August 7, 2018 6:00 AM
Morning Reads for Tuesday, August 7
Good morning! Every few years, someone rediscovers the story about how Agnes Scott defeated Princeton (before it was co-ed) in the GE College Bowl. This story is a gem. “The women of Agnes Scott had manners, but they weren’t mild.”
- The Ray is changing the way highways are built across the country.
- If you aren’t reading The Economist, you’re missing out on some of the sharpest political analysis right now. Here’s their take on Trump, Brian Kemp, and Stacey Abrams.
- Why did the feds sue a duffel bag full of cash in Camden County?
- Interstate 14 would go through Columbus.
- A girl in Macon is the first girl to play for her high school’s football team.
- In Georgia, it’s now easier to get some contraception and HIV medicines.
- The great sand crisis.
- #blessed: why you’re probably miserable if you use that hashtag.
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Go Scotties.
There is also this interesting nugget involving Decatur and the first hispanic mayor in Georgia:–regional-govt–politics/two-members-georgia-immigration-panel-quit-amid-term-limit-dispute/B2chZgUNdihiHGIu5ASM9J/
This is how stupid our president can be:
“One of the most dangerous construction-related carcinogens is now legally allowed back into U.S. manufacturing under a new rule by the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). On June 1, the EPA authorized a “SNUR” (Significant New Use Rule) which allows new products containing asbestos to be created on a case-by-case basis.
According to environmental advocates, this new rule gives chemical companies the upper hand in creating new uses for such harmful products in the United States. In May, the EPA released a report detailing its new framework for evaluating the risk of its top prioritized substances. The report states that the agency will no longer consider the effect or presence of substances in the air, ground, or water in its risk assessments. ”
So the EPA will avoid testing the means of asbestos entering the environment?
Trump loves asbestos:
But (from
“Individuals involved in the rescue, recovery, and cleanup at the site of the September 11, 2001, attacks on the World Trade Center (WTC) in New York City are another group at risk of developing an asbestos-related disease. Because asbestos was used in the construction of the North Tower of the WTC, when the building was attacked, hundreds of tons of asbestos were released into the atmosphere. Those at greatest risk include firefighters, police officers, paramedics, construction workers, and volunteers who worked in the rubble at Ground Zero. Others at risk include residents in close proximity to the WTC towers and those who attended schools nearby.”
So Trump lied about the WTC.
“New data revealed that asbestos-related deaths now total nearly 40,000 annually, with lung cancer and mesothelioma being the most common illnesses in association with the toxin. That number could rise if new asbestos-containing products make their way into brand new buildings.”
“Parents buying school supplies for grammar schoolers would be wise to avoid Playskool crayons. The brand, sold at Dollar Tree, was found to have trace elements of asbestos.
“The good news is that when we were testing three years ago, all sorts of brands came back with asbestos,” said Kara Cook-Schultz, toxics director at U.S. Public Interest Research Group, which conducts annual tests of toys and school supplies. “Now it’s just this one.”
Indeed, in tests run in 2015, many major brands, including Rose Art and Crayola, contained trace amounts of asbestos fibers — a substance that can cause breathing difficulties and cancer if inhaled. Although the Consumer Product Safety Commission acknowledged that it was unclear whether the asbestos trapped in crayon wax posed a danger, it noted that kids sometimes eat crayons and recommended that parents avoid asbestos-containing brands as a precaution. ”
“In 2015, 2 million tonnes of asbestos was mined worldwide. Russia was the largest producer with about 55% of the world total, followed by China (20%), Brazil (15.6%), and Kazakhstan (10.8%).[19]”
“The use of asbestos in new construction projects has been banned for health and safety reasons in many developed countries or regions, including the European Union, Australia, Hong Kong, Japan, and New Zealand. A notable exception is the United States, where asbestos continues to be used in construction such as cement asbestos pipes.”
So our dumb president loves asbestos, the EPA is allowing it to be used again, and guess who pays? Our grandchildren and their children.
Our Ass-best-os President.
What are you people so scared of? Seriously? You can always just “change the channel…” Ohhh, who has the Zippo Lighter Fluid for the growing stack of books?
I’m not scared of Alex Jones, I’m scared of folks who listen to and watch Alex Jones.
