June 13, 2018 8:53 AM
Morning Reads
Tomorrow, two juggernauts of world football collide: yes, the world truly awaits Russia vs. Saudi Arabia.
- Atlanta could host the 2026 World Cup!
- You still gonna pretend you’re holier-than-thou about soccer?
- With my voice still gone, time for Jamie Dupree 2.0
- How GA congresscritters reacted to the North Korea deal.
- Valdosta mayor learnin’ kids how to read!
- Long before the Trump era, Jimmy Carter tried (and failed) to prevent politicized justice.
- Trump still holds Jimmy Carter’s view on withdrawing U.S. troops from South Korea.
- John Lewis regrets endorsement in RI gubernatorial race.
- Half the population of the Eastern Seaboard gets cliched photos here, might as well make it nice.
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Trump’s beef with Canada’s dairy industry.
The vocal stylings of Don Trump Un: “I’m for open trade, free trade, but I also want smart trade and fair trade. But they’ll say, “He’s not a free-trader,” at 10%. But if I say we’re putting a reciprocal tax on, it may be 62% or it may be 47%, I mean massive numbers, and nobody can complain about it. It’s really sort of an amazing thing.”
Making America Safe Again!!!
Well, that was easy! I can’t believe no one else did that!
No one else had the vision…
Every President, White House, and State Dept. for probably 50 years has had the vision of a peaceful relationship. None succeeded in sealing the deal, but that hasn’t happened yet with Trump either. While I give credit for the progress so far, we shouldn’t be counting all the chickens before they hatch.
The sky is a little bluer, the picket fence is a little bit whiter and the birds are chirping a little bit louder! MAGA!
I’m OK with you feeling better, whether based on reality or not, but the reference to picket fences…
Trumpists must really feel forgotten in the modern world.
The anger is a reaction to the despondency.
Figured it out.
And a brothel owner (pimp) wins a nom in Nevada for a state House seat, and the governor of Maine threatens to not certify the election if he doesn’t like the result.
Out of control gerrymandering, voter suppression, unlimited campaign money from any old source… we used to be able to (mostly) have actual informed debates about significant issues. Now it’s like 4th grade recess. The GOP we once knew is gone. Will the actual conservatives reform a new party and cede the GOP to the extremists? Or will there be a battle for the soul of the Party? Or will it just die a withering death?
My guess is that your desires for “actual conservatives” would be a return for the halycon days of the 60s and 70s, when Republicans either had few real disagreements with Democrats or were ineffective at resisting them when he did.
As for Mark Sanford, the real outrage is that this fellow was elected in the first place after what he pulled in 2009. (No one knew where the guy was or how to contact him for several days, people were justifiably freaking out and when he finally surfaced he lied about it.) For that reason his political demise is certainly no loss. But allow me to state that it is certainly odd that Democrats love “mavericks” and “independents” among Republicans but absolutely despise it when one of your own attacks the core platforms and major leaders of the Republican Party.
I remember Artur Davis, the congressman from Alabama who criticized Obama, voted against the Affordable Care Act and bemoaned the party’s shift to the left during the last decade. I don’t recall very many – or any – Democrats praising his courage and independence back then. Quite the contrary.
That was supposed to be “when Republicans either had few real disagreements with Democrats or were ineffective at resisting the Democrats when they did”
I remember Davis too. He represented a heavily black district and was the only black rep to vote against ADA. That’s not being a maverick, that’s suicidal.
Later he switched parties, backed Romney, and after his loss complained the gop had been reduced to white southern evangelicals, old white men, and big money Prots. If the gop praised him for his candor I missed it.
ACA not ADA. Free the edit function!
I also meant to add that I agree with you about Sanford. He was ineffective and unstable and had trouble controlling his personal life. Not even the Freedom Caucus will miss him.
Well I would at least like to have the discussion about those disagreements.
We don’t HAVE to disagree about everything just because we identify with different political parties. There really are some issues that everyone could agree on if we get past the trying to just win for the sake of winning, or at least come to some compromise that pushes us a little forward as a community.
What about Ronald Reagan or George Bush? Those guys were fairly reasonable for the most part. Whatever happened to guys like that?
I don’t know that the Dem party has shifted to the left so much. I think the overall goals of equality and justice and fairness are still the same, but maybe it’s just that as we incrementally get closer to those goals we can set our sights on the next hurdle on the path.
Score one “Nazi” reference for Drew this afternoon.
