January 22, 2019 6:00 AM
Morning Reads for Tuesday, January 22
Good morning! New Orleanians are ALL IN.
- Highlights from yesterday’s MLK service at Ebenezer Baptist Church.
- Stacey Abrams began her “Thank You” tour of Georgia yesterday.
- In Brunswick, for whom the bridge has a toll.
- Incorporation for Skidaway Island is back on the agenda.
- Take note, suburban Republicans: three GOP state reps from suburban districts in Kansas are no longer GOP.
- The situation in D.C. this weekend was complicated and more nuanced than any hot take.
- Marietta’s Red Eyed Mule is about to reopen (in the finest House district in Georgia).
- MLMs – whether they’re for leggings, skin care, candles, or dubiously healthy shakes – are damaging female relationships.
- Everyone who’s running for President (so far).
- In Nashville, the men have their names on the restaurant marquees, but the women are the ones writing the cookbooks.
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I don’t care if you a Democrat or Republican If you win your election or reelection under one party’s banner then after winning the election switch to the other party you should resign. Doing that is wrong on many levels. And Just so you know I voted against Deal for his seat in Congress until he ran for Governor for that very reason.
I get that, but it does reflect a Party Uber Alles approach that may not accurately reflect other voters’ positions. E.g. the article states one of the Reps (side note: all 3 are women) was re-elected as a Repub 3 or 4 times despite her voting record which favored Dems. So, yeah, voters take the Party Uber Alles shortcut most of the time, but sometimes the party is a façade– and a known façade–and maybe, just maybe, they vote for the actual candidate. What the Party Uber Alles approach does is make centrism and bipartisanship extremely difficult. As quoted in the article: “You know, if you didn’t vote in lockstep and fall in line you were penalized.” So, a little flexibility may actually help get things done for everybody.
And not that it matters, but imo I don’t hold it against folks if they change parties. Because you may change parties, but your heart probly won’t change. And then the other party gets the benefit of the diversity of spirit that comes with the switch. So, even if they change after elected, they’re still the same person. Deal was still a centrist (or half-Dem if you will) but he needed to be a Repub to get elected.
Beside the national media quoting BussFeed and National Enquirer looks like they got spoofed yet again and they wonder why their trust rating in headed into the tank… Maybe one day they will actually do some research before they present a story like this as fact…. Naw they can’t resist the “breaking” new flash even if it is DEAD Wrong…. But wait now we have Brazilian collusion too my god what is the world coming to!
People have trust in the Enquirer?
They do. I agree. Because they are more honest that the liberal news media. We wouldn’t know about Monica’s blue dress without them would we?
In my experience, the Enquirer has always had a reputation for printing what the MSM wouldn’t— the buried stories about aliens, soap opera celebrity gossip, conspiracies, etc. But I haven’t so much looked at it in forever, so I can’t judge. But even if they were the first to run a story, I would wait for fact-checking/verification before I trusted it as true. But I also assume all media is biased, so I never jump to any conclusions from MSM either.
Boy Sniv, you provide a great defense for dishonest crooks in the media, CNN and others and the spreading of some much hate it is off the chains. A fair and balanced lawyer you are.
You might want to start saying how GD dishonest these bastards are and showing some concern for innocent victims….Or maybe you don’t give a GD. You just have a political angle to protect…
How about pointing out something that is wrong and doing something about it.
Here is Pelosi describing exactly how the libs perfect the “Wrap up Smear” . You smear them and then gleefully have her willing buddies in the press to give it some “validation”! Man she nails it!
So here the kid’s school is shut down, death threats etc. Isnt this what they id to Kavanaugh? This I what they are doing with BS story about Trump being a Soviet agent? No evidence yet CNN talks about it all day long…
…and the same thing with the Fake Ass Russian Dossier that led to more FBI leaks form Comey and others and why Mueller is still rooting around 2 years later.
