June 20, 2018 8:05 AM
Morning Reads for June 20
- GSU Wide Receiver headlines All American Team list.
- SCOGA says airport shops don’t need to pay ClayCo property taxes.
- SCOGA: HELP WANTED! (Even Irish Can Apply)
- Buy Jimmy’s shoes for a good cause!
- While on the topic of Carter, he was able to get a physician in Plains for the first time in years.
- Cong. Bishop announces $2.5mil funding for SWGA rural housing.
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Stepping back for a minute from the outrage over kids-in-cages and the Trump/Sessions/Miller white America policies, it’s worth noting that the migration crisis in Germany is much more advanced and could even topple the government if Merkel can’t find a political accommodation that will satisfy her partners. The problem of millions of refugees wanting asylum has the entire EU roiling.
Sally’s Law: Any given online community that does not censor lawful speech will inevitably lean to the right politically. Leftist ideas are grounded in emotion and thus require the censorship of all reasoned and logical counterarguments.
Please don’t allow GeorgiaPol to turn into a leftist playground that insults anyone who disagrees with their opinions and interpretations.
Too late, Sally. GaPol was been taken over by the Libs while it was still PP. Shame, really!
Feel free to leave. You rarely, if ever, add anything of substance to any debate on here. You generally default to “we’ll see” when you’ve obviously been had.
Sally ,do as I attempt to do re: one particular clown poster , who attempts to hide his singular lack of critical thinking skills and his alarming reading comprehension deficit behind his meandering verbosity. After repeatedly schooling him, I now just attempt to ignore his ignorant rants.
This particular clown is not worth engaging with as he does not even realize he continues to make a fool of himself. He does not realize some basic truths of internet debate/ discussion regardless of message board topic. Sports, politics, whatever. If you as a poster have been reduced to pointing out grammer and or spelling, you are out of your intellectual depth and have lost the debate.
If you as a poster are reduced to ad hominem attack, you have lost the discussion.
And specific to political/ public policy discussions, if your go to line of attack almost regardless of issue is to yell “ rascist, rascist, rascist “, your are out of your depth.
Ignore this clown. He is not worthy of debate. And he certainly is not worth letting him run you off.
Just a suggestion.
What are you talking about? Who is censoring you, snowflake?
So all “reasoned and logical” arguments are by default from the right?
Wait, did you see the part where he mentioned how an ad hominem attack make one lose an argument yet repeatedly refers to someone here as a “clown”?
There are plenty of smart, respectable conservatives who post on this site. I seldom find them in the comment sections.
I say don’t go! I have too much fun correcting you most days!!
In order to prevent leftists from running off moderates and conservatives on here, maybe you can borrow this billboard in Texas:
Purty funny!
If you are run off a site by a comment you read then you are a straight-up bitch.
Lol! You are a hoot!!
Inconvenient Truth: There are 9 US consulates and one US embassy inside Mexico, scattered throughout the country. TEN places where any non-US citizens can apply for asylum legally, without any risk of being separated from their children.
Instead, Democrats, Socialists, and other leftist groups create turmoil in the US by encouraging dangerous illegal border crossings and turning children into “Get out of jail free” cards for lawless people.
Yeah, you’re really interested in quality discourse I can tell.
It’s complicated. I said people can APPLY for asylum, get the process started, since they first have to be classified as a “refugee” which can only be done outside the US. Asylum is appropriately granted at a Port of Entry, per the US embassy link:
“You may seek a referral for refugee status only from outside of the United States. For more information about refugees, see the “Refugees” section.
Asylum status is a form of protection available to people who:
Meet the definition of refugee
Are already in the United States
Are seeking admission at a port of entry”
“Meeting the definition of ‘refugee'” is not the same as being previously “classified as a ‘refugee'”.
I.e., You can meet the definition of a refugee even if not previously classified as such.
But, if it was reasonable to apply for refugee status at a consulate or embassy, sure, do that. But after you apply, you would have to wait indefinitely (with probably a minimum of months) before any decision, which decision may not reach you if you are a homeless refugee. And my guess is that there are a hundred reasons why this administration would prefer to deny that status. If you present yourself at the border or with your physical presence, you will at least get a hearing.
And also, God knows what happens in those indefinite months while you’re waiting for a decision. If you’re running from violence, or otherwise without a dollar, good luck surviving.
Meanwhile in New York…
The outfit is straight out of the Sopranos. The theme song should have been the one Trump’s campaign used. Boy, did they ever miss the boat on that one.
Well, it seems Trump has backed down on his policy of separating families. The sad thing is it’s already done so much damage. People have been sent back to their countries without their children and Nielsen says she doesn’t know where the girls and children under 10 are. Talk about a disaster policy that has created another disaster.
LOL. I look forward to those people who said he was just “following the law” explaining this one. I guess now he is “breaking the law” or something.
Yeah but only the Democrats could stop this because they passed some kind of a law forcing the cult leader to abuse brown children. The funny thing about dear leader is he soooo… anti-immigrent until he starts looking for his next wife. But, she can’t come from a sh…hole country.
Also, dear leader has opened himself up for impeachment since neither Chuck nor Nancy have passed a new law that allows him to sign this excutive order. The rule of law must be upheld and Trump must be impeached over this.
The Trump administration if not the man himself needs a backup (rollback?) beeper just like a garbage truck.
Well, well, well …Looks like TGM fixed another problem. Tellme, Whiners, what will uou all be caterwauling about tomorrow??? LMAO!
Just landed and saw the GREAT news!!! Y’all must be happy that the problem is fixed. You can thank him now!
Thank you, Pres. Trump, for solving a problem you created. I hope the trend continues.
The sad thing is does nothing to help the ones that have already been abused by Trump’s policy. Going forward this isn’t supposed to happen but what about the already separated families? They are already being damaged.
I thank him but he must be impeached for signing this order since “the democrats” have passed no laws authorizing to stop the abuse of brown children.
Again, thank you dear leader for stopping your abuse of people of color.
Noway, I found a quick Clift notes version of events (with facts), even a 1997 Clinton reference for you to fixate on…
He knows he has midterms to worry about.
Do you really believe he does anything unrelated to his self-interest?
Ummmmm, he’s not worried about the midterms. Not even a little bit. His supporters will literally camp out at the polls!
Are you a paid Putin proselyte or just a duped follower?
Nope. Just a regular ol’ Deplorable like 63 million of my closest friends!
Apparently they are having problems finding the parents that were separated from their children. In this story they shipped 81 to Michigan to be doled out. They are running out of foster homes for the children and the children are spending the nights screaming.
Best description of today’s action with Trump: Trump is like an arsonist that sets the house on fire and then shows up to help put out the fire and proclaims himself a hero.