September 12, 2018 9:11 AM
Morning Reads for Sept 12
Hey! I’m back!
- U.S. News & World Report: GSU ranked number two in the nation.
- Georgia State announces creation of $20-million FinTech academy
- Jimmy Carter’s Uncommon Decency
- Jimmy Carter: To Beat Trump, Dems Can’t Scare Moderates
- Emory Prof: The Republican Approach to Voter Fraud–Lie
- BBC: The Sinking Islands of the Southeast US
- College basketball legend RJ Hunter signs with the Hawks
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Latest from The Libs…Their derangement continues! They are pure, unadulterated trash.
“The local police department is cooperating with the federal Bureau of Alcohol Tobacco and Firearms (BATF) in the ongoing investigation, Morgan said, adding that authorities have not yet identified a suspect or a motive for the fire.”
I don’t think Wyoming has too many liberals.
Good morning Ed. Where’s the music link?
Kava-Awww-Nawww has a gambling problem. He’s owned by Trump.
Pages 7-15 are an interesting read.$file/10-1412-1373254.pdf
Didn’t Abe Fortas have to step down from the supreme court for financial problems?
They had no plan. They left those people to die in Puerto Rico.
BREAKING: What may be millions of water bottles. meant for victims of Hurricane Maria, have been sitting on a runway in Ceiba, Puerto Rico, since last year, according to FEMA, which confirmed the news to me, late tonight, after pictures, posted today on social media, went viral.
More people were killed in Puerto Rico than on 9/11. Trump is one man wrecking ball it seems.
So are you nimrods claiming Trump killed the folks in Puerto Rico? It was not the hurricane’s fault?
Did Bush kill the folks on 9-11 too?
And if folks die due to Hurricane Florence, Trump will have killed them too?
You can attribute deaths– through the Magic of Science!– to those caused directly by the storm and those which were otherwise preventable if there was preparedness.
It’s like if you wanted to measure if vaccines prevented the spread of a disease or something similar.
God, the lack of nuance, and ignorance in both science and street smarts is just so astounding and frustrating.
You don’t think Trump’s negligence and incompetence caused deaths? I did not even mention George W. Bush. All I did was state a fact that more people died from Hurricane Maria and Trump’s incompetence than died in 9/11. Talk about a mind jumping around and flailing.
The lack of emergency preparedness cause many more deaths than necessary. Do you not find it abhorrent that he transferred $10 million from FEMA to ICE right before hurricane season? He’s a criminal, a narcissist, and unfit for office.
Do you know that $9 million bucks wont buy a toilet from the Feds? So even if the article were true and it is not, you are being played for a fool. Shocker…It succeeded in ginning up lib outrage in your case at least! (that was the purpose of the lying hit piece)
Try this on for size. So in your brilliant mind, all Trump needs to do is move $9 million from one column to another and the problem is solved. What BS!
Their budget is 15 billion…How much will they spend to rebuild? Unlimited. There is no shortage of money for this cleanup. The article is simple mean to gin up liberal hatred. And the damn storm hasn’t hit yet. And fools like you blame Trump for the storm!
Most folks could see by the number itself it is a freaking rounding error….but not you.
BJ, would you like to be a charter member of the new “Don’t listen to the liberal message classes”? You clearly could use it!
We have a trainer coming in to help folks reduce the number of 4 letter words they utter on a daily basis.
Latest polling on Trump Job Approval
RCP Average 8/29 – 9/11 — 40.6 53.6 -13.0
And the latest GDP forcast:
“Latest forecast: 3.8 percent — September 11, 2018
The GDPNow model estimate for real GDP growth (seasonally adjusted annual rate) in the third quarter of 2018 is 3.8 percent on September 11, down from 4.4 percent on September 5. After last Friday morning’s employment report from the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, the nowcasts of third-quarter real consumer spending growth and third-quarter real gross private domestic investment growth decreased from 3.3 percent and 15.9 percent, respectively, to 3.0 percent and 14.0 percent, respectively. The model’s estimate of the dynamic factor for August—normalized to have mean 0 and standard deviation 1 and used to forecast the yet-to-be released monthly GDP source data—declined from 1.11 to 0.41 after Friday’s employment report.”
Looks like Trumps approval will be going down some more.
Polls…I hate to be ugly as you know…always above board and upbeat…but didn’t the NY Times and others liberal pundits and pollsters say that Hillary had a 99% chance of winning the election even at 8:00 pm the night of the election?!
Wonder how the democratic candidates like Maxine, Booker, Hillary and Bernie are polling these days? Maybe the Cortez babe…
Uh what is there not to like about a strong economy and folks working? If folks would just turn off the liberal media each day, wouldn’t everyone be better off and more happy?