Is anyone sick of the dishonesty? Here they are caught RED HANDED! The others were too but this is some red hat wearing kid not the EVIL TRUMP! Who cares right?
ABC news broke the Blue dress story.
Newsweek spiked it. Drudge broke it. And his fame was sealed! Thanks, Bill!
Drudge broke the affair and the Star interview. ABC broke the story on the dress and that she still had it.
Check again about the blue dress. You missed it. Noway got it.
Ellyn, are you trying to give CNN a pass when they are caught red handed?
If so, why? If not, my apologies.
Never said a word about CNN.
Apparently CNN does.. This is just 1 of many…..
CNN blamed Twitter. The Twits at CNN should do some work for a change. What a pitiful excuse for a supposed news organization. Same for any network too lazy to honest work. Oh, did we see some chuds linking that fake article the other day too?
How about a little honesty if there is some.
Why was that poor white kid even part of a story on his trip to Washington? He wore a red hat. That is scary folks. How a group of hateful SOBs have polluted this country.
Hatred and Marxism go hand in hand.
Here is the video. This is your CNN. Right here in Atlanta.
Listen to CNN, infested with Haters…the Indian is lying too. The kid’s school then threatens to suspend him or kick him out. The white kids were causing the problem…sure!.
The “dirty ass crackers” and then 30 minutes of whatever else. And this is how CNN spins it. Red hat wearing MFers… Listen to this and not let your blood boil.
Would MLK be proud of this movement and these folks?
What is that kid guilty of? Breathing? White privilege? Give me a break. See how this works. Your liberal media. Those are not conservatives ginning up hatred there. Who is it ginning up hate in this country?
And yet…
Hey we are getting a new 2400 acre private park in Dade County. https://www.timesfreepress.com/news/local/story/2019/jan/21/huge-conservatiproject-paves-way-caving-hikin/487065/
My feeling is that the negativity against those kids was due to the presence of the MAGA hats. So many racist, bigoted, hateful, and obnoxious things have been said by those wearing that hat or repeating that slogan, that is it just as toxic as a Confederate flag now. If you wear that hat, your are going to be treated as if you accept that hatefulness, just as if you wore a swastika or a Confederate battle flag.
Also, there are other stories floating around about the behavior of students at that school, at sporting events in particular. We’ll have to see how the veracity of those stories plays out.
“Also, there are other stories floating around about the behavior of students at that school, at sporting events in particular…”
Can you link some of them?
They are Catholic and white. Guilty. Like Kavanaugh. White privilege. Have you seen more willful ignorance and bigotry in your life?
If almost anyone else were to ask I would. But engaging with you or DTM is pointless. Besides, I suspect everyone else has figured out that all you have to do is google something like “kentucky catholic school’ to see what’s out there. But it gives more results than breitbart or infowars so some of the results might offend your delicate sensibilities.
Benev, you the one sending out fake stories. Not me..
You have guts, showing your face around here after blatantly lying so much.
So, no. You don’t have any dastardly links showing misbehavior by those boys. Thought not. More fake news!
Benev, do you want to stick to this post of yours after seeing this video?
Its the hat right?
I will give you a chance to retract this because you apparently have NO CLUE WHAT THE HELL HAPPENED. Isnt what you replied what CNN wants you to think happened? Get back to us okay?
CNN reporting the Cohen lie…the 2 year collusion lie…UFOs downed the plane…
Now look. The Catholic School had to close today. Due to Fake CNN stories. Death Threats to the kid…school shootings encouraged….
You are seeing this kid and the school get Kavanaughed by the liberal media….and liberal hate groups…in REAL FREAKING TIME. This is scary to me. Kavanaugh got Borked. The machine is very finely tuned.
I hope they sue CNN out of existence for inciting riots and worse. Why is the US so fractured? The media. Which is 95% liberal is it not?
Soviet tanks couldn’t do this to America. The Marxist media can.
