January 11, 2019 7:00 AM
Morning Reads for Friday, January 11, 2019
- Warning – traffic nirvana on Monday. Work from home if you can!
- Coal-ash leaks.
- BIG fine for that traffic-wrecking crane.
- It’s satire, but painfully close to truth.
- Exponentially dumber, that’s right.
- Opposite land.
- Talk about night terrors!
- Do we need little boy playing a video game to defeat them?
- Eeeeew.
- The Return of the Lost Generation.
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The emergency route is Trumps face-saving path. He would eventually lose the court case but by then he would have been able to move on and blame someone else.
This isn’t about a wall, it’s about political theater. Even before Trump that’s all it has ever been for both parties.
Looks like “Liberty” Counsel needed a publicity boost for their next fundraising cycle.
I hate to be insensitive…but who in the hell is for lynching? Hasn’t lynching been against the law since forever? Hasn’t murder been illegal since Cain killed Abel?
If someone gets away with lynching someone, they should stay pay for that crime and are guilty as hell. Does anyone disagree with that?
Why in the hell do we need to pass an anti- lynching bill anyway? What have I missed?
Gregs, Its called humor. H U M O R….I know liberals don’t have a sense of humor about much these days, right? No argument there… Don’t joke about those pink hats right?
That was hyperbole. A joke. (Uh I could get away with murder….a figure of speech…)
Remember when Trump was in the debate with Hillary and said maybe the Russians could find her emails since our FBI and others were too stupid or biased to uncover them?
The libs took him literally and think this was some kind of collusion!! Mueller was investigating!! Good Lord folks need to lighten up.
Gregs, I am sure your reply must be a joke right?
Except there was not an ounce of humor in his tone when he asked the Russians for help. In fact, it wasn’t Dems, but those crazy career law enforcement patriots at the FBI that became alarmed by his request:
The alternative, which is much more plausible, is that Trumpists need to continually make excuses for his innumerable faults, which may yet include subversion of the election.
We’ll find out about that soon enough, but y’all would be better off if you just admitted his faults, demonstrated the chutzpah to straighten him out. Then you can properly put focus on the policies that you may like.
Gregs, here is the email clip that I am SURE YOU NEVER SAW!
Trump is JOKING!! For crying out loud. Then goading the press in the process. As he should be since they have been knowingly lying about collusion for years.
Then the narrator reports to the masses that he is not sure if he is joking or not….the narrator is a liar too and knows it.
It is clearly a joke. What drama queens… Trump pulls your humorless selves on a daily basis.
Okay folks. You tell me if Trump if is joking!!!! I hope someone tells us that Trump is serious.
More liberal drama on display blown out of context…does it EVER END?
Balance, do you honestly believe some pablum about our election being “SUBVERTED”? In what freaking way? Did Russians make you vote for Hillary? Did they come across illegally by the millions and we not require them to have an ID to vote….because it’s racist?
This stuff is confusing isn’t it? The conflicting narratives. I didn’t need any Russian to tell me to vote for Trump. Matter of fact I never saw any Russians telling me to do anything did you? Nope.
Why could I possibly conclude that Hillary was not the choice for me?
Do you make your mind up off Facebook ads? Does it bother you that the main stream media is 95% or more against Trump? All the time. Is that where you get your news? Is that honesty? The intelligence agencies tried to frame him didn’t they?
He wasn’t my first choice but I don’t like seeing anyone railroaded. Do you?
Did you see any fake news ginning up stories about Dossiers? Did your FBI spy on the opposition party? Did they try to flip his subordinates? For what reasons? I think I see dishonesty in the exact opposite places that you apparently do.
Yes, I think the Facebook and Twitter stories significantly changed the tone of the race, and probably changed a single-digit percentage of minds, among independent voters. And that small percentage, in the right districts, could have been enough to change the outcome. I otherwise refuse to put the cart before the horse and draw conclusions, or make excuses, until we know all we can know.
As for the negative coverage, I would like to see a comparison between coverage of W. Bush and Trump. Any difference could theoretically all be Trump’s fault, due to things like lying so much. Journalists should be calling out lies. And how can you expect to have an honest debate abt policy with people who believe in, among other things, hyperbole and alternative facts (both of which are non-factual)? Our debates need to start with honesty.
There is a line in The American President with Michael Douglas that goes something like this, a very loose paraphrase:
“The problem is Bob (that be Richard Dreyfus’s character), is that you can’t sell it!!”