Dude, it’s was in the news today. It’s not like he made it up or had to dig into the past. This is today’s news. A US Representative re-tweeted a Nazi yesterday. He hasn’t (last I checked) made any comment distancing himself from it and neither has Repub leadership. If you let that stuff pass then that is who you are.
I don’t expect you to give up linking to nazi sites. But there may still be hope for the rest of the country.
“I don’t know that the Dem party has shifted to the left so much.”
The Democratic Party has shifted to the left drastically. They’ve gone far to the left on social issues, and by this I do not mean merely support for abortion and gay marriage – and on the latter let’s stop pretending that even Obama, the most socially liberal president ever, didn’t run for office opposing gay marriage in 2008, which made ousting Brendan Eich from his own Mozilla company for having the same position that Obama had at the time even more galling – but rather by embracing identity politics, which is a rejection of the assimilationist ethos that dominated the country from the 1920s until now. Identity politics ideology has existed for a long time – many decades – but the leaders of the progressive movements distanced themselves from and outright rejected it. I remember Jesse Jackson, for example, doing so in the 1980s and again in the 1990s. Kweisi Mfume, who considered himself more “cutting edge” than Jackson and the rest of the traditional civil rights movement, initially tried to embrace it but wound up having to renounce it when he became the leader of the NAACP. But now it dominates and the previous ideology is dead as a doornail. I do not mean to single out or pick on black leaders – I know the bad appearances especially on a southern blog in a state that is still under the auspices of the Voting Rights Act – but I am just using them as an example.
And not just social issues. Single payer healthcare, living wage, universal basic income, essentially the economic program of EU and Nordic countries … no Democrat in previous eras would have touched those with a 10 foot pole, not even proud liberals and progressives like Ted Kennedy, Walter Mondale and George McGovern. Now, lots of Democrats running for statewide office are championing those, and you had better believe that several running for the 2020 presidential nomination will be.
Another point. Yes, it is another civil rights related one. I am sorry. I am not an alt-right or anything like that. These are just good examples. I remember in the 1980s – yes I am that old – when CBC leader John Conyers claimed that the federal government had a lax response to the crack epidemic, and that this was proof that the Republican administration didn’t care about law and order in the black community. The rap group Public Enemy actually released a song called “911 is a Joke” that repeated a common complaint that the police was too slow to respond to crimes and emergencies in black communities and that black communities weren’t adequately policed. It was in that context that the stiff sentences against drug dealers were enacted: many black leaders demanded them. Now? A complete 180, with demands for decriminalization or legalization of drugs, anti-incarceration policies for all but repeat violent offenders, and conspiracy theories about “the prison industrial complex.”
So yes, the Democrats have moved very far to the left, and in a relatively fast period of time. If you haven’t seen that shift, then well it is because you agree with the shift to the left ideologically. Well lots of people do not, and that is what makes “debate” and “compromise” extremely hard. If one side believes in a tough, no-nonsense approach to criminal justice and the other believes that the very concept of incarceration is an institutionally discriminatory tool against minorities and the poor, what is debate and compromise going to look like? You can have those debates and compromises if the other side is Hillary Clinton (the 1990s version that supported 3 strikes laws and anti-gang measures, not the 2016 version) or our own late Zell Miller. And if you believe that Stacey Abrams isn’t far to the left of Zell Miller and even Roy Barnes, then well that is your personal choice. But surely you can understand that where a Casey Cagle can have productive policy conversations with a Zell Miller or Roy Barnes on a ton of issues, there isn’t that much that can be said to Abrams, Evans for that matter, Jon Ossof etc. beyond “have a nice day.” Now Barrow on the other hand, there you have some daylight. But even there is an example. The Democratic Party of 15 years ago elevates Barrow as their standard bearer, he gets elected to governor or senator easily, and he is on everyone’s short list as a potential vice presidential nominee. But the current state party has done their best to ignore the guy, so he had to pretty much run for secretary of state – and this is a former longterm U.S. Congressman mind you! – on his own. And even if he does get elected governor or senator, the national party would consider him radioactive, with absolutely no chance of joining the leadership or getting to chair a major committee no matter how long he servers were he a Senator. That WAS NOT the case not so long ago when there were tons of moderate and conservative Democrats in Senate leadership positions, with Al Gore and Sam Nunn counted among them.
So yes, the shift has happened. It is just that you agree with the shift is all.
Here is a good explainer on the WI special elections for two seats open since December Gov. Walker was force to hold after Eric Holder’s voter group took him to court. The senate seat has making the news rounds this morning.
