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GA House Majority Leader Jon Burns Seeking Re-Election

My state Representative and House Majority Leader Jon Burns (R, 159) has announced that he will be seeking re-election this year. Rep. Burns serves as a member of the House Agriculture & Consumer Affairs, Appropriations, Economic Development & Tourism, Ethics, Game, Fish & Parks, Rules, and Transportation Committees.

Rep. Burns:

“I am excited to announce my intention to run for reelection as State Representative for House District 159. It has been one of the greatest privileges of my life to serve my friends and my community in the General Assembly, and I remain committed to seeing that the important work we have begun — rural development, improved infrastructure, education reform, and tax relief — is finished.
I believe our state’s future has never looked brighter; however, I want to ensure the tide of prosperity our state has enjoyed lifts the boats of all Georgians. It is my goal that we provide every hard-working Georgian with the opportunity to achieve their own American Dream no matter their zip code.
To accomplish this, we must continue to invest in our people through improved educational opportunities that follow our students from preschool to high school to our technical colleges and four-year universities, support improvements in infrastructure from the Port of Savannah to the roads and rails that move goods to market, protect rural Georgia’s access to quality health care services, and champion strong communities and families that steer the next generation down the path that respects hard work and the dignity of every man and woman.
So long as I am entrusted with this seat, I will always strive to build bridges to common ground rather than drive wedges to division because no disagreement nor difference of opinion, whether political, regional, or otherwise, should ever stand in the way of doing the right thing for Georgia. I humbly ask for your support and vote in the upcoming election process. Thank you for allowing me to serve.”
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