So, if what I’m hearing is that Facebook and Twitter ADS, ads, mind you, might have swayed the vote! Is that what you’re saying? Not that Unscrupulous Actors actually hacked voting machines and charged actual votes, right? It’s that people were swayed to vote for a certain candidate based on a better message and advertising campaign?!?!?!?!?
Well hell Eunice, I b’leve we wuz tricked!!!! LMMFAO!!! That’s basically why Coke outsells RC! Why Oreos outsell Hydrox! Why Micky Dees still outsells Wendy’s!!!
All you Bedwetters can complain about is that Trump’s message, that time around, mind you, worked over Hillary’s! that’s it!
THAT’S IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
And that’s all yall have!
His Coke beat yall”s Double Cola!!!
Like I said The Day After TGM won…
Suck it up, get a better candidate in ’20. Don’t make so many unforced errors, (Deplorables…), reach out to the voters who shied away from yall THIS time, and you’ll probably win next go round.
Pretty damn simple message.
Wasn’t ads, it was fake news.
They got lots and lots of clicks.
Definitely changed the tone.
Near impossible to say if they changed votes.
But I’m def not OK with lies, foreign and domestic, messing with us. No one should be OK with that, regardless of impact.
American President was a great movie, though.
You watch The West Wing?
Martin Sheen at his best!
More like Andrew Sorkin at a couple of his best in both The West Wing and The American President.
The facts are right in front of you. You don’t have to sway the entire populace in our current system. In the case of 2016 it only took 80,000 votes.
“…Michigan, Pennsylvania and Wisconsin. Trump won those states by 0.2, 0.7 and 0.8 percentage points, respectively — and by 10,704, 46,765 and 22,177 votes. Those three wins gave him 46 electoral votes…”
Do I think the Russians influenced this many votes? Yes, and then some.
So, Facebook and Twitter postings influenced votes. So what?
Are Americans so gullible as to be influenced by ads?
Once again, It’s Coke v Pepsi; It’s Massengill v Summer’s Eve! Just ask Baker which he likes best! LOL!
And you gulp down CNN’s crap like Al Gore at a Chinese Buffet!
Good for you. No need to subject yourself to Pravda. I do have a cable subscription and rarely look at CNN. I cant take it of more than a couple of minutes. What a warped view of America they have in my humble opinion.
Lets get real here. How many Facebook ads were there? What % of them were Russian ads ? 1/1000 of 1%? I bet it was far less than that. The Hildabeast blew a billion plus! Russian Facebook ads were something like $100,000. It was a tiny amount?
How much free press did the main stream give to the libs? It was nonstop daily. Hell that should come under campaign spending limits! That looks like collusion to me!
Heck Snivler puts out more baloney in a day on social media than the Russians did all campaign.
The libs had no economic message other than bend over fool, I am going to take your tax cut away and you are going to like it and “I hate Trump’! What idiot is inspired by that?
Just face it. You candidate was horrible, lazy, unlikeable and untrustworthy. That is what the polls said. I simply agree.
Because of her lousy campaign and personality, a cad like Trump won! Thank the Lord! Keep up the hate. Folks can see through it.
What will folks vote for in the next election? More of the libs sitting on their a— doing nothing to help America? We hate the police, the laws, the borders and America…you should too!
Good luck with that.
Interesting article in the WSJ today from Deblasio…There is plenty of money but it is the wrong hands….
Does anyone see a huge problem with this type of thinking or do you agree with it?
Leave it to you and Noway to attempt to divert this to something it is not. It was not advertising. The Russian disinformation campaign sought a better form of influence. In the days before the internet it was called “word of mouth”. People trust their friends, including Facebook ones that they sometimes don’t really know from Adam, more than any news media. The Russian Internet Research Agency (IRA) was linked to more than 50,000 Twitter accounts. Facebook has never revealed how many of the millions of accounts they deleted were Russian. Altogether though they generated millions of posts that were then reposted and propagated as truths or propagandist memes to every Bubba and Earl with internet access. As mentioned by Andrew everyone of our intelligence agencies and law enforcement thinks it had an effect on the election. It is amazing to me that after going through the Cold War setting themselves up as the bitterest enemies of the Rooskies that self identifying “conservatives” would go this far in denying that they are now giving us some payback.
