December 10, 2018 7:21 AM
Morning Reads for Monday, December 10, 2018
Happy Monday on this wet and cold December day!
- Nick Ayers will not be CoS for President Trump, but rather depart at the end of the year.
- Brightest comet of 2018 to pass earth later this month.
- Winter Weather moving out of Georgia.
- How to run for Congress is you’re broke.
- Transcript of audio of the murder of Jamal Khashoggi’s murder is now available and describes him gasping for air.
- I wish I could put the entire article here for you…but trust me, you want to know why this mom canceled her baby shower after her family ridiculed her choice of name.
- The MLS Parade is happening TODAY in downtown Atlanta and you probably want to avoid road closures.
- So, apparently, the U.K. can still halt Brexit.
- Screentime changes the structure of our kids brains.
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Snooze through this one Noway. From yet another liberal rag, National Review. It makes the point that the media has been focusing on the participation in felonious campaign fund pay offs of alleged sex partners there are portents looming in there that obstruction may be looming large. And obstruction has precedence in our two most recent impeachments:
The Special Counsel’s Cohen Sentencing Brief Is Ominous for Trump
…I want to focus on a different document: the special counsel’s sentencing memo outlining Cohen’s cooperation with the Special Counsel’s Office. This document may well outline the roadmap for an impeachment count against the president that is based on recent presidential precedent.
The Bill Clinton and Richard Nixon articles of impeachment (Nixon resigned before he was impeached) contain common obstruction-of-justice claims — namely that the president participated in an effort to provide false testimony to investigators.
For example, the Nixon articles of impeachment accused the president of
…If you read the special counsel’s Cohen memo, you’ll note that the special counsel takes pains to note that Cohen’s false statements to investigators were “deliberate and premeditated” and “did not spring spontaneously from a line of examination or a heated colloquy during a congressional hearing.” His lies were in a “written submission” and a “prepared opening statement.” These lies were allegedly told to “minimize the links” between the Moscow Trump Tower project and Trump himself.
Also — and this is crucial — the memo notes that Cohen has been cooperating in describing the “circumstances of preparing and circulating his response to the congressional inquiries”
I’m with DTM on this one. So, Trump paid off a couple of ‘hos. Big whoop! Trust me when I tell you, he ain’t goin’ to jail over that! LOL! Don’t stop bleve-in’ Will!
And your inability to read and/or willful ignorance continues.
Hey, Will…I seem to have to do all y’alls work for you but here it is…Trump has committed and is guilty of…..Coital Collusion! LMAOOOOO!!
Didn’t you think that merited impeachment and jail time when Bill Clinton did it?
“Whataboutism, whatboutism!!!!!” Keep on sputtering, Dave!!! LMAO!
It’s probably a valid response to your notaboutisms in your attempt to skew the actual point of the article summed up in this quote:
“As much as Trump’s defenders may want to minimize “process crimes,” it remains a fact that the last two articles of impeachment drafted against American presidents featured clear evidence of, yes, process crimes. Process crimes are still crimes. It is an enduring feature of political corruption that politicians will lie about things that aren’t illegal but are politically or personally embarrassing — and when they lie under oath or cause others to lie under oath they violate the law.”
To actually belabor the point only because with you it seems to be a requirement. The payoffs of Trump’s sexual dalliances may or may not be the threat to his presidency that it is being made out to be. Collusion isn’t even mentioned in the article, only you and DTM are throwing that out there as more monkey dust. The suborning of Cohen’s testimony before Congress regarding being “allegedly told to “minimize the links” between the Moscow Trump Tower project and Trump himself” is the author’s main point that an obstruction charge could more likely bring on an impeachment.
It’s too bad Trump is not a member of Congress and have the government gravy train pay for his affairs like about two hundred members whose names have never been released or prosecuted to the tune of $17 million and counting!