“In the five years since Noah Pozner was killed at Sandy Hook Elementary School in Newtown, Connecticut, death threats and online harassment have forced his parents, Veronique De La Rosa and Leonard Pozner, to relocate seven times. They now live in a high-security community hundreds of miles from where their 6-year-old is buried.
“I would love to go see my son’s grave and I don’t get to do that, but we made the right decision,” Ms De La Rosa said in a recent interview. Each time they have moved, online fabulists stalking the family have published their whereabouts.
“With the speed of light,” she said. “They have their own community, and they have the ear of some very powerful people.”
On Wednesday in an Austin courtroom, the struggle of the Sandy Hook families to hold to account Alex Jones, a powerful leader of this online community, will reach a crossroads. ”
“The day after the Pozner case, in the same courthouse, is a hearing in a separate defamation case against Mr Jones brought by Marcel Fontaine, who was falsely identified on InfoWars’ website as the gunman in the Parkland, Florida, school shooting in February. Mr Fontaine, who lives in Massachusetts, has never visited Florida. The Pozner family and Mr Fontaine are being represented by Mark Bankston of Farrar & Ball, a law firm based in Houston.”
So, Noway, do you listen to or watch Alex Jones ? Trump does.
I have seen his show in the past. I have also watched Alan Combs, Jack Germond, Bill Press and Michael Kinsley. Ohhhhh….and in collage I was required to read Mein Kampf for a poly sci class. What’s your point?
You asked ‘what are you people scared of’. And I think that was a pretty obvious answer. We’re afraid of people who take AJ’s crazy conspiracy theories too seriously and ruin other people’s lives. Is that plain enough for you?
As much as you seem to revel in stories of death and violence and mayhem, I hope you are on somebody’s watch list too.
“What’s your point?”
I had pegged you as a garrulous Republican. Now I have pegged you as a crazy garrulous Republican.
More insults! Gotta luv it! Lol!
Do you only use name-brand fluid? I would think for cost-efficiency you’d want to use charcoal starter instead of butane. Are you gonna use a Bic lighter for the Zippo Lighter Fluid or go fully suited and stick with a Zippo Lighter for the Zippo Lighter Fluid? Don’t you think butane would evaporate too quickly off the HarperCollins Illustrated Hardcover Books?
I guess you are not aware of how the Posner family who had their child murdered at Sandy Hook has had to move 7 times because of the lies that Alex Jones has put out there. So to you having a liar and conspiracy theorist on you tube is more important than a family having to hide to keep from being killed.
No, I’m for free speech. Prosecute those that have threatened the family you cite. Let Alex continue his freedom of expression. Win-win!
Let Alex express himself on a platform which doesn’t violate the platform owner’s right of speech.
Also a win-win!
Fwiw, I think he will find a new outlet.
It’s clear that many ppl just lap up conspiracy theories.
So let Alex encourage more people to terrorize this poor family is what you are saying? The sad thing is if we hadn’t had so many people who self brainwashed themselves on talk radio this wouldn’t even be a problem. Nobody would care what a crackpot conspiracy theorist said because they would have been able to think for themselves and realize what was going on. So in reality conservatives have no one to blame but themselves for the mess that they created. And there’s no reason why people should be victimized because you’re too afraid to face the truth.
Yeah, let the person that yelled “Fire” in a crowded theatre go and prosecute those that stomped others in their haste to exit.
NOWAY…what are you talkin’’ bout?! If they can get rid of Alex Jones just go ahead and do it! Why let conservative speakers on college campuses when he can just ban their ass from the squirming little nerds?
How easy. I’m starting to like this snowflake stuff!! Sorry NOWAY. You must be a crow magnon, beef eating beast! Your carbon footprint is far more than it should be. Maybe you’ll just quit breathing and not be emanating any more CO2…
Wasn’t nearly as bad as that stuff you emanated in the ladies room when you were “feeling pretty!” Lol!
You have a point. That ladies room is much nicer than the men’s room…pure discrimination . Try it you’ll like it! Glad it’s perfectly legal now!
And if he’s such a baddie, the free market will see his viewer/listenership shrink to nothing like the Molester Al Frank(l)en’s venture, Air America! What are you so scared of Herr Goebbels?
I thought this photo story on ride share bicycles in China was unreal:
Former prosecutor, governor, US senator and Reagan advisor and close friend Paul Laxalt has died at 96.