Will are you worried about all of the false narratives promoted daily by our press, the massive bias from the management of Twitter, Facebook and Google…all massively liberal? Banning free speech on campus? All done by liberals…
The press is 95% liberal isn’t it? How can that NOT bother you?l….Twitter is nothing but fake news and no verification…Russian, Chinese or American…it is a fast disseminator of whatever one tweets. Why does Trump use it? So he can get his message out without the liberal filter…right or wrong.
Why does our own press give up being honest for profit, power and political gain? Controlling the narrative and news cycle. Isnt that the game?
Prime example…Global warming is no crisis and never has been. 15 cm of ocean rise in 6000 years!? How in the hell does this get propagated? Clean up the damn water, look for cheaper and cleaner energy sources and quit lying.
It’s a vast conspiracy!
Correct. A liberal-,socialist conspiracy. No doubt. It is a massive money and power grab. Under the absurd ruse of controlling the climate of the entire freaking planet!
Yet the weatherman cant make it rain in our damn back yard any more than the Indians could with a rain dance! At least they had style. I don’t want Al Gore doing a rain dance in my yard! How gullible do you have to be?
The goal is to kill capitalism and the west, steal all of your money and control your life. Sounds like a 70% tax ruse doesn’t it? Does anyone disagree?
I have only compassion for those suffering from mental illness.
Boys, I think this is too easy.
I too am worried about Snowflakes and their misguided arrogance or mental illness as you call it!
Okay folks. Here are you choices. Global warming is a real problem and the end is near!! See Snivler.
I want to move to France with the socialist goobers and pay $8 a gallon because they elected a Jerry Brown over there to save the planet!! How is that working out for them? Have the riots subsided yet? Would you like to try on a yellow vest?
How is that massive illegal immigration into Europe from the Middle East and their open border disasters working for them? Has any leader that allowed that even in power now? What was the most recent terrorist attack last week? Hasn’t Merkel lost her party? Why in the hell did that happen? Maybe voters don’t like the socialist agenda.
You can have all of that idiocy if you want! Vote lib.
Good luck Balance and Andrew. On and let the Cortez babe get her 70% new tax rate that you endorsed like an idiot last week and see how much business that destroys!
Save yourselves and run from the liberal agenda for obvious reasons! (like everyone else is that lives in a liberal state!)
Who is it that has lost their minds again???!!! It aint me!
Yes, they are. He is spinning the news cycle. Do I have any problem admitting the obvious? Why do you?
Hey Goober Gregs! Don’t you think you can find something more recent than three years ago to caterwaul about? Safe Space, now Snowflake!
That link is hilarious. It is a jab at liberals who make fun of how loyal and stupid Trump voters are. So Trump JOKES about it. And the libs think he is advocating murder…
Gregs are you the perfect little reactionary snowflake in this case? Does this kind of reaction ever embarrass other liberals?
Did I bring this baloney up? Good Lord. Hey little buddy, do you think Trump is advocating murder like so many hysterical liberals?
Just curious!!
Gregs was whining about Trump about as well as you do! Trump doesn’t care about murder….what idiocy.
Yes, murder is illegal but the commander and chief neither knows or cares that this is so.
How many tens of thousands of crimes are done by illegals? How many murders? Drugs…assaults, rapes….? Who says they are no problem?!
Not Trump.
Who is addressing that problem? Trump. So Gregs, what is your point? What are you the liberals doing to help anyone but yourselves try and gain power?
Can I ask one more time, how many folks died from GLOBAL WARMING WORLD WIDE LAST YEAR? Zero.
How many billions of folks are being FED on the on the planet TODAY because of GLOBAL WARMING? 7 billion!
Now why must we enduring this endless whining?
A word, Gregs? Meds. As in it’s obvious you’re off of yours.
Just a glance at the article would probably resolve your question.
Short version: It modernizes the definition of lynching.
Where did I here this before…
Why doesn’t Mr. Trump hide the wall funding in another spending bill?
He could have in the last session. DHS has hid the $4.9 B for new detention centers for income asylum seeks until processed out rather well. Only diehard policy wonk journalist comment on that line item.
GM restructuring is moving forward…
I am thinking it can start pretty soon. Ask the Butterfly Center. Using Quick Take they can gain posession for construction and argue about money later. The enviromental stuff has already been argued out. http://fortune.com/2018/12/03/supreme-court-environmental-challenge-border-wall/
Even if there is some relevant precedent in the eminent domain issues or environmental law issues, new cases will be filed, and may be decided differently. And they would take at least a little while to get to a place where some sort of ruling can be made. Injunctions will come into play. More importantly, the use of emergency powers itself will be litigated, and that will go to the S. Ct. no matter what. I imagine skillful litigators will be able to get an injunction based on an emergency powers suit, but never any guarantee. But I have always thought that it was only a matter of time before Trump defied an injunction (committed contempt). And then you have a real separation of powers issue. Among other things.
