May 23, 2018 7:54 AM
Morning Reads With a Post-Victory Glow
All my candidates won and all yours lost!
“The Loser Wins” by Atmosphere
- I want that to happen simply because no one would know what they think about the prize.
- Y’all: Can the universe handle season two of Mama June’s show? I don’t think so.
- Unhappy birthday Morrissey!
- Boston Globe columnist: John Lewis Endorses Status Quo by Backing Michael Capuano
- Boston Herald columnist: Lewis’ Backing of Capuano Stirs Ill-Considered Tempest
- Braves still aren’t predicted to make the playoffs
- I’m also kicking myself for not making a pre-season prop-bet that they would…. oh well.
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Baseball is a long season and the Braves/Phillies/Nats/Mets are all bunched at the top leaving the Marlins alone in the basement.
Has been fun to watch this year, fingers crossed.
Well jeez. That Fangraphs number is based on their preseason look which didn’t foresee Albies and Markakis blowing up and the whole staff taking a big step forward.
Fold in this year’s performance and you get a much different picture. Either way it’s a fun team to watch.
Go BEES!!!–is-naia-all-american
Didn’t we cut corporate taxes to create jobs in the United States…
“We assess Russian President Vladimir Putin ordered an influence campaign in 2016 aimed at the US presidential election. Russia’s goals were to undermine public faith in the US democratic process, denigrate Secretary Clinton, and harm her electability and potential presidency. We have high confidence in these judgements.” 07 Jan 2017 joint statement by the FBI, CIA and NSA.
Trump’s Secretary of Homeland Security Nielsen on Tuesday claimed she was unaware of any such finding. So is she protecting her traitor boss, or is she secretly part of the deep-state? Do tell, establishment Republicans. We Dems can’t tell if she’s a liar or a patriot.
While on the subject of foreign affairs, wait for it. Trump, the guy that had “everything to do” with him and Kim meeting now says “[t]here’s a very substantial chance that it won’t work out”. And if it doesn’t, or course that won’t be Trump’s fault.
It’s not as if Trump recently appointed a National Security Advisor long on record supporting North Korea regime change just last week citing the “Libya Model” to “prime the pump” (to use a phrase invented by Trump in a novel way).
Besides, what with Trump having cut a fabulous deal with them wherein instead of the Chinese investing in North Korean denuclearization, they instead invested a half a billion in a new Asian development featuring a Trump golf course and hotels so Trump will waive sanctions on Chinese ZTE phone manufacturer that has been identified as a national security concern.
It’s what Republican businessmen call a win-win. And all the Chinese have to do for the American people is some stuff that the Chinese will decide on later to reduce the trade deficit.
NFL decides they want to fill the stadiums and get viewership back up.
Who knew…
I know I’mmmmmmmmmm surprised! Ohhhh, by the way, “Merry Christmas!!”
Ohhhh, by the way, “What Would Jesus Carry?”
Like the above posted story illustrates, Christianity has been under constant attack since the 60’s. But since TGM, well, it’s making a roaring comeback. Thank you Mr. President…MAGA!
Yaaawwwwnnnn! Crying Closet, Snivler, Crying Closet!
What are you referring to regarding the threats?
Also, I agree that it’s moronic that anybody would think Christianity is “under attack”. Like you said, it is load of BS designed to stir up the dumbasses.
I’ve been getting to bed early the last couple of days so I wasn’t able to respond to Noway’s troll last evening.
It is a testament to Roger Ailes genius as a political propagandist for a half-century that you spout this claptrap as, well, gospel. The “War on Christmas” is a straw man so large that would it do a Druid proud, as well is the supposed war on Christianity. While I will grant there are likely a few antitheists that take issue with Christians, for the most part they also have problems with Muslims, Jews, Buddhists, or even Dawg fans. Speaking for myself, I’m kind of a Jeffersonian in that I like Jesus, it’s just some of his followers I can’t stand. Though being a politician he never actually said that out loud. He did write about his opinions on how Paul bastardized the teachings of Christ.
I also can’t stand politicians and their propagandists who try to mix church and state, also church leaders who spout non-scriptural ideologies as a religion. I hope that there is a hell for those that prey upon others’ belief systems for their own political and/or monetary gains. I seriously doubt that a Creator of the Universe cares if you are a Republican. I also find it hard to believe that a purported follower of Christ would object to the care of the sick and the poor by the government here in Georgia in the absence of a church willing to do it sufficient to their needs. In the meantime the largest Protestant denomination in the state has built themselves a fine palace in Duluth and spent untold amounts on our state’s politics.
Christmas is a made up conglomeration of traditions, mostly pagan, mostly non-scriptural even in the portrayals in church that we called pageants that I participated in as a kid. It’s why the Puritans and other reformation Protestants didn’t believe in its celebration. Hell it is more historically accurate to call it a Holiday Tree than a Christmas Tree no matter how much it bunches your panties.
They’ll be paid what they’re worth in terms of box office draw!
Sad case. Maybe depression? A doc and Harvard? Wow! Seemingly had a lot to live for!–abc-news-topstories.html