September 19, 2018 9:33 AM
Late Morning Reads on September 19
- GSU and Tech get $2.5 million to start Atlanta Global Studies Center
- Journalist Jonathan Alter discusses turning points in Jimmy’s presidency.
- Sonny presses ahead with unpopular move to relocate USDA offices.
- Gov. Deal declares September as Balloon Month.
- Science: Ronald Acuna is really good.
- GSU releases 2018-19 basketball schedule
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Mark Judge, the guy who was with Kava-Aww-Nawww in the room when he assaulted Dr. Ford, refuses to testify under oath.
In another alt-right association, Mark Judge was a contributor for the Daily Caller and has a long history with Chuck C. Johnson.
He is part of the alt-right propaganda machine. These slimy bastards are all connected and have been plotting for years. DISGUSTING!
It needs to be noted that Trump would be directing the full force of the FBI and a spectrum of law enforcement and security agencies, and Grassley the same with Senate investigators, to investigate what Kavanaugh allegedly did to Ford, if they thought it would exonerate Kavanaugh.
Bookman’s column in today’s AJC makes a point:
“From the beginning, my chief concern with Kavanaugh has been temperament, not ideology.” … “[M}y concern with Kavanaugh has been the role he played as top assistant to Ken Starr in the Clinton investigations. Documents from that era depict a partisan fanatic, eager to use the powers of the independent counsel to publicize every humiliating detail of Bill Clinton’s sordid affair with Monica Lewinsky, even when they had no legal relevance. He now requests the fair treatment that he tried to deny others two decades ago, and he should get it.”
Oh so the FBI would not be trying to frame Trump again? That is a relief!
David Brock said he was in the same “training” class with Kavanaugh and that Kavanaugh is vile. Kavanaugh tortured the poor family of Vince Foster and put them through heck. He is a sick individual and the more you find out about him the more Dr. Ford is believable.
For Game Of Thrones fans.
I just watched the last two seasons of Game Of Thrones and I knew in my heart someone had inserted Trump as a character. This is from 2016:
We’re all supposed to receive a test “Presidential advisory” text on our phones 03 Oct.
Yeah, an advisory from a dirtbag that puts himself ahead of everything else and doesn’t know the difference between 16 and a thousand deaths is providing information you’re supposed to rely on for your safety. MAGA.
I’m guessing it’s going to be something like “Drink your Ovaltine”, and maybe we’ll get another one a week or so before the election.
“Just say no”
Okay dipsqueeze, the next hurricane warming you and Ray Nagin can be roommates on the bus!!
Great liberal reply.
Hurricane warnings should come from NOAA or something. Why would anyone think that needed to come from the president? The only thing that MIGHT justify a message from the president would be a nuclear attack, and even then it would be better coming from Homeland Security or the Air Force.
Trump is the absolute epitome of why it shouldn’t come from the president: He’s too political, he doesn’t care about the repercussions of what he does, and every single thing he does he makes it about himself. Not the type you want handling an alert system.
Just when I think you couldnt possibly be more of a moron, you surprise me. If there was ANYONE in the area that didnt know Florence was coming…guess what…a text message wasnt going to change that since they had to be living under a rock (roommate of yours?).
Trump cited transparency in press secretary statement that Trump is ordering FISA warrant and other information concerning Carter Page to be released.
Release your tax returns, dirtbag.
Dave, no one has to release their tax returns. Why in the hell should he? To listen to you and others snivel about taking a deduction for his used underwear and condoms like Clinton?
Why don’t you focus on something worthwhile. Like making up crap like the rest of the libs.
You seem to continue to make good use of Clinton’s tax returns.
Plus- folks want to see if he’s lying about a whole range of things, or committing crimes, etc. Much more interesting than underwear.
But we can just presume he lied on his tax returns because he already lied about disclosing them. That’s the price you pay for the failure to present evidence.
Promises, promises….
Go ahead and assume he lied! I’m sure the IRS And their unbiased investigators never audited him!
Read the indictment from the NY AG Barbara Underwood and there’s numerous examples of him lying. You don’t have to assume anything.
The standards that govern IRS audits and subsequent pursuit of charges are entirely different than those of a special investigator, but that ‘s a distinction beyond your comprehension.
He did lie on his tax returns. Remember he stole 7 bucks from his own charity to pay for his son’s boy scout fee. He had to sign those charity tax returns.
No one has to but they do it anyway so that the questions can be cleared up. If they don’t release them the questions never end and it appears that they are hiding something. So the question really should be: Why shouldn’t he release them?
At this point it doesn’t matter if he releases them or not. I’m pretty sure Mueller has them and your best hope is that Trump goes ahead and pardons himself from all the illegal crap they are finding in there, because once he’s out of office it will be too late.
C’est la vie.
It’s been reported that Mueller does have his tax returns. Mueller got Manafort’s so it shouldn’t surprise anyone that he has Trump’s.
