January 11, 2019 12:43 PM
Stacey Abrams: I Spent $24.7 Million Running for Governor and All I Got Was this Advocacy Group
Imagine, dear readers, all the good $100,000,000 could do for the state of Georgia. Perhaps funding the $123 million in unmet needs for Georgia’s parks. Or maybe buying up-to-date textbooks for our students. Or anything better than buying off candidates for office.
Well more than $100,000,000 was spent on last year’s elections.
Some lowlights from The AJC: $24.7 million raised by Stacey Abrams, a record amount, both parties spending $40 million and Georgia getting the best democracy money can buy.
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Money = Speech (that’s what the GOP tells us).
The DNC too. Soros agrees. The Clintons, Blumberg, Steyer, Bezos, Obama Stacy and Ossoff…the Hollywood crowd and the rest of those limousine, wall- protected liberals.
I guess that is one thing both parties agree on! Bipartisanship is a beautiful thing!
LTWill’s point was it’s a GOP rule.
You really owned the libs with that repartee.