December 20, 2018 6:02 AM
Morning Reads – Thursday, December 20, 2018
- “Bless his heart.” — Our own Teri
- Overdose deaths on the decline in most of Georgia
- Gasaway definitely lost
- Democrat throws support behind Unterman
- Rapper TI to pay fine for cursing in public in Georgia
Jimmy Carter
- GOP Republican at 93% approval for Trump
- Why Facebook explains how Netflix, Spotify, and others used the info they got
- GoFundMe campaign for border wall aims for a billion
- Catholic Church Withheld Over 500 Names Of Priests Accused Of Child Abuse: Report
- Anger, confusion greet Trump’s surprise decision on Syria
- Americans are scattered and divided over which source they most trust for news
Sweet Tea
- Population growing at slowest rate in 80 years
- California now the “least educated state”
- We are dangerously sleep deprived.
- Third of rare Scotch whiskies tested found to be fake
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WHAT! This is a travesty. Lawmakers you need to bring back public hanging! 1/3 of rare Scotch Whiskeys FAKE! This cannot be allowed!
I believe there was an old grandmothers rule which was, “Believe none of what you hear and half of what you see”. Looks like CNN is winning the race.
Of course then there is the Boortz rule, “Only believe what you have personally research and know to be true.” One of the few things I agreed with him on.
I bleve this be what DTM be talking ’bout!! What say you, Socialist Sheep?! LMAO!!
Noway, this is another example of socialist/communist wealth creation. A case study just 90 miles away. I see that Venezuela gets an honorable mention! Equality of outcomes for sure! Everyone is broke!
I hope Andrew tells us how great the education system is down there and their healthcare system. For years we have heard liberals extol them. If any of us get sick, are we heading to Cuba?
Andrew, can you find us any pro growth polices that the Cuban politicians have passed? I could see you were having trouble finding any pro growth policies from the left in the USA!
Have the Castro brothers passed dozens of new taxes like the libs want to do here? Well I guess there is no wealth to tax any more. Go figure.
I wonder how clean the environment is down there…How much is a gallon of gas? I bet their carbon footprint is low since there is little economic activity. I suppose Cuba is saving the planet from global warming…At least they have that going for them!
Cool! Any chance you would go to Romania? That’s probably next for me after St. Petersburg.
Safe and happy travels.
If there is any moment of temptation to check in on this site, don’t do it.
No news feed is a good news feed.
Be careful in the motherland… If I were you I wouldn’t go over there and demand citizenship, free healthcare, and $50,000 in reparations…I don’t think their liberals are as foolish and gullible as those in America!
Safe travels! By the way you stole that “ living rent free in the head” line from NoWay ! It is a good one.
You are the one who has let the Russians lead you around by the nose for at least the last couple of years.
“Russian disinformation teams targeted Robert S. Mueller III, says report prepared for Senate”
And you exhibit your ignorance once again thinking the “rent free” line originated with Noway.
New voting machines coming, probably.
This article talks about the two main systems, and I would say maybe we should have both. The vast majority could be the hand-marked ballot that can be scanned, but each precinct would have at least one of the machine-marked ballot machines for those who request that type of ballot, with the caveat that those ballots do NOT have barcodes on them, because that totally defeats the purpose of having a paper ballot.–regional-govt–politics/georgia-set-move-from-electronic-paper-ballots/Ac6nMEcAnecNsqnAncuq0M/
I’m betting lawmakers will push the barcode machines since they are hackable .
The article brings up an issue about blank choices. Can voters leave a blank for an unopposed incumbent? Would that trigger a ballot invalidation? or manual count for that ballot? People do leave some races blank for a variety of reasons.
I wouldn’t think that would be a problem. But if it is, any ballots that aren’t read properly by the scanning machines are examined by a group of people to try to determine voter intent.
Everyone in Congress should let Trump fulfill his campaign promise, “Mexico will pay for the Wall”. End of wall legislation.
GoFundMeWall! haha. Do they accept Pesos?
Wow, are the democrats willing to shut the entire government for a measly $5 billion. A budget of $4 trillion and the democrats would shut down the government for a paltry amount of money that will make all Americans safer, fewer drugs, less human trafficking, fewer illegals streaming into the country, something that helps American workers, something that flies in the face of big business wanting cheap labor, actually enforcing our immigration laws….hmmm.
Don’t most folks think we should enforce our borders? Do democrats want our borders enforced? Pretty telling isn’t it?
By the way, just heard Ginsberg is resting comfortably after surgery lung cancer. Seriously, hope she is fine.
How do you know all that? Is there some plan regarding how this money would be spent that I haven’t seen?
Did anybody actually ask for this money?
Where would the money come from? More debt?
I mean, just because Individual-1 said it during the campaign doesn’t mean it’s a good idea. But maybe it IS a good idea if anyone knew what it was going to be spent on.