And he probably can’t pardon himself but I would laugh if he did. He can’t get away from all the state crimes he’s committed with a pardon. Remember Mueller has everything, all the text messaging, all the emails, the bank statements, tax returnsm ohone records, everything.
We know, we know. The only standards now applied by government under Republicans are legal standards. The tables will turn.
Democrats have ethical and moral standards higher than Republicans’ legal standdrds. Know however that they may not be the standards in force prior to the dirtbag.
He’s not required to. When are gonna get over that?
Just an fyi, there is a bill just introduced I believe, to require disclosure, along with other ethics reforms.
Not that the Repubs will pass it.
But if they did, disclosure would be ncssry from 2020 onward.
Because, you know, standards and ethics and stuff.
He probably won’t be able to run in primaries in some states if he makes it to 2020 unless he shows his tax returns. I’m sure though some in the GOP would be glad of that since they could wipe him out in primaries.
Caroline, do you know any president denied running for a 2nd term because he didn’t release his tax returns? Does your elevator reach the top floor? I know it stays in the basement gutter quite a bit. Where do you come up with this gibberish?
If I were you I would just quit posting or a while because most of them recently have been incoherent.
You need a better news source. Do you realize that some states are making laws that you have to release your tax return to be on the ballot? The fact that he didn’t release his tax returns should bother any American but since you’re a Trump apologist I know it will not bother you. Where on earth do you get your nonsense from? I mean seriously.
See the above, dirtbag supporter.
Next step, Strike….
W just reiterated his enthusiastic endorsement of Kav! Ouch! Lol!
He did it yesterday. Try to keep up.
Good ol’ Grabby! GWB is a sht stain on American history. No surprise there. People have been trying to rehab his image as some goofy painter that sneaks candy to people at funerals. He’s still a piece of sht.
Atta Boy BJ! Right on cue! Another poster boy of the left! We could have the version of the 3 Stooges right here although it might be up to the Dirty Dozen. Very illustrative and comical if you ask me.
Just put a picture of snowflake in the dictionary…and take your pick!
Atta boy DTM! Another poster boy for the effects of lead in paint chips!
He lied us into a war. If you’re okay with that just admit it. And he’s not known as the brightest bulb in the universe.
Who Kennedy and LBJ?
He wasn’t a good President, but he by no means he was or is a piece….
Don’t let the dirtbag poison your mind.
To the Dillweeds: should the Feebs investigate Juannits’s allegations of a genuine rape committed by Bill? It’s about the same numbers of years!! AWWWW. NAWWWWW!!!
Yes. Yes, they should.
Well why in the hell haven’t they JB??!!
Same reason a lot of abusers don’t get investigated: power, wealth, influence, and a reluctance for victims to come forward due to the attacks they face from fanatics and the media.
You must be young. All of this was investigated back in the 90’s.
If Clinton is being appointed to a federal position or as a federal judge, it is the FBI who runs backgrounds (but not if your elected,). Otherwise it falls under state hands. It’s that whole 10th amendment thing. If it was legal to do so; or he committed a federal crime sexual/assult crime, of course.
Note – no one has ever thought of appointing him to a federal position… cause he would never base a FBI background check.
Um, homey. The feds already investigated that. She denied it all to K. Starr. Remember?
I just wanted to correct my comment. I think she denied it to Paula Jones’ attorney, but then recanted that denial to K. Starr. In the end they didn’t find her credible. But the point here is, it WAS investigated. Multiple times.
They already did investigate it and found her not credible. What if Dr. Ford had said under oath twice that Kavanaugh did not try to rape her and now is coming forth and changing her story? I think most people would find her not credible and nobody would be talking about what she is saying.
Oh, and I forgot to mention she wanted a pedophile in the senate to boot. LOL. She’s been grifting you guys for years now.
I don’t know the history of any previous investigation or details as others seem to, but based on knowing nothing, yes, if and when he’s nominated….
In 2009, Judge Kavanaugh helped stop a criminal investigation of Rep. Feeney (former Jeb Bush running mate), who took an illegal all-expenses-paid trip w/ lobbyist Jack Abramoff and who was accused of asking someone to design a vote-flipping program in 2000.
Source: Feeney covered up true cost of Abramoff junket. – Quote from article: “In a clip posted on Reddit this morning, former NASA programmer Clint Curtis testifies that Feeney had approached him to rig voting machine so as to sway votes.”
More for the Dillweeds. You all supporrt this abuse of power?
I’m against any abuse of power. You clearly are fine with abuse of power and corruption, so what’s your point?
Is that another James O’Keefe video? Maybe he won’t have to pay a $100,000 settlement from this one.
Sure is! By the way, what are aborted baby parts selling for today?
About the same price as that snake oil you’ve been buying from Trump.
I don’t know. Ask the AMA.
Thanks, McCarthy!
I am really disappointed at our liberal buddies here. I want to see someone defend the shenanigans from the left about the Kavanagh accuser. Step it up good libs.
