Morning Reads for January 31, 2018 {New Years Eve Edition}
2018. What a year! Some of it was great. Some of it wasn’t. It felt defined by campaign commercials and mailers and a whole lot of chicken dinners. It was a year of parades, bus tours, phone banking, sign waving, and meet and greets.
For our family, in addition to a whole lotta miles on the campaign trail, it was a year that brought us a new niece and three new nephews, it was a year of profound loss, and it was a year of high adventure that broadened our horizons. I thought renovating our house and living in dust and dirt for weeks on end challenged our marriage. HA. If you want to know if your marriage will last for the ages, try volunteering your entire life-past, present, and future- for public consumption via a campaign. We are in it to win it, folks.
The year also brought about headlines that were bizarre, hilarious, and caused eye-rolls for days. Here are some highlights for your last Morning Reads of 2018:
- U.S. Olympic gymnast doctor Larry Nassar was confronted in court.
- This lady sued a restaurant over really hot lasagna that she says caused mental anguish.
- This was the year of the beginning of expansion for MARTA.
- Hawaii Kilauea volcano went active and destroyed Leilana Estates, a neighborhood on the big island.
- This guy was bit by a snake, a bear, and a shark in a 4 year period. He needs to live in a padded room.
- If you thought I was going to make a list of 2018 highlights and not include the royal wedding, you really need to get to know me a little better.
- It feels too soon to talk about what 2018 did to Georgia farmers. And the impact will last for years to come. Hurricane Michael spared no one.
- iHop pulled the publicity stunt of the decade and “changed it’s name to iHob” for about a month.
- This won’t be a read that will interest all our readers, but if you want to someone’s opinion of the worst New York Times headlines of 2018, this is for you.
- We lost Zell Miller.
- Families being separated from each other at the boarder was a major story for a good part of the summer.
- This aquarium apologized for “fat shaming” one of it’s own otters…
- Distracted driving made big time headlines in Georgia with the new hands free law.
- We gained another Supreme Court Justice. I know my office couldn’t have been the only office in the Country that lost at least a day’s worth of productivity listening to the confirmation hearing and later the testimony and defense of both Brett Kavanaugh and Christine Blassey Ford.
- A shark was stolen from a Texas aquarium disguised as a baby in a stroller. I cannot make this stuff up.
- We lost George H. W. Bush. And there were SO. MANY. ARTICLES. and tributes to choose from. But this one, this one was one of my favorites.
- Again, I cannot make this stuff up. “Nun caught smuggling cocaine in shoe heels was misled by online boyfriend, attorney says“. THIS IS A REAL HEADLINE.
- Lindsay Lohan decided to “rescue” a migrant family, tried to take the kids, and was knocked down by the mother. Oh, Lindsay. ::face palm::
- Politically speaking, there are lots of lists with varying opinions of what was the biggest story of 2018. You can read some of them here, here, and here.
- While I have pulled some of the highlights from this list, honestly, you need to read these ridiculous headlines for yourself.
And, if you are throwing a fun soiree at home this evening and need to stream the ball drop (or planning on snuggling up on the couch BECAUSE NO SHAME) here is some easy access for your viewing pleasure.
From all of us at GeorgiaPol, Happy New Year!
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After you give your baby a big midnight kiss, check out NASA-TV a half-hour later for coverage of the Ultima Thule flyby.
Some NASA engineers had to get their work deemed ‘essential’ to continue despite the government shutdown.
“We are ready to science the heck out of Ultima Thule.”
Thanks for these links, very interesting.
Very cool. Love this stuff. Flyby of Pluto was stunning…
Has anyone read any of astrophysicist Hugh Ross’s books? I think he is sharper than Stephen Hawking and much more readable.
Improbable Planet, Why the Universe is the Way it Is, The Creator and the Cosmos and others are must reads if you ask me.
Pretty simple, perfect example! 1000% Irrefutable!
Donald Trump on Sunday argued former President Barack Obama and former first lady Michelle Obama have a wall around their Washington D.C. home and the U.S. ‘needs a slightly larger version’.
‘President and Mrs. Obama built/has a ten foot Wall around their D.C. mansion/compound. I agree, totally necessary for their safety and security. The U.S. needs the same thing, slightly larger version!,’ he tweeted.
What say you, Libs!?
Are border walls effective? Build it.
For the record, barriers can be effective, but opinion if not falsehood surrounded by numbers don’t constitute fact.