Laxalt’s parents were Basque immigrants who herded flocks in Nevada, and Laxalt’s cradle tongue was Basque. It’s doubtful that such low-tech workers without English competency would be allowed in the country today.
R.I.P. to Paul Laxalt.
And speaking of Basque…I would like to mention that I highly recommend the Basque inspired cooking at Cooks and Soldiers on 14th St. That is some fantastic food, and reasonably priced, and great atmosphere.
That place is a top 5 restaurant in Atlanta. Great food and service.
Thanks for the tip on Cooks and Soldiers.
My very limited experience of Basque culture comes from some trips to Boise. There’s a strong Basque presence there, similarly stemming from shepherd immigrants. Their tapas (forget what they call them) and lamb dishes were very good.
Former Trump deputy campaign manager Rick Gates confessed to his own bank and tax fraud. lying, and embezzlement at Manafort’s trial yesterday. Gates testified he and Manafort had maintained 15 unreported foreign accounts, and that Manafort told him to report money wired from the accounts as loans rather than income to reduce Manafort’s taxable income. More testimony on Manafort today.
Birds of a feather.
Will Manafort be pardoned after November, or serve prison time as a convict?
Prison. But what does Man fort’s tax evasion have to do with Trump?
Only reason the guy is being investigated is he is tied to Trump. Too bad he is not Tony Podesta. Podesta is a liberal and gets immunity. That is how it works.
Podesta was actually the victim of a crime.
Victims don’t get sent to jail.
That’s ACTUALLY how it works.
(I know you have some unsubstantiated conspiracy theory about how it was really Hillary campaign and whatever, but– believe me– if there was evidence of a crime it will come out. E.g., Podesta’s brother or whatever just got criminally referred for prosecution.)
I appreciate the clarifications and info.
Clearly no indication! Really!
You might wanna brush up on that one! Oh, my bad, you see he DID GET IMMUNITY! Sorry I didn’t read that far!
Still not sure I believe Tucker Carlson’s ‘sources’, but even so, what are you worried about? All the R’s will get pardons anyway.
Uh, uh, uh Andrew what did you just post? I heard the same thing….He is what YOU posted. It makes sense to me. If its not true, I could care less.
There’s also a news story positing, without much in the way of support, Podesta is being offered immunity in exchange for testimony against Manafort. If that’s the case, then clearly any immunity is connection with being a cooperating witness with the prosecution and not because of Podesta’s political leanings.
Tony Podesta is not on the immunity list for this trial. Fox had a ‘break news story he was going to be one, but he isn’t. There is currently no known immunity agreement for Mr. Podesta.
Fine either way. Podesta, Manafort…blah, blah.
The story is Trump. After all of the abuse from the falsified “dossier” and golden showers, the spying, FISA abuse, the frame up, the FBI abuse, tarmacs, exonerations of felons, the press knowing fully it was spreading lies, the democrats on the hill knowing too and could care less….and still nothing….
How many times can we say, “prove it or quit the grandstanding!” You are making Trump into a victim and that is hard to do folks!
If Trump is guilty of something worth being guilty of, then get rid of him.
I just want nothing of a far-leftist, radical socialist agenda. It is toxic. Trump is simply the best vehicle to fight that agenda now.
Trump was not my first choice. Hillary was my last choice for obvious reasons. Apparently I was not alone.
Not sure why you are having a tizzy fit over me pointing out a fact…
No, the story is Russian involvement in any part of the 2016 election.
Manifort had Russian funded accounts. He went to work for the Trump campaign for nothing when he was broke. Why? The GOP platform on Ukraine became more Russia friendly without anyone on the GOP platform committee knowing. How and Why? Manifort is low hanging fruit, and if he turned informant this would have gone away just like some of Gates charges. He’s not folding. Why?
The only one grandstanding is the man with the twitchy tweeter finger.
There is no radical socialist agenda – yet. Keep in mind, if one develops is will be in response to Trump being in charge.
Hillary was not my first choice (not even in my top 10). Trump was and will always be my last choice for obvious reasons. Apparently I was not alone either (Clinton did have more votes them Trump)
Mueller has more indictments and guilty pleas than any special counsel in the history of the country. He is doing an excellent job. Just let him do his job and let the chips fall where they may. However I understand your screeching because in your heart you know Trump is guilty. There’s tons of evidence already public that puts Trump in a very, very bad light.
