December 13, 2018 6:18 AM
Morning Reads – Thursday, December 13, 2018
- Another business headed to the Peach State
- Healthcare costs are higher in Georgia
- More on the Gasaway election
- Using an ancestry site solved a murder case in Georgia
- 2 universities get poor scores for campus speech
- Stacey Abrams’ next move draws a ‘stay tuned’
Jimmy Carter
- Beto O’Rourke’s Presidential Campaign Is Going To Wear Us Out
- Michelle Obama takes a swipe at Trump
- Congressman-elect questions CDC info on vaccines
- NFL stands with Trump on prison reform bill
- Minority-only spaces on college campus
- Vermont man places middle finger in yard for city officials
- California considering tax of text messages
Sweet Tea
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At least he’s honest!! What say you, Libs???
Even reading just and only the headline- in its worst light– the headline says: “Boy, I really would love to be President for Life, but the Constitution forbids it.” That latter acknowledgement of the Constitution is what is called the “Rule of Law”, and it is a check on the ambitions of politicians and any others who seek to breach the contract where government is by the people and for the people.
It is when someone puts no moral check on their ambitions, when someone undermines the institutions that defend and enforce the Constitution– that’s when I see real, and not merely hyperbolic, trouble.
Should have done this years ago! Maybe they’ll be invited back when they give him fair coverage.
“At an Oval Office gathering earlier this year, President Donald Trump began touting his administration’s new real estate investment program, which offers massive tax breaks to developers who invest in downtrodden American communities. He then turned to one of the plan’s strongest supporters.
“Ivanka, would you like to say something?” Trump asked his daughter. “You’ve been pushing this very hard.”
“The Opportunity Zone program promoted by Ivanka Trump and her husband Jared Kushner — both senior White House advisers — could also benefit them financially, an Associated Press investigation found. ….. Trump and Kushner jointly own a big stake in a real estate investment firm, Cadre, that recently announced it is launching a series of Opportunity Zone funds that seek to build major projects under the program from Miami to Los Angeles. Separately, the couple owns interests in at least 13 properties held by Kushner’s family firm that could qualify for the tax breaks because they are in Opportunity Zones in New Jersey, New York and Maryland — all of which, a study found, were already coming back.”
“I doesn’t matter it’s unethical. Those kids are doing a good job.” — Senator Orrin Hatch (snark)
Jared and Ivanka; Soon to be known as Individual #2 and Individual #3?
Remember dealmaker Trump driving a hard bargain last January?
Schumer at that time offered Trump five times the $5 billion Trump now wants for a wall in exchange for permanent legal protections for Dreamers. Trump would have gotten something he dearly wanted and Democrats didn’t for something Democrats dearly wanted and Republicans were mostly okay with, except for the racists among them, but Fox News could have handled the latter. That deal was a bigger concession on the part of Dems that it was for the GOP. Trump told Schumer the immigration concessions from Democrats weren’t conservative enough.
The payoff for Trump: his choices now are less than one-third of the one-fifth $5 billion he came down to from what he was offered 11 months ago, or shutting down the government.
Can Trump work a deal or what?
The only deal he needs to cut is one for Mexico to pay for the wall. I don’t know why Chuck and Nancy didn’t simply say we’ll give you the 5 billion if you look into the camera and admit that you lied repeatedly to the American people when you said that Mexico was going to pay for the wall. If he refused, both should have gotten up and walked out.
There are numerous videos of the zombie crowds yelling….”and Mexico’s gonna pay for it.”
‘Appreciate the caselaw.
Long story short: FIRE says “Sexual harassment is a right.”
A couple of voting things to mention:
Just do the scanned ballots, and hurry up! We are running our of time.–regional-govt–politics/disagreement-persists-over-replacement-georgia-voting-system/3PLLKqJIS1G8EJjFPZXDzL/
To add to your list of voting things looks like Democrats have decided to try the Republican tactics when it comes to disenfranchisement.
This is how democracy ends. Everybody joins in on the race to the bottom.