Why didn’t some doofus come forward and say that Hillary Clinton, Bill and Harvey Weinstein tag teamed them in a hotel bathroom 20 years ago? They cant remember when or where, but through their miraculous hypnotist, therapist and tarot card reader, they clearly remember it was Hillary holding them down while Bill and Harvey had their way with them. I don’t care if the so called victim is a male or female.
There is not one iota difference in this story or of Kavanaghs accuser 36 freaking years ago! Good lord… Lets just ruin Bill, Hillary and Harvey’s life over these unfounded and UNPROVABLE allegations. And these folks will be tainted by these allegations forever. That is how is works folks.
Isnt that the same damnn thing done to Trump? Hell yea it is. Don’t forget he tinkled in Obama’s bed! Lets investigate, spy and destroy him. Who cares who made up the story, who paid for it, who spread it and lied about for years.
Does this make anyone sick yet? Hey Caroline, why don’t you get worked up over the abuse this hypothetical victim had at the hands of Harvey, Bill and Hillary?
It is the seriouslness of the charges that are important. Did I tell you they tinkled on Trump’s bed and put a pubie on a Coke can? How gross.
And here you have the democratic resistance today. Spare us all.
How is the advancing the MeToo movment? Doesn’t this make it harder for real victims to come forward?
If any of these over the top accusaitons are true, well do the darn time. I don’t like seeing folks get railroaded. Are there any liberals that feel that way if the person getting run over is a conservative?
Please someone speak up.
Jeez. You maybe need to lay off the meth?
Ask one reasonable question and maybe you’ll get an answer.
Benev…you whiffed. I am not surprised.
I do it too, but there’s no need to respond to tin foil hat ranting. They speak for the Republican Party loud and clear.
If I was a liberal, I wouldn’t answer you while your raging like you have been personally insulted. You’re not going to listen, you really don’t care what any one will say if it’s not 100% aligned to your Trumptopian world view, and a reply is just going to give you a chance to go off on a rant of pointless Coke can vulgarities. Again.
Ellynn, that is what liberals did at Supreme Court hearings, not me! That is what they are doing with the Trump dossier. And you’re right I’m tired of this baloney. You should be too.
I’m more of the Peanut school of Zoooom…
How about Kava-Awww-Naww’s history of defending criminals and vote suppressors? I can bring the receipts on that, but you probably won’t read them.
She is credible. Most false accusations include hyperbolic language and are not made by people coming forward after a long period of time. She has made this statement at the expense of her own safety. She has no reason to make this up. She is a patriot who, in good conscience, could not bear to see her abuser elevated to a lifetime appointment to the highest court. I can understand that. Why can’t you? Men’s behavior is constantly excused while women are scrutinized and ostracized for even dare bringing a complaint forward. Even if this tanks Kava-Aww-Naww’s nomination, he will still continue to get paid a high salary and may even get offered money by the MSM to be a contributor. The idea that this could “ruin his life” is laughable.
Well apparently Hillary’s life hasn’t been ruined yet so the rage must go on.
Seriously dude, you’re not interested in an answer. All you want to do is Gish Gallop and spew nonsense.
You mean hyperbolic language like most of your posts. And no her assertions sound like preposterous BS! No she makes the accusation to go down in lib history as the next Anita Hill. BS again.
Nice 10-dollar word for a worthless post. How are her assertions “preposterous”? Please explain? Do drunk asshole frat boys commit assault against women? Yes they do! His frat was known for chanting, “No means yes, Yes means anal”. Interesting company he keeps. Just admit you hate women and we can move on.
Sick puppy BJ. But a perfect example of today’s radical lib poster boy. Hey where is Caroline on this sick post? Ellyn?!
If you were so concerned about hyperbolic language you would not write even one post.
“(Reuters) – Alibaba (BABA.N) Chairman Jack Ma said the company no longer plans to create one million jobs in the United States due to the U.S.-China trade conflict, China’s news agency Xinhua reported here on Wednesday…
Ma had met U.S. President Donald Trump two years ago and laid out the Chinese e-commerce giant’s plan to bring one million small U.S. businesses onto its platform to sell to Chinese consumers over the next five years.
“This commitment is based on friendly China-US cooperation and the rational and objective premise of bilateral trade,” Ma told Xinhua. “The current situation has already destroyed the original premise. There is no way to deliver the promise.”
I’m glad that worked out so well for Trump.
Let’s see, Harley-Davidson is moving overseas. The Carrier fan coil plant (where Trump claimed to have saved 700 jobs) used to have 5 assembly lines and now has 3 while they expand their Mexican plant.
Trump sure has a brown thumb, everything he touches changes to manure.
Can we have a new president please? Pretty please?
Technically Harley closed down the Missouri plant early and then moved 3 addition lines to Asia. Harley is still in Milwaukee and other Wisconsin locations and those lines are still working.