Does anyone disagree with that statement? I doubt it.
Should we pushing for a national movement called “Don’t listen to a liberal today”! It could be part of a mental health effort. Costs would be minimal and the results would be staggering.
If we could team that up with these other self evident truths…
Stay in school.
Don’t get pregnant, don’t get anyone pregnant.
Don’t do drugs.
Don’t listen to liberals.
Sheeze that would be a homerun wouldn’t it? A cure for misery, poverty and hatred…
Can I get an Amen?!
I would add “Don’t vote for reality TV stars” since that has not worked well so far.
If folks hadn’t listen to liberals, we would still be subjects of the British crown
Ellyn, I think you have it TOTALLY BASS ACKWARDS….here is why.
Didn’t the colonists hate taxation without representation? Didn’t they have a little TEA PARTY and revolution to get away from just that one tax much less other taxes, regulations and control?
Who raised 242 taxes while he was in office? It wasn’t Trump! It was Obama. Uh, who proposed cutting your taxes and not one stinking democrat voted for it? The democrats are clearly your British Crown.
Anyone want to disagree with that?
Which president is cutting back massive regulations that have infringed upon our freedoms and prosperity? Thanks Trump.
Which party wants to so much regulations that they mandate you cant even be safe in which bathroom you can use?
Which party today is one that supports an even more massive, intrusive government?
So Ellyn, the current colonist are fleeing your liberal Crown aren’t they? So you are not even close. Try another angle please!
You can justify history to meet your ideals however you want if it makes you sleep better.
Well Ellyn, that is what you just did. Gold star!
Some one needs to reread Locke’s ‘First Treatise’, Milton’s ‘Areopagitica’, Montesquieu’s The Spirit of the Laws, and John Mayhew sermon ‘Discourse Concerning Unlimited Submission’ which gave us “No taxation without representation”. (Note it didn’t say ‘no taxes’.) AND lets not forget that rebel who came up with the radically liberal theory that questioned why a countries wealth remained constant and could only increase that wealth at the expense of another country. Instead a country could increase wealth through free trade – Adam Smith and his Wealth of nations.
All originated as liberal ideas that challenged the 18th century status quo of Devine Rights of Kings, nationalized religions, the lack of having representation in your only countries government and mercantilism.
Nope, it’s a proven fact that the Tea Party of 2013 was the conservative inspiration behind the Tea Party of 1773.
Stop trying to rewrite history when history hasn’t even happened yet.
What can I say, I have a Classics and Philosophy collection and I am not afraid to reread it…
I meant not squirting one out when you are 15-23 or so and not being a father to one you do. Hope that clarifies it.
Glad you all agree with that mental health program with that clarification!
With those 2 BAs and a law degree….THAT was the depth of that post?! Good grief! Utter stupidity…
Did you hear anyone trying to ban folks from having kids? Darn Ange you should have dialed in triplets by that time since you were such whirlwind. Go for it.
And sounds like you would take care of them too. Good for you.
Did you hear any snivelers trying to ban conservative speech at every venue…including this one!? Ouch.
The problem is you were paying attention to the words that DTM was writing- seemingly more attention than DTM was paying when he wrote them.
Your attention to the detail is the mark of a professional.
My advice is to pay less attention, or resign yourself to the long hard road that will be educating DTM on reading and writing.
Uh Ang, I said try not to have a kid when you are a kid yourself. It is preferable to have kids when you can afford them.
Now is that REALLY CONTROVERSIAL? Apparently to you. Go figure.
I still think this would be a fabulous mental health mantra.
Don’t do drugs.
Stay in school. Work hard.
Don’t have kids when you are a kid. Wait a while and have them when you can afford them.
If you have a kid, be a parent. Don’t run off.
Don’t listen to the current liberal message. You will be far better off. All I hear is that America sucks and anyone you don’t agree with is a racist or worse.
Have a happy, healthy life.
That was the best 9-11 memorial ever. The president gets a reward for that.
Gov Deal has announced a STATE OF EMERGENCY for ALL counties in GA this weekend due to the updated track of Hurricane Florence. WSB has the latest
It mainly to stop price gauging at this point.
Just had a moment to drop by, and here are the same ol’ lib/socialists whaling on Noway as usual. But he holds his own and then some! Hang in there, buddy. You too, DTM!
It appears they still don’t know what the meaning of is, is. “Alleged” means “gossiped about”, “rumored to be”, “accused by enemies”, etc. of any variety of unproven accusations. But where POTUS Trump is concerned, let’s don’t acknowledge what IS actually means, right?
