July 18, 2018 8:41 AM
Morning Reads for July 18
The Party of the Great Communicator truly has it’s rightful air.
- Jimmy: Under Trump the Government is Worse than it has been Before
- Mayor Bottoms already doing better than Mayor Reed.
- The President Without a Party: The Trials of Jimmy Carter
- The Atlantic adds Atlanta team to its coverage.
- Could Gwinnett finally have mass transit?
- West Nile found in Atlanta-area skeeters.
- Houston Chronicle profiles GSU legend, soon-to-be NBA legend, RJ Hunter
- The ugly scandal that cancelled the Nobel Prize for Literature.
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Ed, it’s not The Atlantic. it’s The Athletic.
Two demerits.
Looks like doctors and hospitals are upset with bad reviews.
But then there is this.
I guess they will now sue the family of anyone who dies as a result of medical errors because of the bad PR for not surviving…. Just saying…
Yesterday’s thread is too full. Question for The Haters: How soon after Flynn is formally sentenced will TGM pardon him?
Pardoning him won’t help Trump because Flynn then loses his 5th amendment rights and will have to spill the beans. And as I understand it if he lies he also voids the pardon. And there are state charges that can be filed against Flynn like conspiracy to commit kidnapping of which Trump cannot pardon. So any pardon would just make Trump look even more stupid but that’s never stopped him.
Who did he try to kidnap?
I said conspiracy to committ kidnapping.
No harm, no foul, no cop.
What the hell was that guy thinking?
So, looks like Russians DID hack our election
put on a tin foil hat and read this convincing tale…https://medium.com/@jennycohn1/georgia-6-and-the-voting-machine-vendors-87278fdb0cdf
hacked from within is more likely what their hiding
Well, in her defense, she might have just jumped on the electronic voting machine bandwagon a little too early and too ‘all-in’.
Well, Cathy is supporting Republicans now. Even donating to a number of statewide GOP candidates. Since she lost, she has not been engaged on anything on the Dem side.
Not sure that it matters, since she may be trying to win support for her current gig up there in Young Harris, but I don’t see any R’s on this list anyway:
I couldn’t get all the way through that piece, but it sounds like it was theorizing that Cathy Cox was just in bed with Diebold, and maybe she even had genuine faith in their machines, while Diebold was in conspiracy to get Repubs elected.
It started making me sick to think that all these things could have happened.
SoS spokesperson: “We have never been hacked, and according to President Trump and the Department Of Homeland Security, we have never been targeted,” Candice Broce wrote in an email.
Well, Pres. Trump said it, so it must be true. He’s never been known to lie. Maybe he meant to say Pres. Trump says that GA had never ‘not’ been targeted?
Either way, invoking the Pres.’ name is a political move, so yeah, it’s about the governor’s race.
“I will say this: I don’t see any reason why it would be.”
Well, that explains the Trump endorsement of Kemp.
This came up at our family reunion over the 4th of July holiday. My first cousin’s son – huge Trump fan – was going off on MS- 13 and pointed out to his other cousin that for all we knew the family across the road from the park were we always have our reunion could be MS-13 members. I look at the house, and turn to his mom, “That is Mrs. Garcia house isn’t it?” Mom gets a smile on her face, yes it is, and that’s her grandson’s in the back yard” I turn to my Trumpet cousin, and ask him if he seriously though a 6 generation group of American teenagers – who’s family came here from Spain before any of your German family – who are technically related to him on his dad’s side, and last I read, one is getting a free ride to play basket ball at some college in Minnesota, is a member of MS 13? He then got mad that he might be related to a gang member…
Fear is a powerful force, a primary emotion. Fear also leads to anger which leads to rage and jealousy- a path to the dark side that is.
Not sure if I got that quote right.
RE: The Nobel Prize for Literature scandal. We’re watching a lot of our long standing institutions slowly corrode from within because of hubris. The ancient Greeks had it right.
I have to admit I called the cops once while playing in the middle of a pick-up basketball game…..
….. of course someone had just stolen my wallet……
In other Trump related news:
Haas’ American development driver, Santino Ferrucci, has been sacked by his Formula 2 team after deliberately crashing into his teammate on the cool down lap of a race earlier this month.
Ferrucci… was later disqualified from that race result and accumulated 66,000 Euros of fines for separate incidents, including holding a mobile phone as he drove from the F2 paddock to the grid.
Haas junior Santino Ferrucci was blocked from running a “Make America Great Again” slogan on the side of his Formula Two car at the weekend.
This is also one of those cases where the driver’s rich father pays the team to let him drive, but apparently they have been in default in their payments.
Taking after his hero!
Well, it’s a major test of his influence. TGM endorses Kemp. Tuesday should be interesting.
There might be a job opening for Casey at the Oxendine Group…
Borat punked a Savannah cop friend of mine about 10 years ago. I think that gag ended up in the Borat movie.
