Gov. Deal Endorses David Shafer
Gov. Nathan Deal jumped into the Governor’s race by officially endorsing Lt. Gov. Casey Cagle on Monday. He has now made an endorsement for Sen. David Shafer in the Lieutenant Governor primary.
Gov. Deal:
“Since taking office in 2011, my top priority has been making Georgia the best place in the nation to live, work and raise a family.
In the past eight years, we’ve invested billions in education, transportation and infrastructure. We’ve transformed our workforce development initiatives and implemented programs to train our current and future workers. We’ve also strengthened our business climate, passing a historic $5 billion tax cut that keeps more hard-earned money in the pockets of small business owners and families. For these reasons and more, we’ve been recognized for five straight years as the best place in the nation to do business.
It’s of critical importance that we build upon our successes, achievements and reforms. The only way to ensure that occurs is by electing leaders who understand what it will take to build upon those efforts. David Shafer is a strong and principled conservative. He has been a key legislative ally in my efforts to cut taxes and keep Georgia the No.1 place to do business, and I believe he will continue moving Georgia forward. For these reasons, I’m endorsing and voting for David Shafer for Lieutenant Governor.”