So, the question in my mind is why shut down the gov, cause a crater in the economy and the lives of people, move towards Constitutional crises, etc.,…when there is, and has been, an easy and obvious deal available. Just make the deal and save all the crises.
Could it possibly be that Trump actually wants to address a massive problem that no one has done jack sh-t to fix for 35 years? We know who does want to do anything about it don’t we?
It is a massive problem only getting worse. Maybe someone is actually interested in helping America and not just a political hack. All anyone has said on this blog so far about this situation is pure politics. I have not heard anyone say anything about addressing the problem.
Trump is. Same with tax reform isnt it? Same thing addressing the Chinese cheaters for 40 years. Same thing getting NATO free loaders to pay up…Does anyone see a pattern? Voters can see who is getting something done and who is in it for lining their pockets or gaining political power.
We’re gonna build a wall and Canada is gonna pay for it?
Racist hate facts!
Nice try! Lol! But Mexico ain’t the only country to our south who’s citizens are illegally invading our country…
Wall. Now.
Gregs, I read both articles. Uh, what is racist about either one? They just point out who is in the country from where. Etc. Looks like a lot from Central America. Ding ding….where the next Caravan is cranking up this week. Uh but its no problem!!
It does say we have an illegal immigrant problem. Lets fix it. It that RACIST or just common sense?
When you have lying morons in a live TV broadcast looking like deer in headlights say we have no problem and Trump is making the problem up….now that IS A PROBLEM WE CAN ALL AGREE ON, right?
You articles clearly say we have a problem. Thanks for posting. And not a darn thing about it is racist. But leave it to the race rangers to scream about it!!
“These are facts. There is no “problem.” Really, Sniv??
Ask those who’s lives have been shattered by crimes committed upon them (Drugs, murders…) by people who have had no legal right to be in this country in the first place. Ask Kate Steinle’s dad…
Every incident is a problem. But whether in totality, there is Problem with a capital P is a different question.
If you’re a fan of the West Wing, you may remember a line that Leo said once, where he said they had to make policy based upon all Americans, so forgive them if they had to deal in abstractions (aggregate data).
I personally believe we can solve all problems and Problems, but even if those two are related, the solutions may be different.
“…based upon all Americans…” Not Illegal Aliens!
Thanks, Balance.
Every single person who posts on this site is arguing for what they believe is the best policy for all Americans. If you think differently, that may be the saddest commentary on how misleading rhetoric has warped our political discussions.
Bullshit ‘facts” as per your usual. But those crimes they do commit, Wouldn’t Be Committed By THEM against us, if they were not here!!
Pesky fact Numero Uno!!!
But you keep on taking the side of Illegal Alien Criminals, Shrivler, over American Citizens!
You keep focusing on minutiae and blaming the acts of an individual on the whole. A tyrannical move that goes back to prehistoric times.
The amount of crimes committed is stunning. There are so many problems that need to be addressed… But ole Andrew and our liberal buddies say it is working so well we don’t need to do a damn thing!!
Lets keep this smoothly running well oiled immigration machine running the same way it always has been, right?
Do you think even the most radical lib believes this is what needs to be done? I don’t. Other than you Andrew…. Well if you get another lib in office, nothing will get done and it will only get worse like it did under Obama.
The liberal solution is just plain limp isnt it? It is another total loser. Does any American think sitting on our asses doing nothing as hateful Nancy and Chucky are advocating is the way to go? I don’t buy it.
If you think it is, I want to hear why you think so.
Well Andrew if the hundreds of thousands of crimes committed is nothing to you— much less human trafficking, murder, drugs etc…then you must certainly agree that the global warming/ climate change agenda peddled by the left is just a freaking farce and utter nonsense, right?!
There is no danger, not even remotely any imminent danger at all. Never has been. Not in millions of years. No one has EVER died from global warming, so it must be phantom boogie man garbage and an excuse for liberals to tax our ass to death! Right?
Tell you what, if you goobers quit lying about the climate change panic, I will agree to let you house all of the illegals in every sanctuary liberal city in the country!
Andrew you really seem to have trouble answering questions or defending some of your positions. I am fine thanks for asking. I seem to have a handle on reality. Try it sometimes!!
