ensuring the safety and security of our Nation by restoring our military strength, we are working to build a better America.”

Rep. Doug Collins (GA-9):

“Under President Trump’s leadership, America is learning anew what it looks like when promises are kept. Our president promised to put conservative judges on the bench, and Supreme Court Justice Neil Gorsuch’s nomination began a new season of impressive court appointments. Our president promised to cut needless regulations that have handicapped American businesses and families, and we’ve seen more than 20 regulations cut for every new one introduced. Our president promised to make America safer and stronger, and he’s ushering in prison reform to reduce crime, rebuild communities and better equip our workforce for a growing economy. Our president promised to cut taxes and create jobs, and the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act has led to a stunning wave of investment in America’s workforce and to the simplification of an oppressive tax code. Each day brings me more stories of how our unified government led by a dynamic president is fulfilling the hopes of people in northeast Georgia—and unlocking the door to more of their dreams.”

Rep. Karen Handel (GA-6):

President Trump last night delivered a powerful, uplifting message to the American people.

The President highlighted the individual stories of people who – through courage, strength and resilience – have overcome difficult circumstances and pursued their own American Dream.

In the end, the President’s speech was about the true American spirit that unites us all. And in the House of Representatives – which the President reminded us belongs to the American people – the President last night called on us to find workable solutions that will restore hope and make life better for everyone in this country.

Sen. Johnny Isakson:

“In his first year in office, President Trump has delivered on many promises he made during his campaign, not least of which has been the overhaul of our nation’s tax code. The Tax Cuts and Jobs Act passed in December is already benefiting Georgians and families.

“The administration’s work to cut red tape and reduce burdensome regulations is also helping small businesses, as evidenced by the continued low unemployment rate over the last year and improved financial markets.

“Georgians heard from the president again tonight on matters of social, economic and national security, and they want to see him continue to deliver on these promises into his second year in office. To that end, I hope the president will look out for the thousands of Georgians whose farming, manufacturing and transportation jobs benefit from international trade as he negotiates changes to the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) and other trade agreements.

“Tonight the president shared his plans for greater investment in our nation’s infrastructure. I have repeatedly emphasized to the administration that the Savannah Harbor Expansion Project is the most important infrastructure project for the state of Georgia. I hope the president will prioritize this top economic development project and the long-term investments it will bring to our state and the entire country.

“As the chairman of the Senate Veterans’ Affairs Committee, I’m thankful that President Trump has made delivering on his promises to our nation’s veterans a priority, too. We had a positive first year with President Trump and U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs Secretary Dr. David Shulkin at the helm. Now it’s time to pass a long-term solution to permanently enhance veterans’ access to care in their communities. I’ve offered bipartisan legislation called the Caring for Our Veterans Act that I hope we can pass this year to ensure veterans continue to have access to efficient, timely and quality health care.

“I am optimistic about the year ahead, and I look forward to working with the administration and my Senate colleagues to continue delivering on our promises.”

Sen. David Perdue:

“Tonight, President Trump delivered a message of optimism that all Americans need to hear. Overall, the president’s first year in office has been nothing short of a huge success. The results speak for themselves. The economy is on the cusp of a turnaround, we’ve had two quarters of 3% growth, Americans are seeing the benefits of the tax cuts, 2.4 million new jobs have been created, and 860 rules and regulations have been reversed.

“Americans now have an outsider, business guy in the White House for a change. He is moving at a business-pace, not a bureaucratic-pace. His focus continues to be delivering on his promises and getting results for the American people.

“As he laid out tonight, rebuilding our nation’s infrastructure, strengthening our military, negotiating fair trade deals, and fixing our broken immigration system are all big ticket items we need to tackle. While Americans have witnessed great success, there is still much to do. I believe in the President’s agenda and I am committed to helping him continue delivering results for Georgians and the American people.”

Rep. Rob Woodall (GA-7):

“The past year has been one of action in Washington and across the country, and while there is still much to do, we’ve accomplished a great deal to this point,” said Rep. Woodall. “From implementing the first significant tax reform since Ronald Reagan was in the White House, to drastic reductions in the federal regulatory registry, to the confirmation of Supreme Court Justice Neil Gorsuch, and so much more, the President has indeed partnered with Congress to deliver on the promises that were made to the American people. I’m proud of what we’ve achieved together, and I’m eager to continue working on the challenges that remain.”

“I’m grateful that the President took the opportunity to also cast a forward-looking vision that calls for bipartisan action on immigration reform and border security, an investment in a 21st century infrastructure system that ensures the safety and competitiveness of the American people, and a continued commitment to those in our military. By prioritizing the safety and strength of our great country, I’m confident – irrespective of any differences we may have – that America’s best days are absolutely still ahead.”

Rep. Rick Allen (GA-12): 

“We should all be proud to be Americans after the successes of President Trump’s first year in office. Neil Gorsuch was confirmed as the newest Supreme Court Justice, we have the lowest jobless claims in decades, our economy is growing at historic levels – and that’s just the tip of the iceberg. I am proud to have done my part to support the President’s agenda over the past year.”

“Tonight, President Trump reaffirmed his commitment to put Americans first – no matter their political party. Looking to the future, our government must unify to do what is best for the American people by building a safer and stronger nation. Congress still has a lot of important work to do, like providing for our military, investing in our nation’s infrastructure, and securing our borders. We must build on last year’s successes of tax reform and cutting burdensome red tape – continuing to provide all Americans the dignity of work by promoting policies that create new jobs, support hardworking families, and expand opportunities for business owners across the nation.”

“As we read in the book of Matthew, ‘a house divided against itself cannot stand.’ It was an honor to hear President Trump lay out his vision for American prosperity, and now Congress must come together to realize these goals.”

Rep. Tom Graves (GA-14):

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