Particularly without full knowledge of what happened, what I would like to see from the leadership of our country is to invite the student leaders (and parents) and the Native American elder (and the few others present for the Indigenous People’s March) to the White House, and then have a mediated meeting of the minds. My guess is that they’d all be cool within an afternoon. With racial issues being so divisive nowadays, it would make sense, especially in wake of MLK holiday. The divisions exist, so leadership should bridge and heal, not further divide.
Unfortunately the white house is the last place on earth to have this kind of discussion. The president is a white nationalist. The VP has been rendered a useless mascot. All of the so called adults have either resigned or been fired. Hatred is a what got Trump elected and he misses no opportunity to stoke animus and incite violence with his “both sides” rhetoric.
Last week Trump was asked about Steve King and he acted as if he never heard of Steve and had no idea what the reporter was talking about. This week he’s all over twitter inciting his special brand of hate because he’s found another dog whistle story to rile up the base and get them fighting against the “others” who are invading America and raping white women.
The dumpster fire will continue until 2020. America can do better but its up to the people to right the wrongs, not the “leaders.”
Is it just me or does Elzabeth Warren look like the Indian beating the drum? Can the media do so work and find out?
They both do have Warren’s high cheekbones! Lol!
It is just me or do you all think Elizabeth Warren looks like the tom
-tom beating Indian? Maybe the media can actually do a job and find out.
I second the concerns abt this comment – at the very least it adds nothing meaningful to anything. On top of that, it’s race-baiting.
Second note for moderation: No cursing. Including short-handing like “MF” or “GD” or anything. Sad that I’d request that because sometimes those words are part of humor. But it’s so often abused it poisons the tone and quality of the site.
Side request: Can we agree to limit ALL CAPS to like one word here or there? Whole phrases in caps hurt my ears. No need for yelling- like ever. We don’t need hearing (or reading) aids.
So, you are saying just 3 years ago, someone wearing a MAGA hat would have gone unnoticed BUT because “So many racist, bigoted, hateful, and obnoxious things have been said by those wearing that hat” it is now the same as a swastika or a Confederate battle flag? Good Grief! I guess Levi’s are next because you know people wearing those have said “racist, bigoted, hateful, and obnoxious things” too. NOW don’t stop there ban those dang cowboy boots and baseball hats in general as well!
That was one of the MOST hateful, ridiculous, and just plain wrong thing’s I have read on this board…
Well why do you think there was so much immediate negative reaction? Something else?
Here is a PERFECT CASE STUDY. DO IT! Lets see if this is true or not.
I encourage every liberal on this blog to wear a red MAGA today and see how long it takes for some liberal idiot to assault you verbally or physically! Get back to us.
Now for the couple of conservatives on this blog, lets go wear a Hillary much less an Obama hat….enjoy the day.
Do you think anything happens to you at all? Isn’t this a perfect real time case study of the one sided blind hate in this country. How did all this hate get here? Who spread it? How is that possible?
Why don’t you be the next kid that wears a red hat. Hope you have on a bullet proof vest. Forget about protecting yourself, the little white kid Hoggie has your gun doesn’t he?!
I think it spreads for a couple of reasons:
1) The hat has become a personal brand, not a Republican brand. So that hat is a symbol for all of Trump, including all his flaws, and all the hatred of his flaws may well be projected onto the wearer, even if the wearer is not like Trump. The hatred for Trump’s flaws arise from all the lies (excuse me, alternative facts), and stuff like the embrace of the “good people” on the Nazi side, every embellishment (misrepresentation) about immigrants, etc. Stuff you know about already. And people react viscerally to it because they’re afraid of the consequences of that rhetoric.
2) This reason relates to the story above about the Twitter account that was taken down. These stories are virally amplified, alongside captioned rhetoric that is designed to divide. The ones doing a lot of the divisive rhetoric and amplification? Not liberal or conservative– but foreign intervenors. So, the story and the appurtenant feelings becomes virulently disproportionate to the facts and to the magnitude of the real story. Which is exactly part of the reason why our leadership should counter this by building bridges and having reconciliation sessions between those involved.
