Remind me, what’s today?
I compile (curate?) the GeorgiaPol Morning Reads every Tuesday, which means that I get to do them every Election Day – and I decided a while back that it’s best if Election Day Morning Reads are wholly apolitical. If this makes you twitchy, go play Tetris for an hour or so (no, seriously: go play Tetris!)
- One Georgia college is home to some of the smartest women in America.
- Toto’s “Africa” is an incredibly American song.
- It is not unheard of for tourists in Yosemite to accidentally die while taking selfies.
- Unboxing videos on YouTube are nefarious and sinister and you do your children a grave disservice if you let them watch any (at least according to this compelling TED Talk).
- One transit alternative option in Savannah is for the city to offer free rides for late-night workers.
- Crocs! They’re back! (Not in POG form.)
- How to survive this weekend’s time change.
- A Tree. A Rock. A Cloud.