Get out your white boards folks…
Sanford “Dixie-Chicked” himself!! Lol! Later, Tater!
How to annoy your voters…
This story was linked in that Axios article, abt lawyers withdrawing and quitting in the DoJ over the lawsuit.
The Adler link is a good read too.
And it looks like the Dem AGs have already stepped up to defend the ACA.
Not sure why Repubs haven’t figured out that this isn’t a winning political issue any more.
Dum de dum dum…
Former Trump lawyer Michael Cohen likely to cooperate as his attorneys leave case, sources say
I was holding off until other outlets had confirmation until I posted it. The hearing is Friday the documents.
Expect a massive dumpster fire coming out of the white house if Cohen flips on Trump.
Well, there’s a couple of thoughts on this “out there”. That he can’t pay his lawyers is one of them though I had thought Trump was paying them from campaign funds (not sure whether that is legal or not but being illegal never stopped Trump from doing anything). There’s also the theory that he’s looking for other lawyers who specialize in cutting deals. Truly if he can’t pay an attorney he might as well just go find a jail cell and close himself in considering the massive amount of charges SDNY is probably getting ready to level on him.
Trump has been paying a portion of Cohen’s legal bills. However, I would guess that is probably ending.
Oh, I have no doubt it’s expensive and considering how much they probably have on Cohen I would think that his legal bills are probably a couple of times more than your garden variety white collar criminal investigation. IMO it’s a cross between taking down a mobster and white collar criminal.
File under “if Gen X can’t afford to live in city centers, what makes millennials think they can…”
It would seem millenials are not that picky about where they live in cities. They apparently don’t care about only living in high rise expensive apartments and also I have read where they are going to cities that are cheap to live in like Cleveland and Buffalo.
Colossal threat and potential abuse of power!! Please keep doing shit like this!
November literally cannot get here quickly enough!!
Rep. Steve King (R-IA) retweeted a neo-Nazi on Tuesday morning. He has faced no consequences for the tweet, and the leaders of his party have so far remained silent.
GOP, you can’t let this be who you are. You must condemn this. Speak out!
What was his tweet, B?
It was something about a poll in Italy about migration. But that’s not the point. Why is an out front nazi on his twitter feed? And if you are in the US Congress you are expected to check into who you are re-tweeting. It’s the new millenium equivelent of passing out someones flyers for them. Re. Steve King is passing out the flyers of a self-described admirer of Hitler and who said “he considered AIDS a “friendly disease because blacks, drug users and gays have it”. ”
But he’ll probably get re-elected because apparently that’s better than having a Dem in there.
What is says is the GOP is the unite the right party. They created this monster and they’re the ones that are going to have to fix the problem. Or if it is not fixable then they’ll go the way of the whigs.
If you want to make sure Amazon or any big techno service mega company who wants to move here Does Not Come, just send them all off to the Marta website.
What’s at that website that will run them off?
Only the best people…
Looks like David Perdue has gone full Trump lap dog…doesnt matter if National Security is at risk
They’re all Trump lap dogs. They are so afraid of losing in the GOP primary against a Trumper that they will willingly sell the entire country out to Putin and the Chinese and lil Kim. In the history of craven and cowardly politicians there never has been a bunch like this group of currently elected Republicans.
LOL! At least offer to share some of that good stuff you’re smoking. Obviously better than shrooms! You shoulda come over from PP sooner!
Right. Anybody who doesn’t tow the Ifowars line, doesn’t vote for pedophiles and Neo-Nazis has to be smoking something. LOL.
Awwww, hon, I thought you were gonna bat .1000 but sadly, you didn’t include anything racist in your cute little reply. To paraphrase Meat Loaf, “3 outta 4 Ain’t Bad.” (You have Alex Jones, Pedophiles and Neo-Nazis) Look, here’s a softball. I’ll tee it up for you. I think all of this Confederate statue removal is crap, too. So, that obviously makes me racist, right? By the way, can I send your reply over to a group of my buddies (fellow Deplorables) who delight in seeing the Left melt down??? I think you have potential to be a star. Andrew’s Snowflake-ian responses have had them rolling on the floor for a couple of years now!!
Apparently you seem to want to be called a racist since you’re the one that continually brings it up. Is that some sort of Freudian slip? I really find you to be the silly typical knee jerk Trump supporter and there’s nothing special about that.
No, no, no, Lord, Andrew…no!!! Take ghat $100 and donate it to PP. Gotta help them fund them abortions!