Let Andrew house the next dozen illegals that jump the border.
Andrew says there is no problem. 26% of all prisoners in Federal prisons are illegals….oops, it that a MISPRPINT?
Yea, lets the Nancy-Chuckles Shuffle. Don’t do nuthin’! Sort of like the Tar Baby in Uncle Remus! Or maybe stick you head in the sand like a liberal ostrich and it will all go away!!
Using their own numbers:
29% are in there only for violating immigration law.
46% were largely drug mules.
32% did not come over the Mexican border.
Only Trump and his most vociferous supporters are equating additional fencing covering less than 3% of our national land borders with total border security. At the cost of $5.7 billion I defy you come up with a link proving that a physical barrier over an additional 215 miles will appreciably change these numbers.
For umpteenth time, quit confusing objections to building a Boondoggle with a capital B with not wanting borders or better ways to handle immigration.
Will are you a DO NOTHING DEMOCRAT too? I’m shocked!
Will no one said it will lead “total” border security. That is your BS word, not Trump’s or anyone else’s! Tell us how sitting on your ass not doing anything to address the abortion of immigration policy in this country is what is needed!! Go for it.
You DO NOTHING DEMOCRATS are just kicking the can further down the road aren’t you? Try to deny that!!! Oops… Wrong again.
We can see how smart they were Andrew….that is why some folks are trying to address the liberal brilliance!!
One last thing Andrew, how many folks have ever died of “climate change”?
Depends on what the courts will rule on the u coming lawsuit(s)…
Andrew you’re the ostrich not me! You at least said something right. You are willing to talk. Isnt that about all you do? You said it little buddy, not me!
You pay all those taxes to those socialist fools. I will pass. You could see all of rampant crimes committed by illegals and yet you don’t dispute them because you cant.
Why shouldn’t we do something to reduce them? Well your replay is to follow the “DO NOTHING DEMOCRATS!”
While you are at it, get all of your liberals buddies on the blog, which is almost all of them, and list all of the folks that were harmed by global warming today!! It shouldn’t take y’all long will it?!
But its a crisis right? Tax the poor bastards trillions to save us all…from something…we will never be able to control!!! Right? How do you spell bamboozle?!
Now why should anyone follow the DO NOTHING PRODUCTIVE DEMOCRATS? I forgot. Tell me your reasoning little buddy!
So, when is trump going to address the invasion of white canadians? Why didn’t he address this crisis when Republicans held every branch of government?
That begs a questions doesn’t it? Why didn’t Obama address virtually anything other than raising taxes and passing regulations limiting growth in his 8 years other than making healthcare worse? Obama TALKED tough on immigration…and did nothing to stop the problem. He made it worse by encouraging the migration. I guess he took voting present to a new level.
I don’t want to own anyone. All I have to do is ask a question or two and you roll up in a little ball, take your bat and go home.
I want things fixed. Hey little buddy, if Obama did such a great job during his 8 years, why is Trump having to clean up another miserable mess?
Maybe you can tell us what Obama did to HELP this illegal migration. He encouraged it didn’t he? And he knew he didn’t have the constitutional powers to do what he did. He said so! And did it anyway! Do you want that link?
Why don’t you tell us how many people died from global warming last year? And liberal “chuds” like you as you call them want to spend TRILLONS OF DOLLARS ON THAT ONE!!! Where is the return on investment or is it a giant rant hole for no other reason to raise taxes, gain power and control your life? For no return.
I want clean air and water and technology is doing that. I want to see money well spent.
Dude, just trying to see the logic and save folks from more liberal disasters.
When is trump going to declare a nation’s emergency for gun violence which claims far more American lives?
When he declares a war on cars…who kill a whole lot more than them guns! Or alcohol….ditto! Or how bout abortion? Hmmmmm….??? Pretty weak, Gregs! Thanks for attempting to play! Lmao!
Hmmm. Abortions kill 56 million a year worldwide. No problem. How many died in World War II? 70-80 million. Now that was spread over 5 years so .
So I guess abortions are 5x more than the deaths from World War II on a yearly basis.
US abortion deaths about 900,000 a year. No problem. How many died in the entire Civil War? 600,000. It lasted 4 years… So apparently 6x more kids die of abortion each year than the yearly death toll during the worst years of the Civil War. Darn. No problem right?
Oh, gun deaths in the US…11,000. How many of those are drug thugs in inner cities? Most of that! 2/3? What a few thousand.
