At the end of the day, public policy in Georgia is set by the Georgia General Assembly on the critical issues facing our state and communities’ future, including issues of transportation, education, crime, tax fairness, and economic development. Being an inside the perimeter Republican let me discuss eight critical races and why I believe it is important to vote for Fran Millar and Leigh Aldridge for State Senate, and Beth Beskin, Deborah Silcox, Megan Hanson, Matt Bentley, Alex Kaufman, and Ken Wright for the State House.
Caveat: As I stated in my first two parts, it bears repeating that while I endorse certain candidates here, I respect and like the people they are running against. They are not the “enemy” but merely political opponents on policy issues that I believe are critical for our state and my community to move forward. With that opening, let me lay out my case for the candidates I support.
“In the Room Where It Happens”
The musical “Hamilton” got it absolutely right in politics. It important to be “in the room where it happens.” The seven legislative candidates I have listed are in Republican enclaves in overwhelmingly Democratic areas — Atlanta, Fulton, and DeKalb. Assuming the best case scenario for Democrats tomorrow, the most state senate seats the Democrats can pick up are two and four or five in the House. This will still leave the Republican Party overwhelmingly in control of both Chambers of the General Assembly.
Contrary to popular belief, most issues in the General Assembly are not partisan or even ideological. They are primarily about “making the trains run on time” in terms of critical bread and butter issues that folks care about to improve their quality of life. Having a legislator from your community in the majority caucus room when decisions on public policy are made is critical to insure that your interest are advanced.Let me give a few examples to how this applies to more urban issues for those of us who live inside the I-285 doughnut:
- Transportation: By in the large we cannot build more roads in our area. Therefore, we must make better use of the area we have available. This means transit, better road traffic efficiencies, improved technology, and toll lanes.
- Education: In our area, we have school systems that spend the highest per student in the state but they also face some of the toughest issues as a result of poverty. Therefore, creative education reforms are necessary.
- Crime: Human Trafficking and gang violence are particularly of great concern to our area.
- Tax fairness: The present property tax reassessment system is fundamentally broken and must be fixed. By relying on a system that taxes homeowners on an unrealized gain in value, tabulated by a bureaucrat, squeezes many of the most vulnerable among us and is unfair to everyone but the tax man. While this is an issue that is a problem everywhere, it is especially a crisis in in town Atlanta.
- Economic Development: Often times, economic development in more developed areas of the state is not about simply building something new but redeveloping something that has outlived its old use.
Specific Accomplishments and Local Issues Raised by These Seven Candidates
The issues that these Atlanta area candidates for senate and house tomorrow are focusing on non-sexy local issues that will improve and unite our communities. If we are to get them accomplished, we need to have our local voices “in the room when it happens.” I hope you will join me in supporting them tomorrow.