March 22, 2018 6:00 AM
Morning Reads – March 22, 2018
On this date in 1946, the first U.S. built rocket to leave the earth’s atmosphere reached a height of 50-miles.
- Make satire Facebook pages great again.
- Cobb County cracking the whip on student walkout participants
- Ex-Hawks employee claims discrimination against whites
- Study: Horseracing would bring in billions for Georgia
- Alzheimer’s deaths on the rise in Georgia
- When transparency and justice reform collide…
Jimmy Carter
- A look inside the budget
- 77% reduction in refugee acceptance
- Another student walkout – -this time, abortion.
- Advertisers threatening to leave Facebook
- $1 trillion in debt in 6 months
Sweet Tea
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Calhoun has sewers?
Ironically the prosecutor who charged him in the 80’s but the case was thrown out before it was tried is Trumps new personal lawyer…
Here’s one to make your head explode. Eric Prince (blackwater guy) is on the board of Cambridge Analytica
So I guess Noway is going to need to cancel all his accounts with Citigroup. Credit Cards, mortgages, etc. They also underwrite smaller and private credit cards and banks.
You’re absolutely right. If I had any. Thanks for that heads up! I’m disappointed I missed it myself!
“Mr. Trump often keeps his own counsel…”
Dowd is a pro and obviously experienced and comfortable in a government setting. The rest of Trump’s legal team look to be either cheerleaders, or people much more comfortable dealing with NYC real estate rough-and-tumble, or both.
Yeah, you can almost see the vaseline on the lens of the NYT’s coverage.
Then there’s Mike McCaul, TX-10, chairman of House Homeland Security Committee. “I think it’s clear from the confession that it’s not terror-related, although it did terrorize the city of Austin for the last month. I think it was a disturbed young man, a mentally ill-type person.”
In my book if you terrorize a city, you’re a terrorist. Anyone, even a dimwit Congress-person, can see he was disturbed. If McCaul means that political goals weren’t a aim of the bombings he should say so. Otherwise he’s just patting us on the back and telling us it’s time to put this unfortunate incident behind us.
John Bolton.
Years from now somebody somewhere will write a story asking how the US became a fascist state. This will be one of the key moments they cite.
It seems to me that Bolton is exactly the kind of hawkish neo-con hire that so-called responsible gopers kept telling us Trump would make. I bet his nomination is popular on the gop side.
Perhaps Ryan and McConnell will lead the singing of the national anthem in Congress.
“Reichstag was sometimes derisively referred to by the German public as the “teuerste Gesangsverein Deutschlands” (the most expensive singing club in Germany) due to frequent singing of the national anthem during sessions.
I don’t see that our Saudi policy has changed much. They sell us oil (less and less these days) and provide us with air fields; in return we provide ordinance and intelligence to help them hammer the Yemenis, turn a blind eye when they export violent fundamentalism, and cheer when they yell at the Iranis.
The Saudis are going head to head with Iran for regional dominance. They’d be happy to see Iran back under quarantine. Trump has never liked the deal and neither has the rest of the gop, partially on its merits, mostly because Obama. The day when Trump rips up the deal on prime-time might come sooner with Bolton around but it was probably coming anyway.