So today Trump is mulling over handing over two innocent Americans Bill Browder and Michael McFaul for Putin to poison them. It’s like Trump is just pushing and pushing to see how far the GOP will bend over and take it. Never in my life have I seen a bigger bunch of spineless craven politicians than today’s GOP.
Craven, maybe but they’re right to be afraid of his worshippers. The MAGA cult is venegful and they vote.
Would you classify Hillary’s supporters as cultists, too?
LOL! Of course not. Lemme ask you, did you participate last year when all the Hilly supporters got together for a Symbolic Scream on the anniversary of Trump’s election? My money says you did! LMAO! Sorry, I wasn’t able to pick you out…
You must not have watched that because they were laughing and smiling while screaming.
You guys are using the same word that has various definitions, some of which you might actually agree on. E.g., one meaning is just like the “cult” following of fans for a movie or band. Dedicated enthusiasts, those. And most Trumpists might be proud to say they’re dedicated fans. The next level up, though, is the implication that the enthusiasm is improper or irrational. That then becomes a question of preference because Trumpists will of course think their enthusiasm is well-founded. Which means that what they do to follow and support him is rational to them, even though it looks cray to everyone else. Like Philadelphia Eagles fans, except with more racial animus :b
The next level up probably has religious implications, and of course, every religion is technically a cult. Sorry, Jesus.
The bottom line: Ppl be cray abt most things.
Depends on the supporters…. Just like Trump. Not all of them are cult like, but some are.
Bill Browder revoked his U.S. citizenship long ago for tax purposes. He’s a billionaire hedge fund guy. He’s more like Putin and Trump than not.
To the UK where taxes are higher. So that makes no sense. And no, he has nothing in common with Putin when Putin wants him murdered.
You can add Joe Walsh, Sarah Palin and the NRA leaders along with his name.
This Maria Buttina indictment gets more interesting as we find out more. Apparently Paul Erickson, a GOP activist, and she set up some bogus account to pay for her to go to school and then they were having GOP youth events with her, a Russian spy. Apparently she slept with some Republican congressmen to boot.
General Question: If liberals don’t recognize biological gender, why do they protest for women’s rights?
I don’t think I know anyone that does not recognize biological gender.
Them why do you people insist on letting biological boys compete in biological girls’ sporting events?
“you people”
Can’t wait to run into Noway in a dark alley.
Care to answer the question? Nope…
Thank GOD Trump elected!! Common sense returns!
Because it’s a stupid question. Ask a real question.
Fabulous question! If you are a liberal is it confusing trying to figure out which bathroom to use or do you just use both depending on how you feel that day? Do any of you have children that are young girls? Does this bother anyone?
Carry on Mr. Dukakis…
If it ain’t Rain Man! “Time for Wapner!” “Time for Wapner!” You rwally try to develop some new material. Ohhhhhh, and go tell uour lovely bride that you have no problem having a man barge into the restroom when she’s trying to take care of y’all ‘s newborn girls. She’ll love you more than she did yesterday!!
The latest in building code for large scale design (airports, convention centers, etc….) is instead of multiple gang restrooms with x amounts of toilets, x amount of urinals, and x amounts of sinks – you have rows of toilet rooms. Every room has a sink, toilet and urinal. You use less area since you can overla access oints of the fixtures and requires less cross circulation. You can have rooms that are non accessible, ambulatory, fully accessible and larger ones for families, so Mr. Andrew can take his twins in with him into a single room instead of a mega men’s room when he’s traveling alone. Since most large scale construction is designed to have more women’s toilets then men’s, and are calclated on the concept that use is 50/50, this lowers the toilet counts in most cases, since use is no longer based on male vs female fixture counts. It also increases the availability of facilities for when the population of a venue is more geared to a specific demographic on one day and a different one on another, and it has proven in European markets to be easier to secure.
Good point, DTM. Someone mentioned a new airport plan that is just dandy for air travelers, but what about everywhere else in public areas?
Beyond bathroom dilemmas, what about all aspects of life? Liberal socialists now espouse transgender, cisgender, pangender, bisexual, and whatever else anybody chooses to be. Biological gender at birth is SO passe.
It’s hard to accept change, and it can take time. But we are here for you. Just let us know how we can help in your journey.
I did. They are also allowing this in Assembly areas like… Malls, Stadiums, Restaurants, Convention Centers… and… brace yourselves… SCHOOLS.
The regular life question is kind of silly. know why? The LGB whatever gender people have always existed. My great aunt dressed more like man at her job at Kimberly Clark’s research department in the 1950’s then most of her male siblings. Her partner of more then 75 years worked as a elementary school teachers at a public school. EVERYONE “knew”, and no one really cared until one got sick and the relatives wouldn’t let the other in to visit or make health related choices – it might screw up the estates. They are even buried next to each other, in my family’s plot. Get a grip folks.
Yeah, A young 16 year old Edwin Moses came out yesterday saying he was feeling feminine. Guess who won that girls’ track meet!