Been away. Has she agreed to testify?
She said she will testify after a complete FBI investigation is done. She has always said she would testify. She’s just not going to be gang raped by the GOP.
She doenst get to make the terms. I just made up a story about being abused by Bill, Hillary and Weinstein at a party 36 years ago. Now I want Congress to drop everything and have the FBI investigate those 3. I want to smear those guys and make them prove they DIDNT DO THAT TO ME!
Then my happy a– may or may not decide to testify. And I doubt she will in either case. I hope they check her off shore bank accounts.
Yea, that is how it works. Especially is you are a lib. Isnt that right?
She makes the Duke Lacrosse case look even more plausible much less Al Sharpton and Tawana Brawley! Man the libs have this down to a science these days!
Congratulations. And sorry to the women who really are abused.
Jeffrey Epstein is who you should be focused on here. He had plenty of plane rides on his Lolita Express with both Bill Clinton and Donald Trump.–law/much-anticipated-jeffrey-epstein-civil-case-trial-set-for-dec/AQHLBwDP1JUI6FfsFhuIQL/
Trump and Clinton should be worried, but not really because they are too rich and influential to face any real consequences.
Well, there’s a difference. Yes, Bill rode on the plane along with a lot of other people but apparently Trump was hosting parties for Epstein and one of his employees at a Mar A Lago got taken into sex slavery by Epstein.
That’s also true, Caroline. I still believe Clinton is a sexual predator and should be held accountable like any person who abuses their power.
Damn, good job JB. Lets see Caroline excuse ole Bill! Bill is a freaking predator.
His wife knows it too and covered up for her own career and power. Thank the Lord folks saw her for what she is.
And remember how all of these pious folks on the blog today covered up for him…and how a guy of impeccable character gets smeared. And most don’t here don’t give a hoot. Is that a sickness? You tell me.
It should be criminal. I hope they prosecute this gal if there is a way to do so.
No excuses only facts. You have to use facts and not hysteria like you.
You’re not up for a appoint federal position (which the FBI does the background investigations) But you can go to your local police and have them investigate it.
There are witnesses that she told back in high school about what happened. 600 of her classmates signed a letter. It was apparently pretty well known around the high school that she graduated from about Kavanaugh and Judge. Weinstein’s stuff was years and yet he is going to have to answer for it.
Of course, you would think she doesn’t get to “name the terms”. Women don’t get to decide anything when it comes to conservatives. You really have a hatred of women don’t you? It seems most conservatives do.
Quit playing the fake victim card. It is not attractive and it is not appropriate here. Save if for a real victim okay?
And you are saying that its conservatives that are abusing women these days?! (I am sure there are some) but all I can think of are Clinton, Weinstein, Franken, the DNC chair, Ellison, the Kennedys, Moonves,…maybe someone can name a conservative caught up in this.
Where is that list of abusers in Congress by the way? It has to loaded up with libs. If it were filled it with conservatives it would have been leaked.
Why don’t you wake up for a change! It is comical to listen to this drivel.
I’m not playing victim and I find that rich from someone who everyday states what a victim he is almost every day on this very blog. I am stating facts. Why can’t conservatives act like normal people when it comes to women? Why do they have this strange desire to control every aspect of their lives?
The people that are hiding the list in congress are the conservatives. Paul Ryan has it under lock and key. You need to take that gripe up with him. And again, Weinstein is facing charges, we already went over Clinton in the 90’s and he was acquitted. The only reason you must keep bringing him up is because you are still bitter about all that it seems.
Moonves who said Donald Trump is good for CBS? Surely you jest on that one.
Do you want me to list all the Republicans that resigned this year from sexual abuse charges in the house?
Your silly whataboutism game is just nonsense. None of those people are wanting a LIFETIME appointment to the supreme court.
Uh Caroline, even SHE does not claim she was raped.
So nice hysteria. Where are the pedophilia accusations today?
Do you know why most folks just can’t stomach the nonstop lying and exaggerations coming out of the left these days? It gets tiresome. How many times can morons cry wolf, the sky is falling and fire in a theatre before no one listens any more? One day there is going to be a fire..
Did you know that Trump caused the hurricanes last week? Well that is what the leftist loons were writing…the loons Norman, the loons…
Why don’t you reply to me? Stop picking on Caroline. There is documented evidence of Trump’s criminal behavior and sexual violence. I’ve posted a ton of links which you probably haven’t bothered to read.
I did not say she did claim she was raped. I said gang raped by the GOP in the sense of them trying to shut her down by making her come speak in the midst of death threats by MAGA supporters.
I only bring up pedophiles when you start talking about people that support pedophilia. Why do you keep bringing pedophile supporters into the conversation anyway?
The only person here that seems hysterical is you and your echo chamber buddies. I’m just calmly stating facts and you keep hysterically slinging poo and Gish Galloping.
I have never talked about folks that support pedophilia. I am simply hammering idiocy when I see it. I don’t mind pointing it out.
