December 18, 2018 6:00 AM
Morning Reads for Tuesday, December 18
Good morning! Today is the deadline for the most economical shipping options.
- It has been an exceptionally good fundraising year for Atlanta’s HBCUs.
- There’s a lot of talk in Georgia about school start dates – but maybe the more pressing question isn’t when the school year starts, but what time the school day starts.
- The Talmadge Bridge name discussions will likely continue into 2019.
- Five essential takeaways from the Senate Intelligence Committee’s report on Russian interference in the 2016 elections.
- Salt it! And other cures for holiday messes like spilled wine. And blood.
- The tyranny of the Elf on the Shelf. And also, having been around since 2005 does not make something a “holiday tradition.” It takes 15 years, at least for something to be considered an actual tradition. I have been hating on “Love, Actually” since it was released in 2003. That’s 15 years, thus, it’s a tradition. The elf is just a PITA.
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Thanks for thebridge article. I thought that had died. I’m glad to see savannah tourism hasn’t been negativity impacted by this giant Nothing-Whopper!
Both father and son tarnish Georgia’s history. Both were crooks, the father an avowed racist, the son a closeted one. Incidentally both were Democrats so why would a Republican operative in the here and now care if it carries the Talmadge name? The bridge wasn’t officially named in the first place only its predecessor which was damaged by a loose barge. You are correct, it should be nothing to name it after a more deserving person or call it what the DOT called it on the construction drawings, The Savannah River Bridge.
Because it’s asinine!! Why don’t yall dig him up ala Oliver Cromwell, shoot his corpse, then re-bury him?!?!?! By the way, how is the tearing down of the Washington Monument coming???
Yall are the ones wanting to rename and destroy things, Sniv. LMAO!!!
As you still lack reading comprehension I will repeat myself once again. It is NOT a renaming as it was never officially named in the first place. The officially named Talmadge Memorial Bridge became scrap metal over 25 years ago.
Was the new bridge built in the same spot as the old bridge?
No. Quit grabbing at straws trying to match your narrative. Though damaged the old one still stood while this one was built on an entirely new foundation. The new one was called the Savannah River Bridge all during its construction phase. I wrote programs for a subcontractor on the project. It opened as the SRB and I think it regrew the Talmadge name as a decision of a then elected Democrat DOT Commissioner at least a year or two later. As has been cited here and elsewhere the new bridge was never officially named and approved by the legislature.
Well, you just yourself just said it’s not been named the Savannah Bridge, so quit trying to re write history. It’s the Talmadge Bridge because it replaced the damaged Talmadge Bridge. The Legislature ain’t gonna change it. You’re stuck with it. Suck it up and smile!
We should rename the Washington monument…the Colin Kaeperniick Celebration! They could put a big bush at the top of it like a cherry on top.
Tear down the bridge and let folks swim across the water. That will show them.
Tear down the Jefferson memorial too. Go get that statue on the Decatur Square and Stone Mountain should be jack hammered. That will make your life better. At least the democrats are running on some platform.
More great liberal energy expended. Anyone seeing how no one wants to perform at the freaking Super Bowl halftime show? Why? Liberals ruining another tradition.
AS usual not a single straw man you constructed there running down the “libs” has anything to do with the discussion at hand.
“At no point in your rambling, incoherent response were you even close to anything that could be considered a rational thought. Everyone in this room is now dumber for having listened to it. I award you no points, and may God have mercy on your soul.”
You are even more dense than your normal. The bridge topic was linked in the MRs. So the naming discussion is spot on!
The bridge that was never named has nothing to do with the straw men DTM manufactured. He constantly pulls other peoples’ motivations out of thin air, attributes one person’s wild opinion with an entire group’s, and gives his expert opinion on what the libs are thinking (as described to him by Hannity and the Russians).
Will its the same absurd discussion we are having on dozens of subjects around the country. Even free speech on college campuses. Some liberal numbnut idiot get his (its—you cant even agree on the pronoun to use these days) feelings hurt and then is “outraged” and then he tries to make everyone else’s life as miserable and mixed up as his.
Why don’t we wait a day or two for the next outrage and see if this doesn’t fit like a glove.
“We” don’t have discussions. You frequently have diatribes stemming from a word or phrase used by another in a free association polemic that has nothing at all to do with the price of rice in China.
@DougExeter disgusting. was in line behind colin kaepernick to buy my nonfat triple whip soy decaf latte and he kneeled for baby its cold outside
I’m waiting for the outrage at the name of Washington National being changed to Reagan National. Or the outrage that street names all over the south were changed in the 50’s to honor racist because they were racist.
