December 27, 2018 6:15 PM
Morning Reads – Thursday, December 27, 2018
- Georgia still on lower end for health rankings
- Senator Michael Williams turns himself in to Hall Co. law enforcement
- WWII museum opens on Georgia coast
- Opinion: Georgia denies migrants equal access to higher education
- Georgia high schoolers now have cyber certification opportunity
- After 16 years, Georgia’s former state school chief returns to the classroom
- Miss America, Miss Georgia choose new Georgia license group
Jimmy Carter
- “Congress ramps up war on sex workers”
- CDC called in by DHS to investigate sick migrants
- Democrats want something new
- Hospital prices are about to go public
Sweet Tea
- U.S. Holiday Retail Sales Are Strongest in Years
- MNF hits new record low
- LinkedIn apologizes for role in disinformation campaign
This is my last set of Morning Reads of 2018, so Happy New Year to you all!
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It’s was the first of a least a few tough Christmases for southwest Georgia pecan farmers. It’s the quadruple whammy of world supply being up, prices down, having hardly any inventory, and groves severely damaged. Supply chain change set in motion by disruption establishes its own inertia. Strikes at West Coast ports that drove ocean traffic to east coast ports meshed with a new Panama Canal to accelerate if not drive supply chain change. Tariffs deliver a punch, but Michael, connected perhaps to that which may not be spoken, climate change, may well mark permanent change in trajectory.
Indeed, the words “climate change” don’t even appear in Amtrak’s newest five year plan, despite stretches of Amtrak’s Northeast Corridor (NEC) being located only a few feet away from the ocean or tidal river shores. A multi-year three volume study, completed in 2017, was buried until a redacted version was furnished in response to an “enemy of the people” Bloomberg Businessweek FOIA request. The report identified “continual inundation” an important concern. It was kept from Wilmington’s Mayor, Delaware’s Governor, and the NEC Commission, even though it focused on an NEC segment in Wilmington as a example.
The report highlights the second prong of the multi-prong attack on fact. The first prong, labeling facts fake news, is aimed at the bubble. Hiding information is the second prong. A third more insidious prong is that inquiry that could develop facts aren’t even being undertaken. At least not until it starts costing the rich money. An aversion to study that may produce unwanted facts has done wonders for the gun culture in the US.
Trump deigned to “honor” troops with a campaign rally—-he just can’t help himself: “I don’t know if you folks are aware of what’s happening. We want to have strong borders in the United States, the Democrats don’t want to let us have strong borders. Only for one reason. You know why? Because I want it.”
“I don’t know if you folks are aware of what’s happening. We want to have strong borders in the United States, the Democrats don’t want to let us have strong borders. Only for one reason. You know why? Because I want it.”
You put this statement down as a knock. Yet every single syllable he said is 100% true.
The military overwhelmingly supports TGM in everything he does and says.
If you’re trying to find a group that doesn’t love this president, try somewhere else.
Politicizing the military is a knock. With Trump it’s always about Trump. A perfect fit for cultists.
Uh, he’s the Commander-in-chief. I know people in the military conflicted they’re pledged to obey a narcissistic dirtbag.
At least Trump finally got his military parade—generals leaving the administration.
“I know people in the military conflicted they’re pledged to obey a narcissistic dirtbag…”
Sure you do, Dave, sure you do….LOL!
Dang, you’re quick-witted.,
I want you guys to listen to the Clintons, Schumer and Pelosi talking about immigration policy and sounding exactly like Trump. Exactly! It is hilarious!
Were they lying then or now? Does anyone on this blog want their towns and schools overrun by hundreds or thousands of illegal immigrants? People who we have no idea who they are, where they are from, their backgrounds, goals….
Don’t we want some kind of controlled legal immigration?
It sure is easy being a limousine liberal behind GATED COMMUNITIES telling everyone they want open borders and dithering about global warming when they don’t have to do a damn thing and no sacrifices. Their kids will no be in those schools. Those immigrants will not be living in their neighborhoods!! Hypocrisy much?!
Please tell us if the liberals are lying now or then?
“Does anyone on this blog want their towns and schools overrun by hundreds or thousands of illegal immigrants?”
Of course not. It’s only dems such as Pelosi and Schumer who want that.
You’re right. They want votes. Pure and simple.
I see you finally admit you have little understanding of the political process. It takes a big man to admit they are retarded.
Does Chicken Little think the darn sky is falling? Can you come up with a more pearl clutching scenario? Even DOZENS! Does the fact some families lack certain federal paperwork somehow make them a negative to a community? Do you even KNOW any immigrant families, legal or not? How many? How much Spanish can you speak? Have you ever EVER done anything about this issue on a personal level?
