Ipsos, in partnership with the University of Virginia and Reuters, has released a poll today showing that Secretary of State Brian Kemp (47%) and Stacey Abrams (46%) are tied among likely voters in polling for the upcoming November 6 election. The poll was conducted from October 4-11 with a sample of 1,999 adults from Georgia, including 1,088 of which are likely voters. The poll consisted of 18 questions, though some of them had multiple parts to each question. The site linked has the topline, full report, and data tables for the poll.
As a political pundit who has been known to be wrong (I picked Hillary Clinton to win in 2016), I think this poll bodes very well for Kemp. In tracking previous polls versus election results in other recent Georgia elections, the trend has been that the Democrats vote total is maxed out at the polling percentage that they receive prior to the election. The recent Handel-Ossoff election in GA-6 is a recent example of Democratic polling percentage versus final results. Ossoff was polling at 48.8% in the cumulative polling total at RealClear Politics and finished with 48.2% of the vote.
Some highlights of the poll:
- 51% approve of President Donald Trump, while 48% disapprove
- 45% of likely voters say the country is on the right track, while 51% do not
- 44% don’t believe the allegations against Kavanaugh, while 40% do
- 49% support Kavanaugh’s nomination, while 44% oppose it