Man, that sure is a lot of collusion. At least Trump didn’t have to be sued to pay his girlfriends like Clinton. Was Melania out there trashing them? Let’s see why have 25 FBI agents been fired or resassigned? Oh, for doing an honest job?! Hardly. There is your collusion. What a joke.
Obviously both of you don’t possess the ability to read for yourself. Hint: IT ISN’T ABOUT THE WHORES! So to get it on your level:
Vlad like Trump
Trump like Vlad
They play house
Trump wins White House
Win, win, win.
Trump told Mike
Leave Vlad out
Out, out, out
Lie, lie, lie.
Mike told lie
Trump told Mike to lie
Then we have the big word I can’t get around and it isn’t collusion for you of the deliberately obtuse persuasion, it is OBSTRUCTION.
Yeah, Will. Do what your boss tells you to do! You tell him, Sniv!
I love the moral outrage from you guys! How many bimbos has Clinton had and how many did that wife of his cover up and why? How many were barely out of high school? No telling about him and the Epstein plane!
Listen, if Trump builds the wall, Ginsberg is replaced and we get China to quit cheating which even you libs agree needs to be done but don’t have the gonads to address it, then he can do nothing for 6 more years and I will be ecstatic! He can literally close down Washington, pass nothing, do nothing and I will consider it a brilliant presidency.
We will have kept the illegal hordes and the socialist hordes at bay and that is saving America as we speak!
Is the Communist Party here in America supporting Trump? Why are they supporting the democrats?! What do you think the attraction is? That is a serious question by the way. And if you think that is an untrue statement, go to their website and see for yourself.
Epstein’s Bone Drone?
Even given your free association mentality. What in the wild, wild world of sports does that have to do with the Trump administration’s obstruction of justice via Michael Cohen’s testimony to Congress?
LOL! Is that your best Sigmund Floyd impersonation? LMAO!
Did you notice that I haven’t done an “AN” since before the election? Damn restrained if you ask me!
Andrew, NoWay and I sit back and laugh at the tightly wound hate filled liberal snowflakes constantly post here that just think life is a sh-t sandwich!
If I were a radical socialist and had your mindset I would be miserable too! Thank God I am just the opposite. I wake up daily thanking the Lord for the multitude of blessings I have and everyone else has if born in this country!
Why do you constantly post here? Your responses are beyond being tangential to the discussion, they aren’t even in the same orbit.
There were only at least14 people in the Trump orbit and campaign including Don Jr, and Ivanka and Jared, and hundreds of communications with the Russians You do know the campaign did involve thousands of people and hundreds of thousands of communications? Only 14 people and their communications is even smaller than the Georgia undervote of 100,000 in 4,000,000, and that’s insignificant to the GaGOP.
Even the Russian Deputy Foreign Minister said “I don’t say it was all of them, but a whole array of them supported contacts with Russian representatives”. It wasn’t everyone, so course there’s truth in the statement “It never happened. There was no communication between the campaign and any foreign entity during the campaign.”
Does anyone want to know why we sold 20% of our uranium to the evil Soviets and $140 million shows up in the Clinton Foundation. I want to know who benefitted and why. Seems like some real Russian collusion. Did anyone tinkle on a bed Obama slept in?
Now that is some serious crime! Lets spy on Trump and frame him. 25 FBI employees fired and reassigned for doing a great job right?!
I’m with Comey, I don’t want Trump impeached. America needs to expressly reject its reflexive decision to elect a blatant white nationalists bomb thrower to the highest elected office in the land. Anything short of this will likely lead to more violence by MAGA cultist; more bombs being mailed, more people being mowed down by cars, more church shootings.
I don’t take impeachment lightly. Removing a duly elected president requires a high bar. Yes, it appears he may have broken many laws before he was elected, but I would only support impeachment if it can be shown that he obstructed justice after he was elected.
I don’t yet see a clear cut case for collusion, mostly because Trump appears too stupid to know how to collude unless he saw it on Fox and Friends first. I’m anxious to see the Mueller report so we can get past this chapter and start to rebuild America’s stature in the world. I’d love to have a president whose speech and tweets can be displayed in a 9th grade civics class without a disclaimer that says “don’t try this at home.”