I point out YOUR hysteria. Rape, pedophiles and all of the other hateful crap and name calling the radical libs lob out. Nothing is as bad as this idiotic frame job. And that is what it is.
There should be something called honesty and honor. That went out 25 years ago with Bork and it has only gotten worse.
Again, it would be nice if a liberal actually had some agenda that would help create a freaking job or help someone’s life. Tax increases wont do it.
Then apparently you don’t know about the Trump gals that he had a presidential debate who went all in for the pedphile Roy Moore in Alabama. All of them apparently support pedophilia.
Gang raped? Good Lord are you an idiot. The only person getting violated is Kav. Eleventh hour unverifiable accusations of the woest kind.
Kavanagh may as well be Ned Beaty in Deliverance when it comes to these lib accusations.
And the libs are giddy about it because they think this baloney may work. That is the PURE EVIL part of it….I hope it explodes on them and shows them what a group of haters they really are.
Heck you can read this blog and see what a bunch of haters they are.
So you are fine with her being mistreated by the GOP?
They’ve invited her to tell her side Monday. Or they will even fly to her. What’s wrong with either offer?
So you’re fine with her testifying under death threats from Trump supporters? If she does of course she’ll be even more credible.
The only reason they want to fly to her is to keep her from doing it publicly. What is the hurry? Well, I know what the hurry is. The Intercept is saying there are more women from a clerkship Kavanaugh had. They are only saying Monday because they are afraid another shoe is going to drop on Kavanaugh. This is all about Kavanaugh with no respect to her timing or her statement. They have known that Kavanaugh had problems from the beginning hence the attempt to rush his nomination through.
Always an excuse, Caroline? Your side is vile.
The only one that is vile is Kavanaugh. He wouldn’t even shake the hand of a man who lost his child to gun violence.
Glad he didn’t shake the hand of a man being used as a prop. Didn’t even ID himself to Kav. Enough crap, Carolina!
So now you’re apologizing for that behavior. So Kavanaugh believes himself to be so above everybody he doesn’t shake hands to people that put them out there. Not only did he not shake his hand he acted like a jerk about it but then that is who he is.
Not shake the hands of lemming protestors! Lol!
Only you would say something like that about someone who had their child gunned down at school.
The son was killed by a criminal. Don’t use a grieving parent as a anti 2nd Amendment prop!
The daughter was killed by a mentally ill person who you guys want to have guns. And if it was a criminal it would be even worse since you guys think criminals should have an arsenal too.
She is the one doing the mistreating.
My made up fairy tale of a story has as much credibility as hers. May as well save it for the next lib confirmation hearing. Do you see what liberals have turned Supreme Court hearings into?
No, what have we turned the hearings into?
Michael Steele says that some Republicans are starting to talk about finding a way to withdraw Kavanaugh.
If Repubs back off Kavanagh and reward the horrible liberal behavior and abuse being perpetrated, those republicans should be voted out immediately. Adios. I have no use for them.
My made up story has as much credibility as that gal’s. Not one shred of difference.
They are in a no win situation. Michael Steele agreed with what you are saying regarding the GOP base. However, he said if they please the GOP base there is going to be a bloodbath because the white women in the suburbs are going to take it all out on the GOP if they put Kavanaugh on the court. So no matter what they do a bloodbath is being predicted.
The story is not made up. Quit the wishful thinking.
Look again at angry Repubs flipping a 140 year old Dem TX senate seat. The handling of the Kav matter is just pissing off the Repubs even more. I do not believe a blue wave will happen. I think just the opposite.
TGM is holding rallies in Las Vegas and Springfield in the next couple of days. They should be very interesting!
Dude, that is the only one they have done so the entire year. You have missed everything else that has been going on in the last two years.
Is Dean Heller even going to show?
Are you out of your mind? Have you talked to ANY FREAKING WHITE WOMEN that believes this gal? Rather than do the liberal white /black thing, I have not talked TO ANY WOMAN OF ANY COLOR THAT THINKS THIS GAL IS TELLING THE TRUTH! NONE!
Other than you, I have not heard of one. What makes you so gullible? Most women know made up BS that is hurting their own cause. Women have to deal with lying, conniving women as much as men do.
Whether you realize it or not you just stated the entire GOP problem in one post. It’s all about who they talk to and since they don’t move out of the bubble it’s basically worthless information.
Lucy McBath is making robocalls disguised at surveys.
She gets zero points for creativity.
Handel literally stole the election from John Ossoff with the help of Brian Kemp and Kennesaw State University and you’re worried about some robocalls?!? Shame on you.
JB are you saying the millennial puppet boy that was too cheap and lazy to move into the district he was running for had the election stolen from him? Are you a freaking idiot?
My mental picture of about half of you bozos is that you look like Ossof with the limp wrists and those skinny jeans!
We all have man buns too. And we don’t wear any leather- all textiles. Now excuse me while I go vape some blueberryness.