This is rhetoric that leads to an assumption of ‘invasion’ which requires ‘repelling’. In this case, you conservative clowns are ‘depending on government!’ to do a job you don’t want to do yourselves.
Welfare queens, the lot of ya. Go South and tell those women and children to their faces to go home. And bring your 2Arms with you. That is what is for, right?
If the second two are like the first one, a Fox News clip, they’re a waste of time. Three ~15 sec Schumer soundbites contrasted with Trump sound bites. It did come with a laugh though, who knew it was Obama that politicized immigration?
There’s really no need to bother to refute pronouncements of devotees of facts that are fake news.
Does Chicken Little think the damn sky is falling? Can you come up with a more pearl clutching scenario? Does the fact some families lack certain federal paperwork somehow make them a negative to a community?
Do you even KNOW any immigrant families, legal or not? How many? How much Spanish can you speak? Have you ever EVER done anything about this issue on a personal level?
This is rhetoric that leads to an assumption of ‘invasion’ which requires ‘repelling’. In this case, you conservative clowns are ‘depending on government!’ to do a job you don’t want to do yourselves.
Welfare queens, the lot of ya. Go South and tell those women and children to their faces to go home. And bring your 2Arms with you. That is what is for, right?
Except the last sentence and the entire assertion. You can’t ever ever get anything ‘right’ can you, NoWay?
Dem’s don’t care about that man, they care about the regulatory capture that is the sole agenda for the Right Wing Corporate Party. This is about legitimate immigrants and Democratic minority voting. The GOP, since Tea Party Days, has embraced the silent racism seen in the very words above ( atypical dogwhistling NoWay never ever changes). Brown People “Also known as an entire group as “illegal aliens” to NoWay minded voter troggs.
The overt racism of the Southern male voter is coming to a head. You missed massive change in the midterms by a few cheating points. You can’t win on issues because all your issues (fiscal conservatism, abortion, ‘welfare queens’ and brown people without paperwork) are simply empty rhetoric. Not that there ever was any foundation to the bleating BS coming from conservative candidates.
Enjoy your last 20 months in power, GOP. Bernie is coming.
Illegal immigrants come in white too. Most of them are white. There are more illegal immigrants from the NORTH as from the SOUTH.
Hmm..where is the call for a northern Wall?
I didn’t realize football players, no matter how good they THINK they are, were in the habit of deciding when to play for and represent their team. Wow! And Kirby’s going along with this crap?
Harken back, if you will, to the early eighties. Imagine Herschel, on his last game of his junior year before jumping to the USFL, telling Vince, “Coach, I might get hurt if I play against Pitt (or whoever it was…) in the Sugar Bowl, so I think I’ll just sit out.”
Dooley would have played him out of spite, with an entitled attitude like this schmuck is exhibiting.
Pro-teams considering this guy just raised their eyebrows.
Baker decided not to risk a million dollar payoff in a meaningless exhibition. His call, one his coaches and teammates support. Who are you to tell him what he should do?
I am with the players here and actually disagree with Noway on something! The coaches and the schools get millions. Players a good education and an opportunity… but carry all of the risk.
The good education isn’t always a given, but there’s certainly good opportunity.
As long as he’s in college. He plays. The rest of the less talented players are “risking,” too.
He’s a bigger Snowflake than the BABB Boys! And that’s saying something.
If anyone would know about balls and faces…..
And you, not surprisingly at all, don’t understand “pride.” Here is an athlete who was given a free-ride opportunity to play football for UGA. He’s fully healthy and nursing no injury. He “chooses” not to play as to not risk a hypothetical injury. A pu–y of the first order. I was encouraged, however, that he’ll be cheering for his comrads from the sidelines. He should be given pom-poms and a red and black tutu.
At least Roberto Duran said “No Mas” after actually competing!! Lolol! This petunia wouldn’t even try!
Do you two rubes feel the same way about Tucker, Johnson, and Summers leaving UGA or do you save your disdain for undergrads?
Sorta like a bone spur warrior taveling across the sea and refusing to participate because his hair might get wet?
What a brilliant point Andrew. Most games are pointless. Let’s quit playing the regular season games in all sports and just wait for the playoffs.
Also since the likelihood of any of our kids becoming professional athletes is so remote, why don’t we simply not play any sports, or simply refuse to play or tell the coach to shove it. Just like the spoiled little kids in school today that tell their teachers to shove it and mommy and daddy come down and blame the teachers with them.
More liberal logic and footprints on society….