Makes me wonder– would someone who wore a Planned Parenthood hat around wind up with someone in their face?
I would think odds are Yep.
Lets see, how many folks died last year from abortion? How many died from climate change? How many died in the hood from folks killing each other. How many died from wearing a red hat. Balance, your moral equivalency is pretty weak. Do you think you might agree that CNN is hideous here and caught red handed or are you just find and dandy with it?
I think there is more equivalency- on the visceral emotional level- between wearing a MAGA hat and wearing a Planned Parenthood hat. ( as opposed to wearing an Obama hat).
That is all. Not the substance of any policy. Just the hat.
As for media, I think all media gets things wrong on the regular, and that the truth of a story evolves as more facts arise. I do not like it when any outlet jumps to any conclusion, or cherry-picks facts, especially when there is intent to trigger emotional reactions. That doesn’t mean the facts behind the initial story are wrong. I just think they should be accompanied by moderation and disclaimers.
It isn’t my fault the MAGA hat has become associated with dickheads and douchebags. What’s the old line old folks tell girls who get sexually assaulted or date raped? “Well when you dress like that you’re kind of asking for it.”
Say what?
BS. The Fake News liberal media complex. The kid got caught up in it. It is hidious. A lie. And the foundation for today’s democratic party. No vision, just hate. Oh and American is a horrible place but a 70% tax rate applied by Marxist idiots will help.
That is the message. Want to see the videos.
More liberal lies…
Did you know the planet will not exist in 12 years if we don’t fight climate change!!??
That is today’s democratic party. Save us all.
Raleigh, that is how the left does it. Rules for radicals. Look at the new crop of Marxists getting all of the liberal air time! A red hat is a liberal swastika. Don’t forget other hate words like Dog Whistle. Only dogs hear the whistle. How appropriate.
A racist and Nazi behind every action.
Vote lib. We are for tolerance. One branch of government is closed today due to this hatred. And F-ing America and they don’t care. They think they “win”. I hope they don’t get away with it.
How is this childish, hateful behavior helping you, me or Joe Six Pack get job or keep America safe?
Typical BS from you. The “ negativity” toward those kids is due to one
thing and one thing only. Leftists are anti- Christian bigots. Period. And anyone denying it is lying.
Stating that MAGA hats are the cause us beyond ludicrous .
I hope some pro life organizations bankroll an investigation and lawsuit against everyone involved in this sham .it’s time to wage law fare against these leftist fascists. Cowardly and quietly deleting tweets is not enough. I want a pound of flesh.
Calling oneself a Christian does not make you one. In your left world, a teenager deserves to have his future destroyed because of a ball cap. SMH. Imo, folks like you and Sen. Mazie Hirono are not just wrong. You’re dangerous.
I am not saying anything about “deserving’. Just making an observation about why it unfolded the way it has.
I would like for enlightened sons of the South to be able to honor their forefathers without the taint of continued racism.
I would like to be able to say ‘Negro’ without offending millions of people.
The swastika was a positive spiritual symbol long before the Nazi’s appropriated it.
It’s not my fault those symbols and words are ruined now, but that’s the way it is. MAGA hats included. Some people- including on this very blog- constantly try to make “liberal” a bad word. Maybe it will work someday. Pussy hats are derided for some reason I am not clear on.
Symbols matter. If you choose to display them you will be judged. I’m not saying it’s right, we just can’t help it.
Benev, I would encourage you not to use those N words playing golf with my posse. I think liberal identity politics has them on edge. And they think the kids wearing the red hats were railroaded. They are honest guys.
Missed it? Or just ignored it for self-patronizing reasons?
I assume that for Christians, using Jesus’ name for purposes of vanity would be frowned upon.
By applying transitive formula to a Commandment.
‘Mary. Jesus and Joseph’ is an allowable expletive in Catholic culture.