An insightful and informed comment as usual.
Jericho, Jerusalem, Rome, Paris, etc. all had walls and all suffered the same fate. In the modern age it is a simple minded solution to appease simple minds.
Isnt it more simple minded not to have borders? Do you know of any other country that does not maintain its borders? Help me that logic.
It is hard, nay, impossible to help someone apply logic when they twist and conclusion jump a subject so far that it disappears over the horizon. A stone or even bronze age wall has nothing to do with not having a border.
It’s really great to know that Barack and Michelle Obama are now the standard by which Trump decides what is right and wrong. Here’s a few more things he should tweet about and seek to model about the Obamas.
Barack and Michelle have been married only to each other since 1992.
Barack and Michelle never used chain migration to bring in immigrant relatives of an immigrant wife and have them granted citizenship.
Barack and Michelle had no indictment of high ranking officials during the eight years they inhabited the White House.
Barack and Michelle are the among the most admired people in the world because they seek to uplift and not tear down other people.
Barack and Michelle have no allegations of relations with porn stars and hookers.
Barack and Michelle never had a “fixer” on retainer for over a decade because they didn’t need to fix anything.
Barack and Michelle’s associates, friends and colleagues have never gone on the record disparaging them personally and professionally as they left the administration.
Barack and Michelle have no “bomb shell” books coming about them every few months.
I could go on but seeking to emulate the Obamas is good way for President Trump to start the New Year. Thanks for bring this to our attention, Noway2016.
And of course someone would take a picture of the house and show once again what a pathetic liar inhabits the white house.
That’s just super sad. Making stuff up just to gin up division. Not even a care in the world if the argument is factual or effective. As long as it gets people riled. Sad sad.
If we spend $5 billion on the wall or whatever barrier is needed, and if the cost of illegal immigration is some $116 billion a year, doesn’t that pay for itself immediately? Is there some liberal “logic” that I am missing here?
For such a specific number, you should quote a source. The details of the methodology would be important.
But past that, are you saying that all costs of any illegal immigration are attributable to undocumented people who cross by foot overt he Mexican border? Because that would be the only fair comparison to make for saying how much a barrier could save.
I think there is an easy counterargument to make: walls around one parcel of real estate or three are far more effective than walls across an entire landscape. For obvious reasons.
But the analogy isn’t about effectiveness, so it doesn’t matter. It’s just rhetoric designed to divide Americans. How does it divide? Ask– is the rhetoric itself going to be effective? I.e. will the analogy convince any Dem Senator or Rep to now vote for wall funding? Of course not. Voters and their elected are all dug in.
And the pathway to get a barrier (not a wall) is obvious– you roll it into a package with DACA. Been known for a while.
But Trump just hasn’t figured out yet that he can’t just automatically get what he wants, and he hasn’t had to deal with Dem power yet either.
His bargaining power will only weaken over the next year at least, and with it, rhetoric like this should be easier to see for what it is: Just a way to gin up his base over hatred of Dems. It proves nothing about effective border security. And Dems already agree to some barrier, so no one needs convincing that some barrier is in order.
Trump has to learn to actually make a deal, but he can’t risk being too bipartisan or his base will reject it. So ginning up his base will only hurt him as he tries to actually make the necessary deals. Division is opposed to agreement.
What’s a nudey selfie got to do with the Mueller probe?
Sort of reminds you of another weird set of facts.
How did some bullsh– opposition research dossier that concocted some story about Trump peeing on a bed in a hotel that Barak slept on in Russia— totally made up and unverified mind you— become the focus and reason for spying on the opposition candidate, ruin his chances of winning the election and then become the basis of a special counsel to try and impeach him once elected and attempt to ruin his presidency?
Who would ever believe that in this country?
Looks like another something Mueller would love to me.
More bizarre liberal behavior. Will someone please help me here. I am stumped. What is this all about?
The Brainwashing is real. White people protesting white people for being white people… Truly Amazing. WTF?
C:\Users\mark\Desktop\white people.jpg
A pre-emptive strike against the Burn? Bernie alumni seek meeting to address ‘sexual violence’ on ’16 campaign Now who is this? The Ruskies, the Dems trying to get out a possible white male that has the potential to get a lot of votes, Warren’s campaign operatives that were former Bernie ones, or Hillary still burnt?
Wonder who the serial gropers were or is this more whining?