With take down like that, some artistic license must be taken with one The Who’s biggest hits, “Sniv got schooled again!” Oh, Man!!!,
Ahhhhhh, the endorsements! Right-O! Who can forget BroadwayJoe and Farrah Fawcett, right? I hear our boy here just got a helluvan offer from Summer’s Eve!!!
What an uninspired, pathetic performance! This team was rightfully excluded from the playoffs.
Kirby Smart, “You better show up and play every game!”
That is…unless you’re Baker.
Could inspired play by UGA’s favorite Wall Flower have made a difference?
We’ll never know, will we?
Wasn’t meaningless to Texas was it, Sniv? There’s that pesky little concept of “pride” again!
Bulldog Nation breathes a huge sigh of relief after Baker’s recent trip to the ER. Turns out it was just an abnormal PAP smear!
All the games are meaningless. Why bother going to your kids games? Lets have vide games for everyone.
Take a knee. You at least need to participate to get a participation trophy don’t you or have the snowflakes dumbed that down too.
Let’s just cut to it: any college player eho sits out a game to avoid a potential injury is a p—y. Pretty simple!
Like Hillary she just won’t go away.
Abrams Confirms That She Will Run Again
Is this an appropriate time for a Global Warming Hoax “OHHHH NOOOO?”
Please, no one tell Albert Goreged!!!
Darn, what are we liberals going to sell to the panic stricken goobers now?! This is HORRIBLE NEWS!
We have been using this fictional, useless garbage to attack the west, attack capitalism, make folks feel guilty for breathing and boosting the sale of Smart Cars so we can all be smug and act like we care more about our precious planet than our less informed, greedy, capitalist neighbors!
We have been getting away with the taxing the crap out of folks to “save our planet” scam for years now and it has been wonderful for spreading the socialist/ communist agenda! I call it the watermelon movement. You know, Green on the outside and Red on the inside.
This news, along with the idiot of a new president in France raising the price of a gallon of gas to $8 a gallon, is really hurting our liberal agenda. The poor middle class just wont take it any more! They finally woke up from staring at their I- phones.
We better look out in the good ole US of A. That troglodyte Trump actually wants lower energy prices to make life easier for the average American. Why are Americans paying $2 a gallon and the Frogs are paying $8? Now life aint fair after all is it? Thanks Trump! Oh, we can’t that even though we know its true!
Maybe we can double down on the socialist/ communist dogma and ratchet up the hate on Trump, encourage no borders, no rule of law, no growth and other policy gems! That should do it. Oh yea, lets impeach Trump!
Thanks for the conservative perspective on global warming.
You are welcome. And it is not a sky is falling, Chicken Little, the end is near tale at all is it? Life has been on this planet 3.7 billion years with just a bit of climate change and dodging asteroids hasn’t it?
Does a 20 centimeter rise in ocean levels over the last 7000 years sound like a disaster to you? No sh-t! Its sounds like Mother Nature has barely taken a leak if you ask me! You can’t find a time in history where the climate has been as docile. (And that is why we are able to blog at the speed of light right here today!)
It is the EXACT OPPOSITE of what the socialist/communist “panic peddlers” are selling. A GREAT QUESTION IS WHAT IS IN IT FOR THEM?!
Dave, why do you think politicians are selling that garbage? Could it be for political gain, power and control? Sound familiar? Is Gore a scientist or a politician? Are the liberal politicians that glom on to this in it to save the planet or to gain power, control your life and wallet? Why did the Supreme Court hearings turn into a frame job and a LIE-FEST? Same reason. The Collusion Delusion? Same power hungry lying fools.
I think it is fair to say most of us want clean air and water and a better life. Is following a bunch of radical socialists/communists going to lead you to the Promised Land? I doubt it don’t you? Be honest. Pay unto Caesar what is Caesar’s right?
Glad to hear you’re coming around on Kav. The only indisputable lies during his confirmation were those out of his mouth.
That’s right. Vocalize that hate, David. It might be therapeutic. Kav will be helping win Republican elections for decades!! LMMFAO!! And y’all best get ready for that defamation lawsuit, too!! AWWWW NAWWWWWWW!!!
You’re pretty amped up in your embrace of the hate narrative. Don’t blow a gasket. The bubble could be damaged.
Wasn’t but a few years ago and conservatives didn’t accept it was even becoming warmer.
Nope. Here is what conservatives believe. The climate has been warming since about 1850. End of a mini ice age going back about 300 years. What caused the mini Ice Age or Medieval warming period? I think the Romans were pretty damn stupid to denude so many forests and increase the Sahara size 10 fold too. Maybe we should plant more trees.