Yeah, but what if the expletive is not used as a curse upon the circumstance but is rather just an abrupt plea for help with the circumstance? Is it all in the tone?
My great. great. aunt’s tone(a nun) while using it would be similar to mine while saying ‘”oh for f#8$’s sake’ when something remarkablly stupid occurred. Never took the Lord’s name in vain. no “OMG or ‘for God’s sack. Didn’t even use ‘gosh’. or a lordy, lordy.
My Irish born 2nd cousin (also a nun) would use ‘blood’ hell’ if she stubbed her toe or burnt her hand on the edge of the oven – then followed it up with a novella and most likely reported it in her weekly confession.
Hi, Lean left Centralist. practicing go to church every Sunday Catholic.
I frankly could care less about some over privileged teen smirking his way through life. I am much more concern over the group of boys in general hopping around like they are at a rave, yelling ‘Build the wall’ to actual US citizens like it was great fun, chanting stupidity and being teenage level jerks . Don’t care if they’re Catholic, don’t care they have a MAGA hats. My negativity comes from their disrespect, at a Right to Life March no less.
If I or any of my group of high school catholic friends (be they public school like me or in catholic school like the majority of them and my cousins) were in their places doing all they are videoed doing (just not the start down everyone keeps talking about) – Fr. Schimtz, Fr. Carrick, Fr. Dwyer, Sr. Igunia and Sr. Paulus what be maneuvering their way in between us and the drummers 30 second into the first hop fest faster then you can say ‘Mary, Jesus and Joseph’, with a earing piercing lecture that would have lasted only 30 seconds but felt like an eternity and we would be individually apologizing in the worlds straightest line being watched by the fathers who would be discussed our future fate (in Latin), while Sr. Paulus would be making us help carry their drums and things to wherever they needed to go.
Does this mean I am not a Leftists are anti- Christian bigot? Just checking for clarity.
More dangerous than making massively overbroad and untrue generalizations about an entire world religion alongside a sizable segment of the American political spectrum? I don’t see the logic, the proof, or the benefit of such statements. Those statements, rather, seem destructive and hateful.
I actually haven’t come across any evidence that pro-life policies had anything to do with the incident, or the emotional responses to the incident. Is that what you’re saying, though?
Just want to point out here that the statement “Leftists are anti-Christian bigots” is clearly against the conduct guidelines of this site and should make any reader weary of taking this poster seriously.
Well looks like this was datelined last night, but i just saw it now:
Do you think we can convince Kamala to pick this dope as her VP? LMAO!
She is only 26 – has to wait 8-9 more years.
Bottom kine in all of this: media lied about what the kids did. Kids actually did nothing. And the chudds here won’t admit it was fake!
Hard to defuse the sense of tribalism when there’s a shirtless dude (shirtless at a National Monument, no less) jumping up and down pretending to be the Hulk along to chants from his peers. Alongside literal representatives of tribes.
To me, it’s getting easier to focus on why the chaperones wouldn’t or couldn’t defuse.
So you post this little speech about everybody having a First Amendment right to say whatever, right? Then you Snivl to DD when DTM makes a joke? Really?! Really?! God, what a certified Loser!
DTM makes a joke? “Boo hoo, walk away!!” Good at dishing out platitudes!! LMAO! Seriously, Sniv! Think before you post!
Silence them opponents! Silence them opponents!! Hey, it’s worked on Alex Jones. Why not others? If you can’t win an argument or reply intelligently when your side’s hypocrisy is pointed out, just make sure they can no longer speak!! Yeah…that’s the spirit!!! Obama’s IRS closed down conservative tax exempt groups. Now, conservative outlets are being denied social media platforms. Silence them opponents! Silence them opponents!!
“AN’s” are reserved solely for blatant Lib Hypocrisy! No further explanation, when one is used, is necessary!
How about you voluntarily agree to one “AN” per day?
And for every day you’re a good boy, you can get a cookie?
OK, they’re cookies downloaded into your browser, but still.