Merry Christmas! Don’t worry, Santa Deal still has state goodies to hand out to good cronies and friends before he leaves office at the end of the year if you haven’t already got yours. Deal on Friday appointed his executive counsel since 2011 to the state Court of Appeals. Sweet!
Update on our Meal at Myrtles: Lot’s of great food and howling about the Libs! Mugs of cider were raised and clinked in honor of Kav and his importance of being on the court. Speculation was rampant on which upcoming case would see both he and Clarence getting their revenge on the Dems. Inquiries were also made about several of our GP posters who are still missing in action. Sides were splitting with laughter over the Libs melting down over Rudolf and Charlie Brown. Over all a better than expected time considering our loss of the House…
Well… It’s not happening with this case.
My grandmother had a phrase for your luncheons. Kaffee-Klatsch verrückte alte Narrenmänner. My German and tenses are very rusty – I admit to looking up the spelling of verrückte. -nar was always a favorite of hers when dealing with her brothers and uncles.
McConnell told Trump the sentencing bill won’t be given a vote in the Senate. He said there’s insufficient time since the legislation was approved by Grassley’s Judiciary Committee only last February.
Actually it won’t be voted on because the legislation doesn’t have the support of two-thirds of Republicans in the Senate. Chuck Grassley being infuriated about it is amusing. When you act as a partisan tool, you’re treated like a partisan tool. Maybe Chuck’ll, he’ll, he’ll…. do something. You know, like Susan Collins did on healthcare. She really showed ‘em.
The legislation passed the House 360-59 in June. (That’s like only yesterday, when the tax cuts for the rich took an excruciating long month, am I right?) It has the approval of nearly 30 GOP Senators according to Grassley. Trump said he approves.
Yeah, if the GOP only had a two-thirds majority in both houses of Congress on top of Trump’s leadership skills and a Supreme Court majority, they could really get things done. And fast.
Ayers needs a little time off to collect a couple more tens of millions. He’s earned it.
That being said he was smart enough not to take the job.
Ok, what’s the UGA angle here? Did he try and not get in? And the campaign angle? Is he doing something other consultants don’t do?
Well, KSU should be proud of one of their alumns has made it to the top of his professional food chain. Right now, I’ve of the opinion he couldn’t care less that he wasn’t a Bulldog.
Ayers…that is not Obama’s buddy Bill Ayers is it?
Damn, DTM! That’s good!!! Lol!
At least he didn’t DUI off a bridge and kill a girl.
Whataboutism redux, plus a 5 point deduction for an ancient one.
Look the guy has a net worth of $50 million at age 36 for being a political consultant in Georgia and Washington. I don’t care which “side” he is on. To quote the comedian Henry Cho “What’s wronnnnng with this picture?”
Nothing! He’s providing a service. Wildly successful if y’alls figures are right.
And here we have a fundamental difference yet again. Not between right and left issues but right and wrong. Super PACs take in billions, mostly from corporations that the Supreme Court has determined are covered under our Bill of Rights. All that filters down so that a glorified bag man can glean a net worth of more than $50 million in about 15 years from that system working for politicians who are ostensibly paid about the same as an associate lawyer in a major law firm. You don’t see a problem with a system like that?
I still don’t. Explain to me more. He has media buying companies, right? Don’t they normally get a14% cut of the buy? Maybe he’s also helping write the ads? He’s a strategist of sorts, too, right? If he didn’t make the buys, another firm would. He dad is Whit, who’s been doing polling since forever. Sounds like he’s just continuing the family trade.
Now you have finally outed yourself. It is no wonder that you excel at fiction.
What does that even mean? I asked a no snark question. If you wanna chance to “skool Noway”, this is it. How has Nick Ayers done anything more evil than any other hugely successful pol guy? Hello, James Carville? Doesn’t/Didn’t he do roughly the same things?
