Georgia Right to Life Calls on Trump to Withdraw Kavanaugh Nomination
Georgia Right to Life has issued a press release calling upon “President Donald J. Trump to replace his Supreme Court nominee with a solid pro-life supporter.”
The press release states:
“We are deeply disappointed that President Trump broke his campaign promise to appoint pro-life justices by nominating Judge Brett Kavanaugh,” said GRTL President Ricardo Davis. “I and our supporters will urge the President to withdraw Judge Kavanaugh’s name and replace him with Judge Amy Coney Barrett.”
Davis said Judge Kavanaugh’s record on abortion is far from reassuring. “In his confirmation hearing to be appointed to the D.C. Circuit Court of Appeals, the judge said he would ‘…follow Roe v Wade faithfully and fully…’ That’s a gut punch to pro-life supporters,” Davis said.
Davis also noted that Judge Kavanaugh agreed that minor illegal immigrants have a constitutional right to abortions.
In addition, the judge struck a blow to religious freedom in the Priests for Life case by agreeing that the government has a compelling interest in requiring organizations to provide contraceptives and abortifacients to their employee.
“All told, the President has not lived up to what his supporters expected him to do. He needs to honor that and nominate Judge Barrett, a true champion of protecting innocent human life,” Davis said.
Georgia Right to Life promotes respect and effective legal protection for all innocent human life from earliest biological beginning through natural death. GRTL is one of a number of organizations that have adopted Personhood as the most effective strategy for the 21st century.
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Chill. He will most likely have another appointment in the near future.
I find this more concerning. His writing on Net Neutrality which shows he isnt the brightest turnip on the truck
“The rule transforms the Internet by imposing common-carrier obligations on Internet service providers and thereby prohibiting Internet service providers from exercising editorial control over the content they transmit to consumers,”
Kavanaugh wrote. He continues
“the First Amendment bars the Government from restricting the editorial discretion of Internet service providers, absent a showing that an Internet service provider possesses market power in a relevant geographic market,” Kavanaugh wrote.
“Here, however, the FCC has not even tried to make a market power showing. Therefore, under the Supreme Court’s precedents applying the First Amendment, the net neutrality rule violates the First Amendment.”
This is just so fundamentally wrong in that he doesnt seem to understand that cable tv and the internet are separate businesses with different models. This should give everyone pause.
Yeah. That Kavanaugh is real honest to God moderate unfit for the nomination.
Why do we care what the wishes of an extremist group like this are? Do they think President Trump cares? I know their former shaman could get loud while the Georgia legislature was in session but as a PAC they are at best a fringe group. They are so anti-science I’m not sure Judge Barrett will suffice. Perhaps we can reanimate a Salem witch trial judge.