Lobbyist spend big on supper for legislators during the November 13-17 special session. Belly up to the trough boys. How much did they spend on your legislator? Deffenbaugh got 0 and Mullis got $272.8.–regional-govt–politics/lobbyists-spend-big-feeding-lawmakers-during-georgia-special-session/WQkSM2nYuKydIm0y5UKMcN/
Chump change.
Saudi Arabia Pumps Up Stock Market After Bad News, Including Khashoggi Murder
The government of Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman has spent billions to counter selloffs in recent months
According to a Wall Street Journal analysis of trading data and interviews with multiple people with direct knowledge of government intervention efforts, the Saudi government has placed huge buy orders, often in the closing minutes of negative trading days, to boost the market.
The Saudi stock market is a pillar of Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman’s plan to revamp his country’s economy. Since he ascended to a top leadership position three years ago, the de facto Saudi ruler and his deputies have faced a series of foreign-relations predicaments—most recently the October murder of columnist Jamal Khashoggi—that prompted investors to dump Saudi stocks.
The Saudi stock exchange normally discloses how much stock the government buys. The recent purchases after political crises have been concealed from public view. That is because the government, rather than buying stock directly, has routed its money through asset managers at Saudi financial institutions who run funds that don’t need to reveal their clients, those people say…
Meanwhile back at the ranch the US Senate had a couple of Republicans cross over for a futile gesture:
Senate Votes to Limit War Powers in Yemen, Angered by Saudi Killing of Journalist
The Senate voted resoundingly on Thursday to withdraw American military assistance for Saudi Arabia’s war in Yemen, issuing the latest in a series of stinging bipartisan rebukes of President Trump for his defense of the kingdom amid outrage in both parties over Riyadh’s role in the killing of a dissident journalist.
The 56-to-41 vote was a rare move by the Senate to limit presidential war powers and send a potent message of official disapproval for a nearly four-year conflict that has killed thousands of civilians and brought famine to Yemen. Its immediate effect was largely symbolic, after the House earlier this week moved to scuttle it, all but assuring that the measure will expire this year without making it to Mr. Trump’s desk….
But never fear as the Trump News Network is quick to remind us with a Rubio opinion piece, but, but, Iran…
While the United States is right to hold Saudi Arabia accountable for Khashoggi’s barbaric murder, we must also squarely face Iran’s central role in perpetuating Yemen’s conflict. Failure to do so risks yielding more war, oppression and misery in the region over the long term.”
How about we take a step or two back from Iran’s central role?
An argument can be made that the US toppling Saddam for fake WMD initiated Mideast instability. Sunni Iraq was a check on Iran that also geographically divided Sunnis. Ongoing instability in Iraq contributed to the 2011 Arab Spring that has failed everywhere outside of Tunisia. Arab Spring instability is/was responsible for refugees swarming into Europe. and now beginning to destabilize Europe.
Then there’s the Wahhabism in Saudi Arabia that was ground zero for our 9/11 ground zero. What did we do about that?
Strictly unsupported speculation, but US preoccupation in the Mideast and south central Asia may well have contributed to deteriorating conditions in the western hemisphere in Honduras, Guatemala, etc.
For those playing along at home, the current criminal investigative witches as of this afternoon being hunted;
Trump’s Foundation,
Trump’s Business (in general)
Trump’s Personal Lawyer
Trump’s Campaign,
Trump’s Transition,
Trump’s Inaugural Committee,
Trump’s White House and/or Personal.
That’s a lot of witches.
Everything you said!
I still believe this is fundamentally a political issue. Everybody knew that Trump sat at the head of a crime family with salacious references to hookers, porn stars, fixers, hush money, Russian mobsters, illegitimate children, rumors, conspiracy theories, etc. And he won anyway. IF….he runs again, we’ve got to make he loses by more than three million votes this time.
America must purge itself of this vile experiment.
I’d suggest you make sure he loses the Electoral College! LOL!!!
Sometimes poison lingers no matter what’s done to purge.