Suicides—yes on purpose—2x time the murders….
Car deaths…40,000. Abortions are about 22x more than car deaths per year.
Darn….no problem right? Is there a war on kids?
OH HOW MANY FOLKS DIED OF GLOBAL WARMING LAST YEAR??!! ZERO! Who wants to spend trillions on that? Can you say misguided at best?
Did you buddies think nothing should be done about the situation like the current democratic leadership and just kick the can don the road like the last 35 years? Or did they agree there were some big complex problems that need to be addressed?
In a New York Time piece from Thursday, it reported a Texas Republican survived a removal vote of 139 – 46 from being the vice chair of the Tarrant County Republican Party. The vote came about when some GOP members felt he was not qualified to run the county party. The reason for feeling he was not qualified – He is a Muslim. The vwin was regarded as a victory for religious freedom.
Conservative non Trump GOP opinion piece related to this and Steven King.
The problem for Trump’s wall funding is that Republicans have had complete control of government for two years and all they have produced was last year’s tax cut largely for the rich. “Leadership” doesn’t get any easier than printing money to give to the rich, putting lobbyists in charge of regulatory agencies, 5h!++!ng on allies, and breaking things.
Trump turned down a $25B border security-legalize illegal immigrants deal in Feb. His administration didn’t ask for $5.7B wall funding in June, so a Republican Congress included $1.3B with Trump’s tacit support.
But none of them bothered to check with Coulter and Hannity, which meant there would have to be negotiations. Trump (yet again) made a fool of Pence as a negotiator and decided to do it himself. Trump thought he’d own the libs by expressing pride about a shutdown. What he instead now owns is the shutdown. Art of the Deal, or what?
Another face-saving circumstance may arise, but I’m going with Trump exiting with a declaration of a national emergency. What better deflection than a Constitutional crises? And it can be timed to take the edge off the next round of corruption of incompetence in the news. And when the national emergency tactic goes bad, there will be fake news and Obama judges to blame.
There is the matter of identifying funding—no upside, only downside. US Army Corps of Engineer funds are a logical source for national emergency wall funding. (Besides, GA and SC can fund Savannah and Cooper River dredging themselves with only a fraction of their cut of the Mexican money from a renegotiated NAFTA.)
“Nobody knows the system better than me. Which is why I alone can fix it.”
I’m going to submit this in spite of the pigeon excrement that will be dropped on it here:
What if the Obstruction Was the Collusion? On the New York Times’s Latest Bombshell
Observers of the Russia investigation have generally understood Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s work as focusing on at least two separate tracks: collusion between the Russian government and the Trump campaign, on the one hand, and potential obstruction of justice by the president, on the other. But what if the obstruction was the collusion—or at least a part of it?
You are right Will. This is pure pigeon droppings. There is no BOMBSHELL in this biased BS pablum from the NY Times. I read it. Where is the damnbombshell other than rehashed BS? Aint anything new in this regurgitation.
Trump could have fired Comey 10x over for NO REASON AT ALL! That is within his power. BFD!!! Does anyone disagree with that? So what the hell are they investigating? The lead investigator Rosenstein himself wrote memos saying to fire the big baboon for arrogance and incompetence.
Oh, is anyone investigating the obvious Russian collision with the fake Dossier used to spy on Trump? Paid for by Hillary AND ALSO PAID FOR BY THE GD FBI!? Why did they DO THAT?
They both paid for unverified RUSSIAN propaganda to discredit Trump! No one disputes that. Why the hell are 25 FBI agents gone or fired —the entire top echelon overseeing this baloney? Just read the public emails….it stinks. was rotten, wrong and why they are fired. Some should to jail. And the FBI stalled from releasing those emails for months if not longer didn’t they?. Why is that? J. Edgar Comey should be busting rocks.
Why cant we have an honest press do some GD research for a change? We know why. They are in the liberal tank and gave up doing an honest job years ago. Again, anyone want to deny that too?
Clean up on c3 thru f6 please.
You hit a nerve I see. It’s lost on him the Trump directing Rosenstein to write a memo to cover Trump’s firing Comey over the FBI investigation is part of the reason why the FBI investigation was expanded to a counterintelligence investigation.
Murray out…
I don’t know what Dem leaders have exactly floated, but I would like to see what happens if they float a bill that gives all that $5.7B in exchange for comprehensive protection and procedure for Mueller’s work and work product, including a waiver of executive privilege. Just to see the response.