Trump’s working stiff supporters are no proud that the only thing on Trump’s schedule yesterday was dinner with supporters at 7:30. But hey, the schedule doesn’t detail hairdo and executive time! Like Trump spending Oval Office time showing visitors his own rally performances.
“Trump commentates as he watches, according to sources who’ve sat with him and viewed replays on his TiVo, which is pre-loaded with his favorites on the large TV in the private dining room adjoining the Oval Office. When watching replays, Trump will interject commentary, reveling in his most controversial lines. “Wait for it. … See what I did there?” he’ll say.
Axios reports that “instead of looking for weaknesses in technique or for places to improve, Trump luxuriates in the moments he believes are evidence of his brilliance.”
The GOP is MAGA!!!
Where is the time on his schedule for intern servicing? Or bimbo eruption cover-ups?
Does your nom de plume mean you advocate denigration of the middle, or is it representative of what you think of your opinions?
Probably going to have to find some more time for that now that Michael Cohen can’t do it for him.
Just some of the ways by which Trump can’t be defended, relative to any President, or in fact most human beings:
1) Sexual assault;
2) Infidelity;
3) Amount of time spent playing golf;
4) Health and diet;
5) Commission of fraud and misrepresentation;
6) Bigotry and misogyny;
7) Egoism and greed.
Feel free to add your own.
I’m sure there are many more characteristics where whataboutism or any other defense will always be a losing battle.
The good news is that you don’t actually have to defend these things.
You could be reasonable, acknowledge them, and move on.
Buttery males!
Yep, a lot of us are going to be put in shackles. Me too –especially for too much golf!
How did you know? Maybe the DOWN THE MIDDLE HANDLE. Or maybe I should go by MAKEMOPUTTS!
I know I could have a better diet and my health thank God is good, but I know that can go any day. It is okay to acknowledge the maker without hurting a liberal’s feelings? Just checking!
Why don’t we all join in and figure out how many of these things we are all guilty off?
Oh my Lord GREED! I guess Greed is not good?! Yep I do work for a living and don’t want to be an indentured servant to the liberal politicians in Washington confiscating everything I earn. So damn I am probably guilty of at least 4 or 5 of these at least!
Man that is a compelling list. Are you really putting infidelity in here? Man that sure makes a short list for most of us including liberal politicians…
I am not much into assault or infidelity. I would probably get my butt whipped on the assault angle and I know infidelity is a bad investment because you will lose at least half of your stuff for a little bit of pleasure …and then you are wishing she would just go home and forget about it…
I will pass on the bigotry since we all are descendants from Lucy over there in Africa a million or so years ago, so I am with you on that one…
I am glad you didn’t specifically call him a racist again, just a bigot, so there is some improvement on your part, so you have that going for you. Maybe like the Dali Lama’s blessing… But you did get in the women hater jab. All is all a pretty good list.
After reading your list I am almost overcome with white guilt and about to turn into a radical socialist liberal…. Awe Naw. Anything but that!
DTM, I’m guessing either you played baseball and loved those pitches down the middle or you drive your golf ball down the middle (which might be bad on a dogleg hole).
Well, there’s been over 100 women accusing Trump of sexually assaulting them. So I would imagine that he takes some time to take care of that or maybe since he just calls them all liars over and over he doesn’t need any time.
I heard it was 1000. I’ll see your 100 and raise you 100!
Your Nazi guy Bannon said it was 100 during the campaign. You can have that fight with him.
Andrew. Nice treatise on Mueller.
Back to the REAL question. Anything on Trump? Naw. Sorry. Does anyone think this investigation is not biased as hell and NOT a witch hunt? I guess there re a few of you left…
Is that why y’all have to make up stories about Dems getting immunity? Because Mueller nicking Dems looks a lot like “NOT a witch hunt”? But if the Dems get special treatment it’s just a smokescreen and it can still be a witch hunt, right?
Uh B. Check the list and see how many have gotten immunity! How about in the Hillary investigation? That gets pretty funny. Ask Strzok about all the ones he gave immunity too! See if any were conservatives.
The Swamp gets swampier.