Yep, things are so vile now…
I can’t wait to return to more taxes, spending, stifling regulations, taxes on fossil fuels like the ones that led to riots in France, no growth policies, military planes not being able to fly because of not enough spare parts, more Obamacare, higher premiums, lousy coverage, doctors not taking the crap, red lines in the sand, giving trillions of dollars away to other countries so they don’t have to follow emission regulations that we do, rampant uncontrolled immigration like Europe and the problems they create, no voter IDs, more wizards like Obama, Cortez and Bernie running our economy when neither has run a lemonade stand, more abuses by our Intelligence Services, more frame ups, more cover-ups, more banning of conservative speech on campuses and on social media, more marches, more pink hats, more in your face, more destruction of statues, monuments, non stop whining and dumbing down, no school choice and more endorsements form the Communist Party USA, reverting back to importing 40% of our oil from the Middle East instead of becoming the largest energy producer on earth, no borders, more hateful rants, racist ,racist, hater, homophobe, more liberal judges, send that $4 trillion dollars back overseas that was just sitting there, returning to the highest corporate tax rate on earth and letting the Chinese get way with every trade abuse they ever dreamed of and just rolling over another log and the weekly launch of missiles over Japan by the little rocket man!
Lets let the liberals get away with more character assassinations like Kavanaugh, General Flynn, spies in the opposing candidates election team and gosh only knows what else. Lets get rid of record employment, a strong economy, the US leading the world….yep we need to be more like socialist Europe every day!
Yep lets get rid of Trump and go back to those good ole’ days!! That is what Trump has gotten rid of in 2 years or less! He might not have turned water into wine but its pretty darn close!! Yea, speaking of vile, good riddance!
Thank God for either me or DTM, cause if one ain’t schooling you Libs the other one is!! Looks like DTM just upchucked the truth all over yall!! Study up, boys and to quote Khan, admire “the superior intellect!” AWWWW NAWW!!!
Upchuck is an apt description.
But no rebuttal Dave…interesting.
Doesn’t family come first?
Correct, zip, nothing nada. Don’t forget the Inaugural Party for good measure!!
And the FBI is having to turn over all the documents related to framing Flynn by 2:00 pm TODAY!!!
And the whistleblowers are singing over at the FBI regarding the investigation of the Clinton Foundation!! RIGHT NOW! Why did the Clinton Foundation get $140 million? Why did we sell 20% of that uranium to our buddies the Russians? Who approved that, why and follow them money please!! Mueller is involved in that.
How many crooked SOBs at the FBI been fired or reassigned!! About 25 and counting! Now why is that? Comey is going to get bore hogged for being a dishonest biased blowhard! Strzok right in the middle..Page, McCabe… Has that hardened criminal Papadopoulos served his life sentence of 12 days yet?!
Oh, here is the WSJ piece this morning…Is CNN aware of this!? How about 95% of the libs in this country?
The Flynn Entrapment –the whole investigation is a case study of entrapment.
How many spies were planted in Trump’s campaign as part of the “insurance policy”? I think the number is up to 7. Is that about right? Why did Hillary lie about paying for the fake Dossier for about a year? Why was it used to Spy on Trump? Was it verified? Oops!! Comey and the boys again.
Damn…Einstein’s got nuthin’ on DTM!!
Sez you, Sniv…
Andrew you would fit in real well with that crowd! There are plenty of job opening for the multitude of biased crooks that have been reassigned!
You’re a legend in your own mind, Rain Man!! There are those at the AUSA level and higher who have opinions that differ from yours.
Andrew, take that up with the Wall St. Journal. Apparently they disagree with you. Go figure… The Flynn entrapment article I linked to is in Today’s WSJ. Page A-16 Review and Outlook. The article very well came out yesterday.
It is questioning the FBI’s behavior. What I have been railing about for a year and a half or longer. Biased and abusive behavior. That is illegal. It is illegal to lie to FISA Courts. Maybe a bunch of other laws broken but I defer to the legal beagles…
Andrew why were Strzok and Page fired? McCabe was fired for lying to the FBI himself wasn’t he ? So you think these investigations are on the up and up?
How many times did Comey lie the other day? I just don’t recall, don’t remember…I hope he does not have Alzheimer’s. I would not wish that on anyone.
And given that typically difficult to prove intent is a required element of many white collar crimes, catching the perpetrator lying about the crime is one of few means to help prove intent.