I’ll try. I swear. But yesterday I had to issue FOUR! Y’all were extra bad yesterday!
Who is “y’all”?
Just treat the people on this site as individuals.
For instance, what CNN does is on CNN. What Chuck Schumer does is on Chuck Schumer. You’ve heard this before. I personally find errors or hypocrisy sad, not reason to gloat or things to rub into faces.
I don’t see anyone think this site as a dog fight ‘cept you and DTM. So don’t let the dogs out. And keep the CAPS on a leash.
An AN by its very nature nust be delivered in caps!
And what nature is that?
If it was just abt hypocrisy, you could point that out with academic words.
So what is their emotional nature?
Certainly not a mature emotion.
Or constructive. Or necessary.
Heck, you might find folks even agreeing with you if you focused on the information.
Not about silencing. It’s about improving by setting standards. Isn’t that part of personal responsibility? Isn’t that “being best”?
This site should be the best it can be.
The comment section is shit now and obviously management doesn’t care. Noway obviously has juice as he has done little more than troll and taunt for years. No one else has been allowed to contribute so little and antagonize so much. The user who went by The Last Democrat in Georgia was banned for being a long winded boor. DTM has that beat in spades with more ignorance, belligerence, and just overall obnoxiousness thrown in. Give me Harry back any day. He was just as tribal but wasn’t bellicose and possessed enough intelligence to debate lucidly.
I agree with your Harry comment. Have said so for years. Bring back Konop, too!
I was with you till the bring back Harry line. Personally and directly insulted me. Nope.
If I were you Andrew I would call 911 and place an urgent request for a WWWAAAAmmmmbulance! You certainly do not suffer from toxic masculinity. At least you have that going for you!!
You might like Depends. They have a lot more room in them than your diapers!!
My comments?! Are you kidding me! She “claims” to be a darn Indian. And one of Harvard’s first women of color!
Maybe tom-tom and Warren know each other. He looks like a real Indian to me. Good for him. Handsome fellow.
They could be from the same tribe. You never know. It’s a small world. 6 degrees of separation…
I am getting back my own DNA test. I hope I have a bunch of African American and more Indian than she does! It will explain a lot!
What a bed wetter. You give snowflakes a bad name!
Maybe they can become friends before the world ends in 12 years like that Cortez genius is telling us if we don’t like, like, like fight climate change!
I am only trying to help. America! From you know what.
Dial it back.
America doesn’t need your type of “help”.
Well Andrew I agree with you for a change. You one of the most spoiled, privileged douche lords I have ever run across!! The media lied like a rug you clueless CHUD!
Yea they can utter every ugly a– word like they did. The kids did nothing. The little drummer boy can come to the kids like a coward, not the thugs if he wanted to diffuse anything, and lie to CNN about who came to who. And something tells me he lied about his Vietnam service too if that is looked into. The marines don’t have the unit that he claimed he served in…per my marine corp buddies….oops… Looks like a massive liberal lie fest. Like so many I have pointed out.
The kid did NOTHING. And is now the subject of liberal death threats. So is his school And instead of you saying to call off the liberal attack dogs. CHUDS like you don’t have the balls to be honest and don’t care. And that is a fact!
Ang, some folks have a conscience. Try to find one.
“Abrams said she has visited all of the state’s 159 counties and “knows the full of Georgia.” I am guessing she came to Dade County passing through on I-24 on here way out of Georgia to go get some of that California money.
Is Dade County still in Georgia?
Two American women in the semi finals!
Well looky here!! LMAO! Seems Nathan the Elder didn’t serve in Vietnam after all!!!
Circle that wagon!!! Lmao!
Just ignore them Andrew. It’s pretty easy. You are not ceding any territory by doing so. Anybody reading knows they are idiots, aren’t paying attention, and have nothing to offer.
I stopped going to swim at the YMCA because they kept making us get out of the pool about every 30 minutes so they could clean up a mess some kid made in there. This is kind of like that, except it’s like we can wall off the shallow end if you just ignore them.
