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Monday Morning Reads — March 26

Happy Monday, everyone! I watched Tomb Raider on Sunday…save your money.

News by the Numbers

200-year-old fight – Georgia’s northern border sits at the 35th parallel. That’s a fact. Tennessee, though, has their alternative facts. Georgia is fixin to set the record straight.

60 minutes – Curious about Trump’s sex life? Well, you share that oddity with millions of Americans! Now you can read the details of Trump’s spankings. Congrats!

201 percent – Georgia’s death toll from Alzheimer’s disease has increased dramatically since 2000. Currently, an estimated 140,000 Georgians are living with the disease, and that number is expected to rise to 190,000 by 2025.

19 percent increase – Wisconsinites are demanding increased spending in public education from a Republican governor elected on the promise to do more with less. It’s a demand Republican governors all across the nation are facing.

23 seats – Republicans need to hold 23 seats to stay in power, and Democrats seem to be doing everything in their power to help Speaker Ryan.


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