Secretary of State Crittenden on Election Certification
The following statement was issued by Secretary of State Robyn A. Crittenden, with emphasis added on my part:
“The Secretary of State holds a tremendous responsibility to Georgia’s voting electorate. I am honored and humbled by Governor Deal’s faith in me to take the helm and fulfill this responsibility. I intend to take on this role in the same way that I have approached my previous work in state government—with a focus on transparency and service to the people of our state.
Today is my first full day serving as Secretary of State. Throughout the day, counties have been providing detailed reports to the Secretary of State’s office to account for all eligible ballots cast in the November 6, 2018 election. Once the Secretary of State’s office receives complete reports from all counties, we will publish these reports in an effort to ensure transparency and voter confidence in the election results.
Under state law, counties must certify election results by 5 p.m. on Tuesday, November 13, 2018. State certification will take place after all counties have certified their results in accordance with the law. As Secretary of State, I am committed to election integrity, transparency, and statutory compliance.”
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If a county refuses to turn in their results by tomorrow, what recourse does the state have? Can the state omit that county from the tally? If that happens, the county – and likely a campaign – will challenge that county’s omission on any number of grounds and it would not be difficult to find a judge willing to side with them. So the certification of results could be delayed indefinitely right? Well not indefinitely the runoff date in early December has to be contended with. But that means that they could keep this going until the last week in November, correct?
Best I can tell the Superintendent for the county would be charged with a misdemeanor. , as it seems it would fall under the general “Violations of chapter – 21-2-598” of Article 15 of Chapter 2 of Title 21 of the 2010 Georgia Code. LINK to election offenses
About 7700 votes were added over the weekend. Abrams got 6017 of those.
Since last Wed morning, they have counted an additional (approx) 23,000 votes. Abrams has gotten 15,800 of those.
Kemp is about one fourth of 1% above 50%.