Turning down the Chief o Staff position undoubtedly also a good long-term business decision.
I agree totally. Even giving up a safe House or Senate seat is stupid. Price should have never given his up. He’s be there for life!
I’d like to appeal to Deep Dark to allow Carolina back. Don’t know if she’s been exiled or if she was just a ghost poster of someone else, but her rants were actually hysterically funny!!! Whatta ya say, DD?
Everyone that was moderated was given explicit instructions on how to be able to comment again. That particular user has not followed those instructions, thus a permaban has been instated.
If those instructions involved some sort of repentant email, I would love to have seen her message!
Darn Andrew I am so sorry that my posts don’t meet your high expectations….zzzzzzz…..I still see that you whine quite often and want to ban certain posters you don’t agree with which is humorous! I wont use the word Snowflake or Safe Space but sometimes that seems to fit!
I have not see you shadow other posters like you used to or comment under different names, so I guess that is an improvement.
I wonder if the reason we don’t hear from good ole BJ is that he might be a multiple account of one of our current posters…What do you think?
I don’t think Buttercup was but I could be wrong on that.
Thanks for the explanation, DD. Too bad for her. She was a fun foil. Maybe yall can forgive the transgressors one day and invite them back…on trial. Heck, Carter pardoned the draft dodgers, so there is historical precedent.
More on Christmas presents….
Trump’s Thanksgiving gift to the families of military servicepeople that are repelling the caravan invasion was so well-received that their service on the border is being extended from 15 Dec into January.
Speaking of Christmas gifts, a limited government shutdown Christmas present from Trump for many others could be in the wings:
Looks like the military at the border as a deterrent worked. I know my nephew and a lot of my friends would rather be there than in the middle east for Christmas.
It’s questionable whether the military at the border had any effect. That article certainly doesn’t say they did.
Those people were never going to get into the country. We do have border controls and they mostly work. The hucksters generating the whole “migrant caravan attacking us” meme know that fear works on some people and were just using that to manipulate them.
Benev, do you think a group of ragtag ramblers can get through the US military? I think they certainly had an effect. Why don’t you tell us how they don’t.
Ang, its national security! Thwarting invasions…liberal invasions at the ballot box and national treasury.
What is wrong with legal immigration?
Plus 100000!
Waiting on a tweet from Trump so that the MAGA crowd can begin the assault on that flaming angry democrat Justice Kavanaugh
Ginny tried to link to story on Friday that I wanted to comment on. The link she posted was broken:
It’s supposed to be:
So instead of what appeared to be “Talking to millenials about socialism’, it’s actually “talking millenials out of socialism”.
First: The header of this site is pretty funny: “”INSIDE EVERY PROGRESSIVE IS A TOTALITARIAN SCREAMING TO GET OUT”.
Second: The sub-headline is “Can a generation marked by privilege and arrogance be reasoned with?”
Third: The second sentence says” Socialism’s long record of failure…”
I submit that the definition of ‘socialism’ being used is pretty vague, because there are numerous examples of active, successful, ongoing, governments that consider themselves some degree of socialist, and are certainly much more socialist than we are.
So all-in-all, not a very good premise on which to start a discussion.
But, the guy’s expertise is Latin and ‘Comparative Literature’, so maybe it shouldn’t be a surprise that his takes on socialism and millenials aren’t particularly insightful.
I read that article and it seems spot on to me. Ding, ding ding. Just a couple of paragraphs from the article below… What say you?
“Millennials are a different breed. They have lived in this brave new world of affluence from childhood, and so have a much higher baseline standard of material comfort, and greater expectations for achieving their political ideals like universal free health care, guaranteed jobs, free college tuition, social harmony, and equality of outcomes rather than of opportunity. But they are continually disappointed and aggrieved because despite the serial failure of a century of socialist economies and social policies, our country hasn’t been eager to repeat those failures. This is the same childish mentality that has fueled the rise of political correctness, hate speech codes, whimpering “snowflakes,” and all the illiberal and oppressive policies that have followed.