Times change and names do too. But what never changes is that racist know other racist and they alway jump to defend them with selective memories and revisionist history.
Revisionist? Revisionist like Stacey wanting to sandblast Stone Mountain? That kind of revisionist??
Congrats on your getting that call from TGM, Gregs!!!! I know you’re honored to be named to his newly created “Race Force”!!!! LMAO!!
Gregs was the one who mentioned National.
And you were the one doing the race baiting. Again for the 4th or 5th time I’m going to ask you how you think the tactics you employ here help the Republican Party?
I didn’t race bait one iota. The article mentioned that the bridge had yet to be renamed, presumably decades after Talmadge assumed room temperature and because he was a racist. The drive to rename a rusting bridge is literally race baiting and accomplishes nothing but to stir a long dormant pot.
You’re confusing “race baiting” and race consciousness.
I guess that would happen without conscious thought.
You are telling a commenter that has self-identified himself as an African American that the president you call “The Great Man” (because you think it “tweaks the libs”), should put him on a “Race Force”. That ain’t race baiting?
And again I note you once again have not answered my question on why you think being obnoxious helps the Republican Party.
This doesn’t apply to Gregs. But are you saying a black guy can’t be controversial on the topic of race?!?! Idiot. Paging Mr. Sharpton…
You are the one putting your words in my mouth and then calling it idiotic. You are the one telling a black guy that his resentment of streets being named after racists in the fifties should place him on a “Race Force.” With operatives like you it is no wonder that the Georgia Republican Party is lily white. AAs make up more than 30 percent of the voters in this state, so again who is the idiot here?
I point out blatant political hypocrisy…period.
The hypocrisy that you see efforts to raise race consciousness as offensive race-baiting? –Actually, that’s not hypocrisy. More like….
Silence them critics! Silence them critics!!
“Moderate those critics” has a better ring.
After the initial moderation, there was a one- or two-day window when you actually raised your game.
Did you have older siblings, Sniv? Cause your favorite bleating phrase as a child had to be: “I’m gonna tell Mom!!!!” LMAO!
Personally I see a connection you noting Reagan National and streets, and it has nothing to do with race with respect to Reagan National. Was there such a connection Gregs?
Kill two birds with one stone. Mail all of the Elf On A Shelf dolls to random addresses in Russia c/o Putin.
Seeing as how that bridge goes to South Carolina, and the first things you see are a fireworks store and a strip club, I say call it the Bridge to Purgatory.
Damn Benev, I didn’t know you were a true Bible Thumping Baptist! Maybe even a rube! You surprise me!
There may be hope for you yet! Benev, part of the Moral Majority! I love it.
For absolute clarity, can you confirm which end is purgatory?
Andrew you should be a good little lib and tell your kids Santa is not real, just a fat SOB dressed up in a suit and to grow up!
Do most liberals agree that it is not good thing to lie to your kids about Santa? I lied to mine and still do!
It is confusing to me too Andrew. Obviously libs believe the American taxpayer is Santa but don’t believe in the real one.
Dear little Johnnie Liberal, what do you want for Chrismas!? I want free college, free housing, free transportation, free healthcare and free income for life Santa!
Didn’t quite get to “Nazi”. Good for you, Pavlov! At least you’re trying!
Thanks to whoever took the first part of his comment out. It was really offensive.
Says the expert on being offensive.
Meanwhile over in NY with the Trump Foundation investigation… Trump and family to dissolve Foundation, agree to never serve on a charity board in NY state and the investigation will continue.
“Our petition detailed a shocking pattern of illegality involving the Trump Foundation – including unlawful coordination with the Trump presidential campaign, repeated and willful self-dealing, and much more,” Underwood said in a statement. She went on to allege that the foundation had functioned “as little more than a checkbook to serve Mr. Trump’s business and political interests.”
Mine too.
The coordination to his campaign on top of the Cohn/AMI payments is adding more evidence to a federal case.
More truth from TinyHands, circa early summer 2018: “The sleazy New York Democrats, and their now disgraced (and run out of town) A.G. Eric Schneiderman, are doing everything they can to sue me on a foundation that took in $18,800,000 and gave out to charity more money than it took in, $19,200,000. I won’t settle this case!…”
I never knew the KKK gave Hillary $20,000. You mean people would actually fall for that?
Everaone sing with me…
“And the wall ‘shutdown deal’ comes tumbling down, And the wall (and the wa-all) ‘shutdown deal’ comes crumbling down, And the Wall ‘shutdown deal’ came tumbling – tum-bling, crumbling tum-ling DOooooWWWWN”
On the bright side the TSA will be less cranky if they are being paid when I’m flying to Chicago later this week.
