Pretending to not know anything about soccer rings less true than a Yellow Jacket’s belief that this year they’ll beat UGA.
So get ready one and all for the *OFFICIAL* GAPol.Com World Cup Bracket! As always–prizes are involved for the winner. And, as always, every prize offered in each competition has gone unclaimed so…. yeah. I’m just going to re-use those offers. Or if you win, just say what you want for a prize. I’m an accommodating type.
“That’s great and all, but good God man! Tell me how I can play!“
Glad you asked. Click here. You should be taken to the league “GA State Winning the World Cup”. If not, the League Code is TZ4J3NZE. I believe if you search for the code you’ll be able to join.
Register with your email or FB account.
“I’d wish you good luck but you wouldn’t know what to do with it if you got it.”