August 1, 2018 8:08 AM
Morning Reads for Aug 1
I’m sad summer is now coming to a close. I suppose there will be another one in a few months.
- Update on Carter’s development around Georgia State Stadium.
- Mattis’ Diplomatic Judgement Akin to Carter’s
- America Needs Jimmy’s Cardigans Now More Than Ever
- Sonny Thrust into International Spotlight
- His Oped on How Trump Will Protect American Farmers
- GSU Researchers Discover Thin Gap on the Hertzsprung-Russell Diagram (the most fundamental of all maps in stellar astronomy, duh).
- Hank Johnson introduces two data privacy bills.
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There can only be one Independent State of Dade.
Let me be the first to congratulate you on posting these morning reads during the actual morning.
Your jokes at my expense are NOT requested!
Sonny’s leading the charge for welfare for farmers despite trade wars being easy to win. Trump knows all about war what with his Vietnam experience and everything.
Some have said a trade war will require much more than $10 to $12 billion in farmer welfare. We can raise more tax revenue for more farmer welfare by further cutting taxes for the rich, or Trump can capitulate and declare victory. It’s a rare win-win circumstance for the Trump party.
“$10 to $12 billion in farmer welfare” a fine example of SOCIALISM. ( and the money will be borrowed from the Chinese. LOL)
The farm tariff “problem” is classic. The government discovers a problem and creates a “solution”. The solution then sets into motion another problem, which requires another solution. It’s like a dog chasing its tail.
Even the trade ‘win’ on soybeans with the EU was not really that big of a deal in the ricing world. The EU had already increased their exporting of US soy buy over @00% from last year going into July, since Brazil soy prices went up after China start buying from there. The only one really winning is Brazil.
Of course, just because you support Trump doesn’t make you a member of a cult, but there are Trump cults:
The real problem is that all this disinformation spreads as clickbait, and gobbled up by the mentally ill and lemmings.
I would bet a large chunk of change that the source of all this info- that the leader of the cult- is a foreign intelligence operative. Probably Russian.
“On St. Catherine’s Island in Georgia, in the very center of the 98- to 131-foot-wide McQueen Shell Ring, Sanger and his colleagues found a small burial pit containing the burned, crushed bones of seven people. They were mingled with animal remains, stone tools, and a broken copper band. It looks like the kind of burial—and the kind of artifact—that belongs much farther to the northwest, not on the Georgia Coast. The surprising find links the ring builders to the wider network of trade and cultural exchange on the mainland…
Sanger and his colleagues compared the chemical composition of the copper with samples of copper sources from around the eastern US, and the closest match they found was with the Minong Mine on Isle Royale on the north side of Lake Superior, where people first mined copper with stone tools 4,500 years ago.
“This is surprising since the McQueen Shell Ring is located closer to native copper sources in the southern Appalachians (roughly 480 km) and much farther from sources in the Great Lakes (roughly 1,850 km),” wrote the archaeologists. That, they claim, is clear evidence that people at McQueen Shell Ring on the seaward side of a low-lying island were part of a long-distance network of trade and cultural exchange that stretched all the way to the Great Lakes. And the cremation shows that people were exchanging not just exotic trade goods, but also ideas, beliefs, and social systems.”…
They have found comparable upper Michigan copper objects as far south as Tabasco province in Mexico.
They were surprised because the coastal Indians were thought to be out of the loop for culture and trade.
“But for a long time, it has looked like coastal communities in what is now the southeastern US were left out of that loop. Around the same time that societies farther north and inland were settling down and forming social and political networks, people on the southeastern coast were heaping shells into broad rings around open plazas, some as wide as 650 feet. These shell walls reached several yards high, and radiocarbon dating suggests they took centuries to accumulate. We know of more than 50 of these shell rings, scattered along the Gulf and Atlantic coastlines from South Carolina to Mississippi.”
Kind of like we southern Democrats and Republicans. : )
While we’re on the subject of paleontology, Topper is one of my favorite Southern digs, very interesting info about our ancient past. Here’s an older article; you can probably find more recent info if interested.
Stunning evidence. Amazing what man has done in such a short time here. A docile climate for the last 9000 years has to massive innovation which has allowed 7 1/2 billion folks thrive on the planet and have almost instantaneous communication. We can now detect events from the actual Big Bang event itself. Unreal.
For those of us with little time, ADHA or both…
30 years for the Big Guy! Damn impressive!
TGM calls to congratulate!
And where is Jim Acosta? What a ‘bag!
Pretty sure Trump called Acosta to congratulate him on all his years of professional reporting.
MAGA ahead of his time, or part of the catalyst?
More like selling snake oil at a time when it becomes an internet craze.
Like this Q-anon thing. What the hell is that about?
I’d not heard of the Q thing before this am. And I know this may surprise you coming from me, but it sounds like Moonbat Territory to me…
Uhh… But the Dems keep telling us there are no non-citizens registered to vote! And this is just in one state. Wonder where pulling on this string will lead?
Yes, if states are registering ineligible people that is a problem for the state, and we need to fix that.
But that website has got their triggering phrases down pat. They probably have guidelines for the headline writers at this point, indicating that every headline should include a trigger phrase, of which there are many, but a few would be:
Hillary Clinton
Nancy Pelosi
border (anything)
liberal elite
Bernie Sanders
witch hunt
deep state
gender identity
and many more
Benevolus, that is a pretty good start on the long list of ills plaguing this country! Keep up the good work!
They’re more like the trigger words used to brainwash the Winter Soldier.
Sorry, dude, there are problems in this country, but at the top of the list is idiotic beliefs and an unwillingness to work together.
So millions streaming into the US illegally and California much less other states. They let them vote legally in local elections which is absurd!! And with no voter ID they can vote in presidential elections too. And encouraged to do so! Andrew calls this a blind squirrel!!