Darn, look at the global warming period from 950 to about 1250. 300 years of it! Then a 300 year mini ice age. And damn now back to a slight warming period the last 150 years.
And all with a 20 centimeter sea level rise over the last 7000 years. You might want to send this well known info to Gore, Pelosi, Obama and the rest of the panic peddlers. Did you know all of this Dave? It is right there on Wikipedia and google and a 1000 other places.…0.0..0.87.1120.20……0….1..gws-wiz…..0..0i131j0i10.vdSR7yJ4oQU…0.0..0.129.1538.20j3……0….1..gws-wiz…….0i71j0i13j0i8i13i30j33i10j0i10.1uMLNaZogj4
A backward focus. It’s what’s expected of conservatives.
Here is Jerry Brown. Famous Climate Panic Peddler. Outgoing by the way, thank Goodness for California….So listen to what he is yapping about. And what he will do about it.
His sole focus seems to be he loved his Carbon tax. Well how us how did that help the situation. Is that working? Lets triple them. See how the citizens benefit.. How is that working in France? Run the numbers on its effectiveness. What will it do to the climate? Quantify it. Will it prevent the prior naturally occuring climate changes? Is it cost effective or does it just make you “feel better”? And still go around saying the sky is falling when it doesn’t do jack sh-t.
How is that working in France? How is that middle class going to survive with rising costs? Who cares right?
California fires…aren’t fires natural events and are desperately needed to keep forests healthy? If you don’t clear out the underbrush isn’t the problem worse and you get larger fires? Isn’t that what is happening? Weren’t the fires on HIS watch? Why not a little bit of forest management? Blaming fires on climate change is BS and so “AlGORISH”! But CNN and the libs will parrot it as fact.
Solar panels. I love them. Keep building. Keep energy affordable. All forms. Keep improving like we are. Jerry hates nuke, fracking and fossil fuels. How can his state power itself? So he is against the biggest reasons for our CO2 reduction. Does he know the USA is doing a better job reducing c02 than almost any country on earth? Oops. Is 15 centimeters of ocean rise in 7000 years truly a crisis? LIKE WORLD WAR II. He is a liar. Period. No comparison.
Why are folks leaving California in droves? He is presiding over the exodus? Liberal policies. They are leaving to get away from the Jerry Browns of this world.
Jerry, how are millions more illegal immigrants helping the worst high school gradation rate in the country? Where will they work? Do they depress wages for folks already there? Can your infrastructure handle them?. How is that sanctuary city thing working for you? Ask San Fran. How is it helping Merkle and Europe? How is their economy humming along? More taxes and government right?
Liberal policies highlighted right there. Are they working? Or are folks voting with their feet?
Jerry laments Trump’s view. I think we should lament Jerry’s view. How can you reason with a person like that? Let Jerry go to the front lines in the Battle of the Bulge and see if he sees any difference than enjoying your life and using a little common sense. Who wants to be drafted and follow Jerry into Battle?
How do you like millions of folks getting millions of non citizens getting drivers licenses and all you have to do to vote in Calinfornia is a driver license.
Can anyone see why the Exouds will continus? Liberal policies are destroying CA.
There’s no need to waste time refuting anything else when you’re unaware of the simple objective fact that the population of California is not decreasing..
I recommend you continue using your nom de plume.
Thanks for the compliment Dave. It is BACKWARD focused. It is called history. Study it. Learn from it. Learn from the truth. No lets panic and make folks lives worse when its not needed.
Just read Jerry Brown BS and climate change more scary that WWII. Does anyone buy that BS? Do YOU?
Do you DISAGREE that the climate has been UNDENIABLY DOCILE for thousands of years and why mankind has flourished?
Or do you prefer to go around half cocked and panic stricken? Decisions made under panic -stricken stress are usually not good ones. Ask anyone that panics at every movement in the stock market …much less anything else.
I’ll be dead before climate change effects are especially. Those reflecting on history in future impoverishment will bemoan the ignorance and greed that made it worse..
Sure. ZZZZ. They will put on your headstone that you were a good little liberal and drove a Smart Car….He screeched and squealed the end was near to all that would listen, he tried to make folks guilty for living and breathing. He made sure he always voted for the capitalist hating socialists.
It is so sad to see that he passed in an accident when his Smart Car hit a squirrel. And the squirrel lived….Such a loss.
But thanks for saving the planet for the rest of us.
Greed? Lol! Keeping more of the money WE earned for ourselves and family. Is that the “greed” you’re talking about? I want to be sure I understand. Please help…
Dave you got part of this right. You will be dead before your moaning about climate change will have any effect. So why the whine?