We’re coming for you though. And it’s contagious.
1) Russian hackers “targeted state & county offices responsible for administering the U.S. 2016 elections. For example, on or about 10/18/16, [they] visited the websites of certain counties in GEORGIA, IOWA, & FLORIDA to identify vulnerabilities!
2) Russian ambassador Kislyak visited Kennesaw University, which housed Georgia’s Election Center, in April 2016.{%22page%22:%2228%22,%22issue_id%22:349618}
3) In August 2016, Secretary of State Kemp refused help from the Department of Homeland Security to secure its systems! (GA was one of only two states to do this.)
4) The same month, August 2016, a white hat hacker Logan Lamb discovered the Georgia Election Center had left 15 gigabytes of data, which looked like it could be used to hack an election, online and without password protection.
5) Merle King, GA Election Dir., told Lamb that he shld “drop” his shocking find “or the people downtown, the politicians..will crush [you].” (Id.)
6) King told Lamb he would fix the problem. (Id.) Again, this was in August 2016.
7) Per the indictment released today, in October 2016, Russian hackers “visited the websites of certain counties in GEORGIA, IOWA, & FLORIDA to identify vulnerabilities.”
8) In April 2017, about a week before the #GA06 primary election (Handel v Ossoff), the director of Fulton County’s Election Board (Rick Barron) — who had recently observed elections in Kazakhstan — was chatting on Facebook with a woman in Moscow named Julya Kudaneeva. It says “You are always welcome in Moscow” and is from Kudeneeva to Rick Barron, Director of Elections for Fulton County Georgia.
9) Someone by the name of “Yulia Kudaneeva” is apparently a Chief Consultant to the Russian Election Federation.
10) Recall that it was a “rare error” on a memory card in FULTON COUNTY, Rick Barron’s county, that caused the counting stop when Ossoff was head the night of the primary.–politics/rare-error-delays-fulton-county-vote-counts-6th-district-race/dleYXJvjL1R9gSsw1swwAJ/
11) Before the counting stopped, Ossoff was above 50% and poised to win the primary outright. When it started again an hour or so later–after the card was “processed,” he was under 50% and thus forced into a runoff with Handel to whom he eventually lost.
Wanna know why the GOP is in such a rush to push Kavanaugh through?
There are 6 more women waiting to come forward when they get the nerve to do so.
And yet… None has ever come forward earlier. Don’t believe it.
There could be 25 people come forward and you wouldn’t believe it. Trump has had 25 accusers from the beginning and yet you still support him. Conservatives are just not credible.
But 63 million of us voted in 2016! And Trump’s gonna rally them all for ’18! Y’all are so screwed!
He’s losing a lot of independent voters, my little bitch!
This isn’t 2016!
You are so dumb! For real!
Sez you. How was your day at the parlor, Herman?
I hope he campaigns for every one of them. His numbers are where George W. Bush was in 2006. All that is going to do is make the majority of voters show up to vote against Trump’s candidate. And 3 million more did not vote for Trump. There are more of us than there are of you.
Yep!! Three million more in CA and NY!!! What a bunch of dopes!!
You haven’t looked at Trump’s numbers in GA have you? You seriously are not capable of making a comment that doesn’t come from wingnut welfare are you? Trump is at 42% approval in GA which is only 6 points higher than his national numbers. And Trump is from NY and he thinks you are mentally retarded. We all should ask Kemp if he agrees with Trump that Georgians are mentally retarded.
You’re a prime example of a retard, Carolina! What’s it like to be our poster girl?
Trump thinks you are retarded. It matters only because you support Trump. I could care less what the orange infant thinks about me.
Yeah, none coming forward worked out for Bill Cosby and Harvey Weinstein, didn’t it?
I’m hearing that all of this is a very fluid situation.
Like embalming fluid? Lol!
Hopefully it will be in your veins sooner than later! LOL!
Seriously you too. No need to wish for some ones embalmment. We can keep it to snappy knifing and below the belt wounding that lets every one live right?
They keep throwing out trial balloons as to what to do about Kavanaugh don’t they?
Yes, this isn’t 1991. The Metoo movement is big in this and Republicans are starting to suck wind with women voters.
Like most of what Trump does, I really believe this will be a dumpster fire.
Ivanka is saying that Trump should just cut Kavanaugh loose. So we’ll see what he does. Tweety made the comment that this would be the 2nd time the GOP puts a sexual predator on the supreme court if they put Kavanaugh on it. So that would be 2 out of 7. If you want to completely destroy the credibilty of the supreme court the GOP is doing a great job.
Its already turned into a liberal lying dumpster fire. You know it. And don’t give a rat’s ass. That is scary and disappointing in many ways. No honesty. No character.
The fake story is the last trial balloon isn’t it Caroline? Do anything to prevent him becoming a judge. Lie, cheat steal, protest, chant, disrupt and now this. Par for the course. Despicable.