Trying to find a Russian voting in the last election and is the reason Hillary lost is the joke! It is a needle in a haystack! Lord Obama said so himself. But hell no. We have to listen to the lying, a frame job on Trump, the FBI and others and non-stop sniveling for 2 years.
Here is all a Russian needs to do to impact our elections. Go to the southern border, walk across, go to any state that is liberal state and go vote. And Andrew and the rest of the libs won’t give a rat’s ass! I have never heard such idiocy and hypocrisy in my life! But this goes as great compassion or something as long as they vote lib.
If illegals voted conservative, Andrew and the libs would sound tougher than George Patton on this issue and we all know it! There would be a wall, taller than Trump’s, with a moat and alligators in it! The left is a total joke on this issue! Its comical to watch the average lib support this idiocy.
Damn, that was Bill McKinney territory there! Where’s Burt Reynolds when you need him?
You brought up the lawsuit in Penn.
ACP responded with thoughts on the merits and odds of success.
Do you care to respond to that?
Sure. ACP gave a litany of opinions with no sourcing (which he always loves so much). Some of his opinions I agree with, some I don’t.
Like the old Dave Mason song, “There ain’t no good guy. There ain’t no bad guy. There’s only you and me, and we just disagree.”
You forgot to debunk the myth about non-citizens voting in federal elections, which I’m sure you’ve done several times already.
Maybe if you could boil down all the facts into a narrative that can be a short rhyming limerick or something, that would fit the attention span and emotional needs of many.
Jose wanted to vote for Obama
He said it would help out his mama,
But to vote here illegally
Would be a bad felony
And he just wanted to raise up some llamas.
Limericks are the future of public policy, I know it.
Because of your efforts, I’ll contribute:
There once was a hungry squirrel,
who only wanted a nut,
So he climbed up a trunk,
and shouted some junk,
Then realized that he was the nut.
There once was a meth head from Duluth
Who thought photo ID led to truth
But then his vote was denied
‘Cause they said he had lied
As his picture still showed him with a tooth
I totally agree with you on the idiotic beliefs that can’t work, don’t work and have never worked.
Millions of illegals streaming into this country can’t work. It doesn’t end well. Too many problems. Look at Europe and Germany now… Taxing and regulating your way to prosperity can’t work. You run of other people’s money at some point.
Fine, that all can be fixed. It’s called comprehensive immigration reform. But you ain’t gonna get it unless you’re willing to negotiate w Nancy Pelosi and Chuck Schumer.
Who, btw, also want to solve problems.
(spoiler: they don’t believe in open borders no matter how many times your “news” sources say so.)
It’s the demonization, the calling them “plagues” that doesn’t help getting the problems solved. It exacerbates the difficult time that both parties have in making compromises.
So, call them the devil, but if your guy can make a deal w North Korea, he can surely get one done w the Dems.
I mean, there is a bill just sitting in committee in the House right now, which Ryan and Co. won’t let out, which virtually all Dems and many Repubs want to vote on, which is a start to immigration reform, and which funds heightened tech at the border and more border enforcement.
Virtually all Dems- including Pelosi and Schumer- voted for comprehensive immigration reform in 2006 and 2013 that had tens of BILLIONS of dollars for border enforcement.
No, the problem is a failure of many Repubs to even begin to approach an actual way to solve the problem. You know why?
Because they can then demonize the Dems, and use it as a political tool to motivate voters like you. It is more useful politically to keep the problem unsolved.
I.e. you’re being used.
Or Trump says he likes a deal like Graham and Durban’s, which funds the majority of the wall, has high tech funding, saves the dreamers, and reforms legal immigration – in the morning – and then has a meeting at the White house in the afternoon where the pair get surprised with folks like Stephen Miller, Sens. Cotton and Perdue saying no deal unless you lower the legal number of immigrants, change the rules so more Euro-Centric countries (AKA Merritt Based) are favored over what the president call “$#5*hole countries, and change family based migration (AKA Chain Migration) limited to your souse and children (sorry mom and dad, I can’t bring you over to help me raise my children.) Not only does Trump want to stop illegal border crossing, which everyone really does want, but almost all immigration – the exception being his in-laws or the folks who work at his resorts and clubs.
The Trump administration even has the government looking at current permitate green card holders to see if they really meet the reasons for being here. Example, my high school friend’s parents each came into the United States after escaping out of East German in the late 1940’s. First dad, then mom 6 months later. Her dad owned a German bakery, and sold it to his son in the 1990’s and retired. They had hopes of returning to German one day when they got to the US, so never became citizens. By the time East Germany fell, they had grandchildren here and their family had moved to Canada, so they stayed here. Both had worked in the bakery so had full SSN and Medicare. Her dad died a few years ago. When she took her mom in last month to renew her green card, she was told her status had changed and she was listed as pending a review hearing, since her original status was dependent on her husband being in the country. Seriously, they want to have a hearing to rule if a 89 year old women who has lived almost 70 years in this county can stay because her spouse who sponsored her is no longer alive My friend asked if this was normal, and was told point blank that all green cards renewel as of 8 months ago are now reviewed and interpreted under the current administration’s understanding of the meaning of the legal status, not the intent of a prior way of cataloging a green card say 70 years ago. She was told by the fresh of college hired this spring case worker if she had known 10 years ago when she last renewed her Green Card she was going to stay her the rest of her life, she should have become a naturalized citizen. When my friend asked if her father was still alive if he would have been renewed, she replied not without a ruling since he was here on an asylum type of status and East Germany no longer exists. Seriously…
All 5 of her children (4 of which voted for Trump) are livid. Mostly because they have to hire an immigration lawyer to resolve this, but mainly because this is just stupid.