Technology is cleaning this up as we speak. There are many clean energy sources that make economic sense. Not some pronouncement from some idiot lib that wants to cripple their economy.
Solutions not come from electing capitalist hating socialists.
There are far too many factors affecting the climate that we cant control if we wanted to. Global warming…where does the warming come from? The sun and to some extent the interior of the earth. The orbit around the sun, Sunspots, water vapor, plate tectonics… Can we do anything about it? Lets clean up our environment. Fine with that. A lot more common sense and a hell of a lot less hyperbole.
That last sentence made me laugh.
“BABB Boys, BABB Boys, whatcha gonna do?” ‘We gonna bust up that old statue!’
Ummmmm….not in FL!!!! LMAO!
Why is there an Exodus going on from high tax states? Can anyone give us some insight here? Is there another common thread? the discussion…
Another reason to add to my dislike of dollar stores.
Day 9. I now know why Trumpsters think everyone who is not a Trumpster wants to disband ICE. Some one on Fox News tells it’s viewers this at least 5 times an hour. There are dozens of major news topics going on and even if the subject does not involve anything even related to ICE or it’s job, gets a disband ICE aside.
Example, two Dem senators have offered plans to increase tax credits across the board for families and singles, which the Saturday morning Fox pundits disregarded as costing to much. (Since when do conservative GOP friendly groups of pundits slam and disregard paying less taxes?) They couldn’t even stay on the tax credit topic and started going off on the Ocasio-Cortez Healthcare for all plan and cost and if the democrats thought cutting services (like ICE) would pay for healthcare for all… it just went on and on to stuff that had no relation to a $250 tax credit.
It’s GOP Econ 101. Tax credits only increase tax revenue and grow the economy if they’re granted to GOP supporters or the rich.
Better yet Dave, here is Liberal Econ 101. Tax the sh– out of anything not nailed down, regulate them to death, ridicule and discourage freedom and hard work, no borders, no rule of law and enjoy the support of the Communist Party USA! Just look if you don’t believe me!
Put your hand over the website and put the Democratic Party Platform in its place. It is indistinguishable. I challenge anyone to find something that is not right out of the liberal playbook!! Get back to us!!
Credit where credit is due: Trump signing First Step Act (sentencing reform) and the administration banning bump stocks (despite reservations about the process—it should have been legislation—but with the plus none are grandfathered).
Wow! No worda to describe this literal mental disease. On full display! Any comments from The Libs or are yall too embarrassed!
Sorry. Wrong fist vid…
Nary a peep!! Because that unhinged fool is the brand new face of 2019’s Democrat Party!!! There is a God! He’ll be on the ticket with Bernie!!! LMAO!
Actually, thinking about it further, this rant will be played against every Dem challenger in every race! And every Dem is gonna be asked to condemn it. How many won’t?!?! LMAO! Gotta stick to The Narrative!! How bout it, Libs? Do we hear a condemnation of this twit?
Who does the guy at the vape shop remind anyone of?
Yesterday Trump tweeted he’s “in the White House waiting for the Democrats to come over and make a deal on Border Security” No, he’s eating cheeseburgers and chocolate cake while watching Fox News because he didn’t feel like getting his hair done. Pelosi of Schumer won’t be coming to visit, what with the way Trump owned ‘em the last time they visited.
Trump did work hard when checking-in with the toady weirdo Pence, grifter son-law Kushner, and sycophant tea partier Mulvaney negotiation team Friday night. Dems said Pence said the WH would to accept $2.5B toward the wall. Except that Trump didn’t say he would accept it. Besides, even if Trump did say he would, does his word mean anything? Dealmaker Trump has a well-established history of backing out of deals at the last minute, stiffing those that provided him materials or services, and using bankruptcy to shaft those stupid enough to provide him credit.
Speaking of dealmaking, wasn’t publicly ordering the withdrawal of US forces in Afghanistan while negotiating with the Taliban masterful? That’ll make ‘em enthusiastic to make a deal. And if it doesn’t, Trump can threaten that the troops will stay. That’ll show ‘em he does what he says he’ll do. Like make Mexico pay for a wall.
The Taliban, unlike troops excited about Trump as he lies to their faces about their paychecks, will be prepared to negotiate with a liar.
This one just got printed out for Myrtle’s!! LMAO! Bearse, your stuff is more requested these days than Sniv’s!
Trump watching Fox News in a dump WH while eating cheeseburgers and cake with combover undone is funny.
The Taliban, Obama’s JV team, right?
Another sterling response right on point!
Maybe a good guy but just a bad coach