But, boy, is he some kind of powerful! He can even create hurricanes, according to these bozos. And about all those millions of bottles of water still sitting on the P/R runway…. How was anybody supposed to force the Puerto Rican people to distribute it and drink it??
Like the old saying, “You can lead a horse to drink, but you can’t make him water!”
Glad you’re back!!
Thanks! I hope to have a bit more time to blog the next few days.
I understand what you’re implying when you says Noway “holds his own”, but it’s unclear what you mean by “and then some”.
I am guessing it involves a thumb.
So goes Elkhart…
After reading that article it makes sense that people are not buying RVs. With declining wages for workers and RV manufacturers having to rasie their prices because of the tarriffs it is a recipe for worry about the economy.
Yea, lets just raise the hell out of everyone’s taxes so no one can buy jack shi–! That is what the wizard Obama did isn’t it?! That and play the race card.
Sometimes this is too easy.
Yes a segue in your simple mind to nothing that has anything to do with the subject at hand is always easy for you.
Did you say segue? Didn’t Obama segue the country to socialism? And then made a big deal out of being black?
God, so easy.
Wait, did I say country? Didn’t Obama want to turn this country into Venezuela? And impose an anti-white racist agenda?
Too easy.
-record skips-
Wait, did I say Obama? Didn’t Obama wanna Obama everything? And make racists racist?
-record skips-
So you basically can’t defend yourself against anything I said and just start on another Gish Galloping rant. I totally get Trump could murder someone in broad daylight and you would make excuses for him by attacking and blaming Hillary and Obama but your schtick is so ridiculous that I laugh at you.
Darn, the libs are taking it to new heights. Obviously many libs have shot or attacked conservatives in the last year or two but here is a lib actually shooting himself to protest Donald Trump being president. That is truly confusing to me.
I thought we had some wackos on this blog, but I don’t think any of you have gone this far… Can one of the you radical libs help us all understand this level of derangement? I don’t even think NOWAY or Rush could figure this one out. This is certainly above my pay grade…
Thanks for any light you can shine on this situation. Do you think this person would have been better off not watching liberal news sources over the last few years like I have suggested? I really do think I can save lives by encouraging folks to quit listening to the liberal cabal.
The arm was unusual…. they usually shoot themselves in the foot!
You know what? You are right Sally! I hadn’t thought of that.
I sure miss your wit, insight and wisdom. It gets a little old listening to dry, humorless, hate- filled rants. The name calling… but somehow we conservatives endure.
I thought I had a great idea today. Lets encourage folks to give up the liberal media, turn off CNN, MSNBC, don’t read the NY Times…for your own mental health and sanity. Save your family from such frustration and hatred. Why put up with the Facebook hate and intimidation?
I think it could save lives…There really is a great world out here….I am always thinking about others. I give and I give and I give… But enough about me.
Occasionally, like a blind hog rooting up and acorn, there is a post this is actually hilarious and enlightening. It gives me hope…
Don’t be a stranger, okay?!
Thanks, DTM. I know what you mean about the steady drone of hatred from the lefties, but it seems that’s their fabric. I miss the old Peach Pundit days, when libs, moderates, and conservatives could have respectful exchange of thoughts on here and even enjoy laughs together. Instead of at the expense of others.
You and Noway give me hope, that there are still people who care enough to come on here and try to give a different point of view. I know that with you two in the mix, they can’t make this just another echo chamber! Goodnight, friend.
Peace Bro’!
I know Noway and I enjoy tweaking these folks. All you have to do is repeat what the hell they say to us back to them and damn if it doesn’t sound absurd.
But they still defend it! And get flustered doing it. Well I would too if I had to defend that stuff.
Ah, yes,. The “I’m rubber and your glue” rejoinder again. You ought to elevate yourself from the early elementary school level to that of the fifth or sixth grade level of cult leader Trump, and do your part to MAGA.
I’m getting a little verklempt with all the PDA going on here. ::sniff::.
Rick Scott is trying to run from Trump. He was running away before the death toll came in. So far at least Desantis has not led in one poll.
Manafort cutting a deal.
Does it include cooperation?
Will Trump just assume that it does?
What’s the ETA until Trump goes from respect for Manafort to calling him a rat?
I can’t imagine it wouldn’t have cooperation. I would think Mueller would not do any agreement with Manafort unless he completely spills the beans.
And of course, that is only significant if there are beans to spill. Just like every other deal Mueller has made.
Just in the news yesterday I believe was something like a 20 million dollar transfer from Russia to Manafort the day after he became Trump’s campaign manager. Now we know why someone who was apparently broke could work for the Trump campaign for no pay. It looks like Trump’s buddy Vlad put Manafort on the payroll.