There’s no predicting how things will turn out in such circumstances, or how Millennials will respond. But one thing right now we know for sure: socialism will fail. It always has, and it always will.”
My main point is that just saying “socialism” doesn’t have much meaning. It’s like saying “peace”, or “freedom”. It’s a matter of degree. So that’s a signal that this is more about cranking up the outrage machine than it is about any sort of legitimate discussion.
So millenials expect progress and that makes them childish? What, we should make them walk to school/work in the snow? Impose a little artificial hardship on them? That’ll straighten them right out!
“A century of socialist failures”? This has been the greatest, strongest, most advanced country the planet has ever seen. Either the socialism is working or we’re not all that socialist. Either he is saying this country has sucked for many years, or he’s lying about being socialist. Can’t have it both ways.
Yet another hack having to lie to make their point. We keep this up we’ll become known as the United States of Pinocchio.
“Socialism will fail. It always has.” Not sure what socialism he is referring to. China? Viet Nam? India? Portugal?
Ang as usual you have a morsel of truth in your remarks. The idiotic leftist agenda is going to place a ridiculous burden on your generation.
Why do you support nonstop government spending and welfare? Unchecked borders is even more of it. Economic growth is the answer. That is the exact opposite of what socialist policies provide. Just look. Trump reverses them and growth goes up 50% or more.
So is it fair to say you are cutting your own doo dads off by supporting the radical socialist agenda? Equal outcomes is what you get in Venezuela and Cuba.
Isnt there a case study going on in France right now? Not enough money to pay for the welfare state and the natives are tired of it? They are trying to tax folks to death and they just won’t take it any more. And do it under the charade of saving the planet was a good try. The socialist movement found a great movement in the Green Agenda. Just a way to go after the west and capitalism under the fake goal of saving the planet.
I call it the watermelon agenda. It is green on the outside and red on the inside.
Oh, so more socialism is the answer!? More free crap, no incentives to work. Polices that discourage growth. If anyone mentioned cutting entitlements one party would kill you if you did and the other has no balls to do it either.
I don’t disagree with a thing you wrote above. This current generation is even worse because of lousy parenting and political correctness run amuck. This generation has never had to sacrifice a thing and has no clue how the real world works.
I would like to see some workable solutions. More growth, caps on spending. Across the board. Climate change is simply a red herring. The environment is so much cleaner today than when either of us grew up and gets better each year. It is called technology. Its cleaning it up. Not panic stricken BS stories for political gain..
Andrew I want policies that work. My proposal is to limit government spending, maybe freeze it across the board and grow out of it without huge cuts. No one has the courage to cut. Libs will ALWAYS say it heartless. Regardless.
We cannot tax our way out of this but we can grow out of it. Technology could lower healthcare costs dramatically like it has lowered costs in every other industry. Its possible…
What do you suggest? I don’t care about owning libs. I want things that work. I just have not seen many ideas coming from the liberals that work in my humble opinion. Trump is not a traditional conservative but knows growth is the only way and being an energy leader will too.
Sorry, trickle down IS capitalism. Socialism has been disproved. In Venezuela, Cuba and almost every country in central and South America…and in France today!
France has a 40 year lead on the US with socialists in control. So if you like what you see there, go for it. I want no part of it. And we have to listen to leftists tell us that Europe has it all figured out….how is that immigration policy working for them too?
I used to think that way- to want faster change. Unfortunately, life evolves painfully slowly. Like the arc of justice. And every New becomes an Old in just one lifetime, God willing. So I forgive the Olds when they drive 8mph, or repeat the same exact story for the 8th time in one day (e.g., shout out to the CPUSA link– I didn’t see it at first, but there it was at the end!)
Not to worry- after just seven reincarnations of your soul, even the Olds may understand that the key to keep living is to keep things New.
Until then, I expect there to be a few raspy gasps about Venezuela and some other neural lapses.
Very much approve of the new site decor.