Why would anyone want their child to grow up into one of these things?
Conservatives need to learn that repeating a lie over and over won’t make it into the truth not will it make it factual. You certainly are an apostle of the Big Lie. No, the trial balloons are from the GOP who are in a panic as to what to do about Kavanaugh.
Wait, is Matt a doctor or undertaker? I am confused…
How much is Soros offering them? He is paying her lawyer’s bill.
How do you think it is going down? You worked up there.
Call me SHOCKED!’t-read/ar-BBNzEDG?ocid=spartanntp
It is when its filled with liberal lies and insults. It is illustrative though. How the radical libs have polluted an entire party and turned it into a dumpster fire.
Your doing most of the ranting baiting today just hoping your idea of a liber answers back.
Don’t you want some sunshine to disinfect this process? I thought liberals wanted open hearings, no hidden information. What gives? Let’s see if this is truly a corrupt hoax or an honorable investigation. Release it all. I have no worries about that. Why do liberals?
So, release all this redacted national security info, but restrict the hearing for Kav to two witnesses only, on one day only.
There is good reason to protect the national security info. There is no good reason to not fully investigate the allegations against Kav. Just do the due diligence. If she’s lying or it can’t be corroborated then so be it. But at least try to find out. Or else it looks like:×612&w=0&h=nLHTJ3frU_TNGmFCFOQe_PIIm6IQupwp_btBS1jZtGw=
That first statement was supposed to be a question: So, release all this redacted national security info, but restrict the hearing for Kav to two witnesses only, on one day only?
Midterm elections are less than seven weeks away. and a Supreme Court seat is forever.
Today is an especially bad day it seems for conservatives judging by their posts. I should remind myself just not to respond to them as they really have nothing to contribute.
You are not do much better today then the Trumptopian Greek choir. Do better.
We are replying to your idiotic posts!! Over the top lunacy!!
Carolina, Listen, I’ve been real tolerant these days. You’re getting mighty comfortable. Take 15 minutes then get in there and start lunch. And them jeans ain’t gonna wash themselves! Don’t you know how to keep house?
Before your head explodes, Sniv, the post I put in the wrong place yesterday was subsequently taken down. So, someone is moderating. Why insult the site? You just are eaten up with angst when opposing views are posted. They’re usually spot on by the way, thanks to the conservative contributors. You need to take another 12 hour Safe Space Sabbatical. Seriously.
Oh come on, you can be more creative. Plus you need to be nice to the sleep deprive lawyer dad if you want his help on insurance providers again this year.
True, true. He did help me out!! Ok, Drew, 24 hour truce!
That’s the best you can do? He has TWIN INFANT GIRLS… And he had to take care of them on Tuesday with only water.
I’m lighting more candles for your wife…
Don’t forget about some of the overt misogyny, and the singular focus on insult with a complete lack of content.
As an example, say the Women’s March is being discussed. DTM will insist it reflect pre-inauguration desires for impeachment. ACP, you have corrected him multiple times abt the timing of the March. But there is actually more to it that can be discussed. Certainly there’s more to it than insulting Caroline and all women about womens’ “places”. (Side note: DTM and Noway may actually feel that there are traditional roles for women, but you two only break out those views when the clear intent is to insult. And it never addresses the actual substantive issue. So, I would say that you two should at least have the maturity to moderate your own immaturity.)
Back to the substantive issue, there are arguments to be made about pre-inaugural sentiments, and the timing of the organization of the March, and the like-minded pre-inaugural sentiments against Obama, etc. Plenty of room for more detail, and supported by Links (links show you care, and have something beyond bluster).
I think, like the kneeling football players protest, they just don’t want to see it on TV. TV is like their ‘safe space’. They have to ridicule it because they can’t/won’t do street protests themselves, and it impinges the notion they have that there are only about 19 actual liberals out there (so all the rest must be being paid by George Soros).
There is probably something about a paternalistic ‘behaving yourself in public’ thing going on too. And a ‘why can’t they just let us (conservative) adults tell them how things ought to be instead of demanding a seat at the table’ thing too.
Well, emotionally, conservative by definition means there is a preference for the past, or status quo, or for slow(ed) change. Being a liberal means you are more willing to risk change in furtherance of individuals’ freedom.
So, really any change— i.e. any passage of time– can invoke a conservative reflex to not change. In a conservative world, change just happens on its own, I guess. Or change is unnecessary. I understand the instinct for measure and moderation, but if you’re not growing, you’re dying. Maybe that’s why some folks get more conservative in their older years- it’s just too much change to keep up with, and it all seems so blasphemous because it actually rejects what you learned.
“Denise Mueller-Korenek, it is fair to say, is not most people.
The US woman reached an eye-watering average speed of 183.932 mph (296.010 km/h) – on a bicycle.
The remarkable speed means the 45-year-old not only smashed her own world record, but the long-standing men’s one as well.
