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Day 4 Qualifying

The fourth day of qualifying has drawn to a close. Rep. Rob Woodall still has not qualified for re-election in GA-7, but it is my understanding that his responsibilities in the House Committee on Rules has prevented him from qualifying so far, but that he will be qualifying.

In other Congressional races, Reps. Tom Graves (R, GA-14) and John Lewis (D, GA-5) are the only two incumbents without a challenger. Rep. Hank Johnson (D, GA-4) picked up a Democratic opponent in Juan Parks, a Harvard educated, pro 2nd Amendment Democrat at that. Vance Dean qualified as a Republican to face Rep. Austin Scott (R, GA-8) in the May 22 primary.

Ginny Ehrhart, who is seeking the State Representative Seat in District 36 currently held by her husband, drew a Republican challenger today in Rob Harrell.

Check out the statewide and Federal qualifiers below.

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