New story from Forbes about Wilbur Ross, the Commerce Secretary:
“There are bigger allegations. Over several months, in speaking with 21 people who know Ross, Forbes uncovered a pattern: Many of those who worked directly with him claim that Ross wrongly siphoned or outright stole a few million here and a few million there, huge amounts for most but not necessarily for the commerce secretary. At least if you consider them individually. But all told, these allegations—which sparked lawsuits, reimbursements and an SEC fine—come to more than $120 million. If even half of the accusations are legitimate, the current United States secretary of commerce could rank among the biggest grifters in American history.
Not that he sees himself that way. “The SEC has never initiated any enforcement action against me,” Ross said in a statement, failing to mention the $2.3 million fine it levied against his firm in 2016. ”
The man is a lowlife. “Lock ’em up!”
Armanidog, you are a wise man, gentleman and scholar!
Played baseball as a kid and coached it for a dozen years as an adult. Golf since I was a kid and got my kid out of mothers morning out in pre-Kindergarten when he was 3 every Wednesday to go play. I never let him win but he did by 9 and had to shoot even par to do it.
He is mid 20s now and a fabulous player. My favorite partner and we have great times together. Liberal or conservative, get your kids into golf and you have a partner for life. Just my advice and I am sure not many on this blog care about that!
Where in the hell can you get a kid, a teenager or young adult to spend 3-6 hours with adults and no cell phones and no interruptions? I can’t think of anything else that does. They learn how to behave around adults as well. I highly recommend it.
I am thinking of changing my handle to MAKEMOPUTZ! It fits pretty well!
We need to do something about golf, too. It’s a game for the elites. It’s expensive and most of us working stiffs don’t have that kind of time anyway. I propose a tax on golf balls. Tax them like $10 each. The money can go towards rent subsidies for people within zones defined as those with the lowest incomes.
Golf courses should also pay double the normal rate for their water, as their usage drives up the price for everyone else, so WE are subsidizing their usage. That has to end.
All those vented golf shirts should just be banned because they are stupid looking.
Benev my bro. Let me “hep” you. I think you are on to something here. Best I idea I have ever heard on this blog as a matter of fact… I am from the gubment and here to hep you”
Just like Reagan quoted! I think you have a wonderful idea!
This could Obama’s 243rd tax. $10 on golf balls. Hell yea! If you can’t confiscate the damn clubs at least tax the balls! You know like ammunition! That ‘ll get ’em.
hose elite pampered slobs! Lets tax ugly ass clothes, white belts and white shoes too! They make me sick! Anyone with over a 40 inch waist should pay more too!
You know Obama somehow hated tanning beds. Did you know he passed 2 taxes on their ass? He sucked so bad playing golf he probably feels like a victim there too! The only thing I saw worse than Obama’s golf swing was hit pitiful left handed throwing motion when he threw out the first pitch. Man Lord I don’t want to offend any girls that can throw but folks, that was embarrassing!
Golf…did you guys know the one black guy on tour goes and kicks the honkees asses for 20 years? I love Tiger, warts and all. Seems like so many of our political figures. Women just seem to be his weakness. And so many others…
I propose that Tiger gets to hit from the red tees since he is a minority and clearly has been discriminated against! Gosh he already won everything but I guess he would win twice as much!
The $10 tax could darn sure lower all of us broke a– folks golf green fees! I wish those guys at Augusta would subsidize my own golf dues! Do you now how much those top 1%ers at Augusta control of the nation’s wealth? Its sickening! Where is Martha Burke when we need her?
You know what, the liberal, tax the sh– out of anything you don’t like thing is really contagious! I like it! Look out Andrew I am feeling a little cooler temperature wise on a steaming hot afternoon… Could it be…am I too turning into a snowflake?
Help NOWAY!! Help! I had a yen to go to the Ladies room at lunch today too and I can’t find my official MAN Card. Awe naw!! Will you guys welcome me to the radical liberal club?!
Lol! Just got back in and am catching up with DTM’s Lessons for Libz! Go ahead, barge right in with them spike clacking golf shoes!! Tell the mortified woman at the sink you’re feeling pretty today, slam the door of the stall, release a four octive surprise and watch her run out screaming!!
Noway. Did you hear the Sesame Street is coming back with a Lessons for Libs segment ? They are looking for guest hosts
I am nominating you for charter membership! We all want our kids to grow up into well balanced young adults. This snowflake ration they get from kindy garden on through college is so toxic and debilitating…It is so bad that it is turning into a national emergency! Just watch them. It’s embarrassing.