I think Dems have offered- for at least the last couple of years- close to $2B for increased border security including high tech improvements and personnel.
I think the dispute on one level is more about extreme views vs. fiscal conservative/moderate Repubs.
Another is about fantasy vs. reality.
The fantasy was a big Wall paid for by Mexico.
The reality is that a literal Wall is a waste (like a bridge to Nowhere), and we’re paying for every dime.
I think the way out of this, which probly won’t happen for a month, is for there to literally to be a line item labeled “steel slats” in the funding bill. Even if it’s just for a few hundred thousand $. Then, the construction crew can summarily chuck them in the trash or donate them to Mexico. Then they can build a fence/barrier that works.
Merry Christmas, gang!
Can we get this guy and the bus he rode in on deported before Christmas?
I wonder if he has ever been to Mexico. Wouldn’t it be ironic if he got extradited to there for something.
His sentence could be to build the wall. He can pay with Crytocurrency.
How does that Trumpista chant go again?
Lock him up!
Here is a different study about education rankings, with a significantly different outcome:
It makes me think that the “conservative news service” (or whatever cns stands for) was looking pretty hard at that census data to find something, anything, that California was last in.
Not only that, I don’t see anything to support their statements in the links embedded in their article anyway. It shows national data but I don’t see any state breakdowns, and if it’s there I can’t figure it out.
The cns article claims California ranks “50th for the percentage who have graduated from high school” and then says “Only 82.5 percent (of California residents) graduated from high school.” Well, 82% is pretty good!
This survey has California well above the bottom in high school graduation rates, ranked 32nd, just below the median (but also at 82%):
So, today’s lesson: Choose your news sources carefully, and if something smells funny check it out.
Another adult checks out:
Soon all we’ll have is a daycare for an eight year old president run by people who have the emotional maturity of nine.
Melania: where’s the pacifier?
Taking bets on how much time before Trump starts calling Mattis a ‘loser’ or some such.
With him, I’d be surprised if he did. And disappointed.
Me too.
Nevertheless, I will take no later than 7AM tomorrow.
The resignation letter needs no commentary
I think Mattis is a patriot and calming influence. Period. I wish he was still there.
I do miss the wonderful and calming times of the Obama administration like all of you. At least the liberals never called Mattis General “Betray US” did they? I do think that is an improvement.
Since Trump inherited such a great international and domestic scene, which problems today did Trump cause? Weren’t every one of these disasters rooted in Obama’s years of ineptitude and doing nothing. Some of the problems predate Obama too.
Did Obama do a darn thing to improve immigration problems or did he pour gas on them and encourage mass migration to America? Did Trump cause the problems in the middle east? Russia? Wait all of the Russia election handwringing and supposed election shenanigans occurred under the complete ineptitude of Obama’s administration didn’t they? Comey, Clapper, Mueller and the goons leading the way…
Someone please help us on the blog here point out anything that we are dealing with today that Trump created. Isnt he simply trying to clean up for the messes he inherited when he walked in the door?
About the only thing I can see that Trump is responsible for is a much better economy, trillions of dollars back in the US from overseas, record employment, tax reform, record energy production, 2 conservative supreme court picks and a stronger military. Wow, that sounds pretty good to me.
Did he create this atrocious crap of an immigration policy and this atrocious crap in the Middle East? I guess not. Be he is trying to address them. And looky who is trying to keep him from doing something about immigration. The folks that created the mess in the first place. They want no borders and the invading hordes don’t they?
Where am I wrong on this overview?
Mattis clearly did not want to betray the Kurds.
Flynn, however, thought it was OK to have been paid by a foreign government while simultaneously working within ours.
So, Generals will vary I guess.
But don’t worry, all of time and space and reality is full of grey areas, We’ll be living with the problems Trump has created for a good while.
Let me restate your post more succinctly: anything that’s good is to Trump’s credit. Anything that’s not good is that Kenyan Muslim’s fault.
Sounds about right for the MAGA crowd.
That’s kind of a colon cleanse of the mind.
Trump is so unstable right now, we need to be vigilant because he may start a war to deflect from the special counsel, the drop in the stock market, criticism over Syria and the lifting of sanctions against a Putin/trump puppet.
This is a very dangerous time for the world and all the adults have left or are leaving.
So when will Kelley and Mattis be stripped of security clearances?
The administration should have went with seasoned in PR sycophants like the Huckster or Kellyanne instead of an unhinged Stephen Miller.
From this morning prior to the House budget vote:: “And everything seems to be on hold in the House while they wait for a Trump tweet to tell them what to do. Seriously. “That’s what the f–k serving in Congress has come to,” one Republican representative told NBC’s Kasie Hunt.legislationti”