So we spent $354 billion on welfare last year and can’t find 5 billion to make the border more secure? Shut her down.
There was a bipartisan deal for border wall money, and Trump reneged on it.
Is there actually even a plan for what that $5B would buy? Or is it just an idea that will come together once we throw some money at it? I honestly haven’t seen any plan. Cost estimates are all over the place. Some include more than just the wall. Does it include the cost of buying more than 1000 miles of borderland from the owners? Or is the plan to just take it from them? Maybe the $5B is just the cost of the planning?
He was given $1.5 B for the wall planning by a GOP controlled house. He has not even used the funds from last years bill. The $5 B will not pass a GOP majority house vote. Otherwise they would have put $5 B in the bill and floor vote it into the Senate to let the Dems look like the ones who are holding up the bill over $3.5B in wall funding.
If you want to play that game we send $48 billion a year for Israeli defense. If you think a defense like a Stone Age wall is going to add to our own national defense perhaps we should just pull the $25 billion (the OMB pegs it as much more), Trump’s own administration estimated as the cost from their planes, tanks, and automobiles for our own defense.
Amen Chef! Illegals cost us $111 billion a year. Article was linked a week ago. Go figure.
Lol! That was funny!
Yes, the wall is coming down. The entire structure of the Trump crime-family is crumbling. They’re closing the “foundation” and all his “rats” are jumping ship. He has another COS who calls him a “terrible human being” in public on tape.
Even the “judge” on his favorite network is calling for a sealed indictment to be issued against him. He’s having quite a month!
Merry Christmas America!
If exclamation points were banned here would we act less like a kindergarten or just have the appearance of acting less like a kindergarten?
Yes, depending on the sheer stupidity if the Lib action being examined!
What about the sheer stupidity the Trumpsters action being examined?… like Stephen Miller’s hair on Sunday?
Ok, lemmings, join in: “Global warming!” “Global warming!” Paging Goreged, Mr. Al Goreged! LMAO!
This is a particularly insightful look at why Trumpism harms America. It’s written by the daughter of an ex-president and is full of the snark we all love so much.–and-the-world-knows-it/2018/12/17/57adc7ea-021f-11e9-b6a9-0aa5c2fcc9e4_story.html?utm_term=.31689c60481a
PS: open incognito to avoid the paywall.
Here is a good read from a French guy.
Well at least it was good up until he advocated Ted Cruz as an example of “honesty and virtue”.
I have thought similar things for a while now though; that our time of supremacy was coming to an end, and it was time to be working on becoming a good neighbor rather than be “the boss”. We don’t have to be dominant to have a good, strong country. We can be one among several. Countries like France, and Sweden, Germany, Spain, and others, are fine countries without trying to be The One. But, we have this history of Manifest Destiny that many still seem to believe in.
Nature abhors a vacuum. Some nation will step into the hole we’re leaving. MBS, Putin, Duerte, Kim Jong-Un and long list of Trump’s buddies don’t want a free press and an independent judiciary and this experiment might not end well.
I’ll summarize my take away from this article: America and the world deserve Donald . This “maybe” true but its not an endorsement of Trumpism.
You know it’s a bad day for the administration when they put out a surprise ruling that leads to the banning of bum stocks 15 mins before a scheduled White House Press Briefing…. And then start the presser over an hour late (waiting on a FBI or DOJ person to talk about it for 20 mins so they can limit ques and distract his base on bad it was…
Didn’t he have to sign the whole “lying to the federal government is illegal’ form when he applied and renewed his security clearances?
10 min. briefing…? Seriously? 10 whole frick’n minutes?
Not sure why the lawyers would have put defiance and dismissals of guilt in the middle of an appeal for leniency. Although they could have thought no jail time was a lock, because of the negotiated plea, so they could say anything. But still, when you dismiss your guilt, you’re not pleading guilty.
He could have asked for an Alford plea, but I didn’t hear anything about that either.
Flynn openly admitted he knew lying to FBI was a crime. He did so in open court with his attorney present. This will not stop Trump, Fox News and the zombies from twisting what happened.
Ponder this thought: you know just how low we’ve gone when the standard is someone not telling you to tell the truth is entrapment.
I know. That type of comment gets made like every day in a bar somewhere, but to have it coming out of the WH?
We shall recover. Eventually.
it appears Trump is really owning the libs on this one.
There has been discussion of the commonalities between the Russian election and Trump support social media strategy and tactics. That’s only circumstantial with respect to collusion. Russia is the world’s leading white nationalist country, and Trump is a white nationalist. One can expect the same things from them.