I hear Trump is starting liberal immersion therapy nationally this fall for kindy gardens with the full enforcement of Betsy DeVoss and Linda McMahon. Ben Carson too!
B, you gotta be joking with this one! Lol!
Come on Bev. Show us that liberals have at least a little sense of humor. You know it is a marvelous idea to tax golf balls and hundreds of other things too!
Imagine all the jobs that golf ball tax created! Does anyone want to guess how many and what kids of jobs?
This looks like a job for someone as bright and enlightened as Andrew! Anyone go for it!
I do have a sense of humor. Let me know when you are being funny.
You don’t need to do anything about golf. It’s a dying sport. These days the majority of people who play it have one foot in the grave and the young people have no use for the sport.
Armani, that is one fine looking Pit-bull! Sweet dogs and great pets. Some adults make them mean. Extraordinarily strong dogs…
You ever seen one take down a 300- pound wild hog while hunting them? I have. Very impressive. The dog chases them down, grabs them by the ear, takes them down and the hog just holds on! The hog is just paralyzed praying you get that 40 -pound dog off him! It’s amazing to watch. I don’t want one on me!
DTM, thank you for your kind words. My dog is named Armani. She can’t take down pigs, she had half her lower jaw removed due to a melanoma tumor back in April. It was stage 4 so the vet says she had 6 months to live . No sign of any new tumors yet. Keeping my fingers crossed.
Glad to hear she is doing well!
There was a vet in my family and he loved pit bulls too! I had a couple of Boston Terriers. Great with kids, hysterically funny, sweet as heck, hyper and dumber than a bag of rocks! But loveable.
Have not gotten another one because I need kids around to keep them busy!
20 years ago today,
Anyone shocked over the SOS and his office having issues…
Horrible…don’t forget Beirut earlier…awful.
And Pan Am 103…
Beirut will be 35 year on October 23rd (or maybe the 22nd). The 30 year for Pan Am 103 is December 21st.
Stick with ‘on this day theme…’boys.
Kemp has surpassed stupid and is heading toward dumb.
From the original article:
“Habersham County’s Mud Creek precinct in northeastern Georgia had 276 registered voters ahead of the state’s primary elections in May.
But 670 ballots were cast, according to the Georgia secretary of state’s office, indicating a 243 percent turnout.
The discrepancy, included in a number of sworn statements and exhibits filed as part of a federal lawsuit against the state by election security activists, comes amid swelling public concern for the security of Georgia’s voting systems. Georgia is one of four states that uses voting machines statewide that produce no paper record for voters to verify, making them difficult to audit, experts say.”
Caputo changes his story about meeting with Russians. I guess lying to congress was another charge he didn’t want Mueller to be able to charge him with.
Can I ask a simple question? They have a meeting in Trump Tower with a Russian lawyer that says she has some stuff on Hillary. They did not and they talked about adoption or something and the meeting was cut short. So the hell what?
Did Trump pay $12 million for lies from the damn Russians? Did he get the FBI to spy on Hillary? Did he get the FBI to try and frame Hillary? Did Strzok try to frame Trump? Duh?!
Who in the hell wouldn’t take that meeting? That is not illegal. It’s opposition research at best. The fake ass dossier is what? Opposition research. It is what they did with the research is criminal.
What the hell was Hillary, the DNC, the FBI and press all doing? Illegal collusion. Throwing a presidential election. No doubt about that. Are you folks out of your mind? Why not a little common sense?
Why did that lawyer have a meeting with Fusion GPS just before meeting with Trump? That is the firm that Hillary used to pay the $12 million. Did you know she denied paying them for a year? Why?
What was Fusion prepping the Russian Lawyer about? Trying to entrap someone ?
How many spies did the FBI have in the Trump campaign? Isnt that how they set up that doofus Carter Page? Grow up. The collusion is with those that had all the power.
Trump is a rich businessman. No Federal power right?
The collusion is with Hillary and the dems. No question. How can ANYONE SAY OTHERWISE?know that is asking too much.
Andrew your the lawyer. Where is the collusion? What does your intuition tell you? Be honest please. Trump who nobody thought would win or the dems covering their ass, keeping their candidate out of jail and trying to rig the election. You tell me.
“Can I ask a simple question? ”
DTM, I saw this photo story on the Reuters site. I liked the dance sport competition.
