Cagle Campaign Demands Kemp Return Donations

The Cagle for Georgia campaign has issued a statement in response to a report issued today by The Atlanta Journal-Constitution stating that Brian Kemp’s campaign has received at least $325,000 in donations from businesses and individuals in industries he regulates. This amount apparently includes donations directly from the businesses themselves. An ethics complaint is currently pending against Kemp’s campaign.

Scott Binkley, Cagle for Georgia campaign manager:

“Brian Kemp has knowingly raised money unethically from the businesses he regulates – a clear violation of state law – and his campaign states in the story he’ll only give back a fraction of these illegal donations. Prior secretaries of state from both parties have either refused these donations – even when running for other offices – or stepped down from the office to avoid this conflict of interest. Brian Kemp, in contrast, is using the regulatory powers of his office as a stick to demand contributions for his campaign.

Kemp has talked a lot about special interest money – a topic he should know a lot about as he’s raked in cash from businesses that he has the power to investigate and that depend on his office for licensing. Folks who need licenses as a plumber, contractor or barber shouldn’t have to deal with a coin-operated politician demanding they give him a check so they can go to work every day.”


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