Her reaction? Somewhat understated.
“It was a crazy wild ride to 183.9 mph, but so worth the sacrifice and years of focus on becoming the fastest human on a bicycle in the world,” Mueller-Korenek said.
“We weren’t supposed to go more than 175.””
Women getting stuff done
I was reading this story that intergrates the theme of the authors up coming book. I think the author interviewed Downthemiddle. She describes his attitude to a tee. DTM should read the link. It enforces every liberal feminist pink cat ear hat fantasy he could imagine.
“…. it continues to be written off as loudmouthed hysteria, or the dubious ravings of pussy-hatted suburbanites with itchy Etsy trigger fingers.”
My trolling style is a little passive aggressive…
I don’t get the obsession with the women’s march. The only thing I can figure is it makes them mad that women were not home cooking. I mean the women I know who actually marched in the women’s march moved onto talking about other things pretty soon after the march. I guess it’s their authoritarianism over women.
If I send over some new dress pants, would you hem them?
Okay Carline if you come over and cook and vacuum I will not reply to your idiotic posts for a few hours….how’s that!? I will do the laundry. Is that fair?!
The women’s march is illustrative how you can gin up a bunch of hatred demanding impeachment before a guy takes office. I would call it borderline radical s—t ifor brains …but I digress…
Says a supporter of the birther-in-chief.
Ange I guess it’s pretty easy getting a date in the morgue!
Son, you are like dealing with a guy with a knife in a gun fight…but keep on trying little buddy!
It was idiotic before and after! They were traveling to get there before his inauguration… So they were fuming about impeachment before he even got sworn in and were there in their brilliant colors just after… So genius… What should trump have been impeached for? Breathing?
So why don’t you tell me why this was such a great event rather than an embarrassing gigantic crying exhibition after losing an election?
I think Republicans just don’t do street protests very well. Charlottesville, the ‘Get a brain morans” guy. For a respectable Republican street protest would the men need to wear khakis and polo shirts, or suits? And the women wear dresses? Only exception would be American flag clothing?
Anyway, so maybe it’s jealousy. Because protesting every friggin’ thing on internet chat rooms seems to be OK.
You are right Benev. We have jobs, love the country and would not think of destroying someone just because we disagree with them. Honestly, that is pretty much the difference.
When we protest we actually clean up afterwards, are respectful and don’t throw crap through windows and look for an excuse to loot.
We actually respect our flag, don’t ridicule folks that are religious and are not obnoxiously arrogant for no reason at all…
We are not into intimidating or stifling free speech. Our minds don’t work that way. We are actually civil and have manners. We try to raise our kids that way. We don’t feel entitled.
Why do these character flaws come so naturally to the radical left.
This is a serious question…someone help me here.
“and are not obnoxiously arrogant for no reason at all…
We are not into intimidating or stifling free speech. Our minds don’t work that way. We are actually civil and have manners
Sorry Ange that makes it even more absurd doesn’t it! Love those hats?
Do you think any of those women could get a date? No wonder so many guys are coming out these days!
See here- how DTM does it make it More Absurd that the March occurred after the inauguration?
I suspect if Harvey Weinstein would have won as a Dem then Hannity and every other Republican with a mouth would have been calling for impeachment the day after the election.
C’mon DTM- answer the Q so we can all at least try to understand:
How is the Womens’ March more absurd because it took place after the inauguration?
We al
I think my description fits pretty well.
Andrew seriously, how in the hell do you figure out the “right place” on this blog? The blog is “clunky” the chains are weird. Some have reply buttons…some don’t….I don’t try to post at random places…the darn web site seems random…
I am probably replying here at the “wrong” place.
And dry spell…just roll them in flour…
Another great personality trait!! Just par for course little buddy!
DTM, WE are over in Thursday world today… You need move the rants and have your ‘get off my golf course grass’ post over there now….
New term for the Supreme Court hearings. The 2nd OJ simpson Trial….Liberals here are essentially letting OJ go here once again. Cavanagh is eminently qualified, a great person and is being Borked better than Bork!
OJ was guilty as hell and Cavanagh is extraordinarily qualified but to liberals they don’t give a S—t!
They would let a murderer off again., sell their soul, lie like hell just to get their way…and be happy about it.
They don’t care who they destroy to get their way. Folks don’t let them do it. How can anyone be so overcome by that much hate? It’s scary.
Investigate Bill Clinton from 1978? Check.
Un-redact national security info for ‘transparency? Check.
Further investigate credible allegations on a nominee? No need.
I think this is a great idea! Women on this blog should get on their bicycles, save the planet from fossil fuel use and go 186 mph!
I am sure we all wound buy tickets ! I see income potential here!! How can I help?
Bless you young lady. I have now seen the light! Oh, most of my posts are timeless anyway aren’t they? The snowflakes will never change. The radical libs will still be repulsive regardless where the posts go.
That haters gonna hate, hate hate!