Awe Naw Armanidog! Shame on you! Shame, shame, shame Gomer!
I knows what yous is tryin’ to do….you are tryin’ to trick old DTM aka MAKEMOPUTZ– into sayin’ something bad about gay folks sose the rest of de’ haters on this blog can acusualate me of being anti gay!!
Shame on you! I aint falling for it! Aint gonna happen! No Sir…
You know Andrew is already wantin’ to Alex Jones me of this here blog. Then you will be stuck with his dry, humorless, hateful, lawyerly gobbledygook that nobody but another radical lib snowflake can understand! Now you wouldn’t want that would you? I hope not.
Nope I looked at the first picture. It looked like a midget throwing contest I once saw at a local fair North GA years ago after a cock fight… It is still etched to my memory and I just cant shake it….But that is a very handsome dark skinned fellow that looks very athletic. It looks like a wonderful event.
Like I have said before. I love everyone. Gay folks, white folks, Martians, girls of all shapes, colors and sizes and even Russian spies. They are humans too.
I think the biggest threat to America is really just the radical leftist movement that has gotten so absurdly over the top that it has spawned the Tea Party, split the country, ginned up all sorts of hatred and is corrosive as hell . And yes those some folks spawned the orange Lucifer himself. T R U M P…
Well if you and people like you weren’t so hateful towards anything left of Jonah Goldberg, we might actually be able to find some common ground. But your hatred is so automatic and reactionary that you can’t even be bothered to actually look anything up to find out facts. I mean, do you really even know why you are supposed to hate Nancy Pelosi?
You spew all this stuff about Hillary Clinton, but most of it has been debunked here (and elsewhere) multiple times. But, like Pavlov’s dogs, no matter what, Hillary is the demon/enemy and no facts are going to change that for you. That doesn’t make any sense.
Conservatives and liberals disagree, that’s OK. People are different. But one should have reasons for why they are one or the other.
Sniv….Instead of snarkin’ on DTM, why don’t you answer this? Or is this your “typical ” non-response to all questions logical?
You don’t take a meeting with spies. Do you not realize that it is illegal?
This article explains why Hillary did nothing wrong and Trump probably did:
Oh, you just hire them, pay them, give the info to the FBI and have them frame him! Like Hillary. Darn Trump, call Hillary next time if you want to get away with anything!
Trump if you want to delete 30,000 emails? Who you gonna call? Hillarybusters?!
Just don’t have a meeting with them somehow! HMMMMM. Does this make sh…for sense to anyone?
How do you know she is a spy anyway… after a phone call? Maybe her name was Natasha? Is that it? Sometimes you make you laugh.
I was going to applaud you for not saying the word Nazi one time today. I don’t think you used racist yet so I guess I should give you a merit badge.
However I cant tell you how disappointed I was…just saw a post and darned if you didn’t use the Nazi word.
You know what happens to an argument or discussion if one sides goes to gutter like that? Hmmm, they automatically lose…
RRRRRkkkkkk,..Polly want a Nazi? RRRRKKK.
That’s called ‘Godwin’s Law’, and Godwin has said; “Godwin commented on the Nazi and fascist comparisons being made by several articles on Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump, saying: “If you’re thoughtful about it and show some real awareness of history, go ahead and refer to Hitler when you talk about Trump, or any other politician.” So you can’t invoke Godwin’s Law anymore, especially when it comes to Trump. Because it’s not far-fetched anymore. It’s really happening. And someone has to name it.
You just can’t admit that the GOP has been lying to you for decades. So you can’t do anything but repeat their lies.
Carolina…”intent” is a horrible word, ain’t it!? Lol!
Something you apparently don’t understand nor do you care to.
Awwwwww Nawwwwwwwww! Looky here!
And your dog Kemp is the one that is getting down in the country for that.
“As provided under Georgia law, I responded to a request made by ten electors to conduct an examination of Georgia’s current voting equipment to test its accuracy and security,” said Kemp. “After a thorough examination, the team’s recommendation is that the system is accurate and safe for continued use. I am confident that the current system, which is tested by experts for every election, continues to properly capture and reflect all voters’ choices.”
I’ve got to ask. How is it legal for a sitting SoS to run for higher office when they are tasked with running that same election? I’m not even implying anything nefarious with this one but just his usual incompetence in running the business of that office mean his assurances mean nothing at all.