Did you go to the baby pool Benev! I just read this limp post and it made me LOL! Thanks!
Wait…. he didn’t just have it walked across the border…?
Taking the side of the world’s most infamous drug dealer over the safety of Americans Citizens are we, Ellynn ?
Information has no side.
Nope. Pointing out how this low life maggot and his henchman got literally tons of drugs into this country by means a wall did not not stop.
Why do I feel that no matter what video evidence of any controversy shows, the talking points are written in advance?
If someone is killed in the middle of 5th Avenue, I’m so sure I could fill out the entire days comment section under assumed names and nail it.
Food for thought: challenge your beliefs and assumptions everyday. You are not infallible and no one should stop learning. Take some time and hang out with somebody who doesn’t look, act or believe like you do. Maybe, just maybe, you could learn something.
I think you have just described the core difference between conservatives and progressives.
BS. There is a right and wrong here. Benev, do you think CNN was honest here.
Yes or no.
Stop Trusting Viral Videos
A controversial video of Catholic students clashing with American Indians appeared to tell a simple truth. A second video called that story into question. But neither shows what truly happened.
I admit I bit on the first edited version and should have known better. Hardly ever is a political brouhaha found to be so black and white. In the miasma melange of DC protests, never. But do I think the actions of the MAGA hat wearing teens justify the near martyrdom now bestowed upon them? Hell no. Where were the adults who allowed them to carry on with the tomahawk chops and other disrespectful actions? As the article states even the extended videos still don’t tell the whole story but like many mobs, it appears they went after the weakest link and a group that had nothing at all to do with why they were there. Lastly, do you really want a smarmy teen wearing a MAGA hat as your poster child?
Agree with respect to where were the adults.
As to MAGA hats worn by kids, they do have the advantage to identifying victims in training.
If you talked to your folks at work as horribly and rudely as you do here, they would be busting your obnoxious know it all self all of the place too. Anyone would.
My guess is that there is mutual respect among professionals.
I would also guess that if you were more professional, you would get more respect.
Balance…so true.
It’s gotta start somewhere, which is why I always say to be the change you wish. More appropo– write the posts the way you wish others wrote.
So in an effort to raise the discourse here let me say that I live in a community, worship at a church and work in an environment where I’m decidedly in the minority in many ways. I’ve learned not to relate to the people I’m around based upon their race, income or subdivision.
I’ve been in many uncomfortable situations in the last 22 years and I could have become bitter and angry. Instead, what I’ve learned is that rich and poor, black and white, republican and democrat all have the same problems. One of my best friends in a republican who doesn’t like Trump but feels he’s doing whats right for America. This guys children haven’t spoken to him in two years for several reasons. I know how he feels about Trump but I’m trying to comfort him in his turmoil and not change his mind about the Donald. Do we talk about politics, yes. I know how he feels and he knows how I feel.
Do we talk about race relations? Yes, we have two different experiences in America and may never agree about things. Have I learned from him and vice versa? Hell yes!
The problem with social media is anonymity and the contempt it fosters. You aren’t talking to people you’re talking to avatars. Win at all cost and get the sugar rush, then move on to the next rush.
I try not to respond to some of the worst posts but it is hard. I’ve been guilty of it but I know better and will do better.
But who is winning anything? No one gets any prizes.
And no one gets to vote more than once, so most all opinions wind up carrying the same weight.
There’s also no being “right” if being “right” is based on limited info, or based on belittling or dehumanizing your social media neighbor. Where’s the value in that?
The closest thing to winning is in being as informed as possible- which means listening.
By gosh there is a winning if you can point out obvious lies and get folks to do what the hell is right. Everyone can disagree but dishonestly and HONESTY sticks out like a freaking sore thumb!
There is value in truth, but with truth everybody wins. But then we’d all be on the same team. If that’s what you truly believe, then you need not be adversarial.
Nobody is winning. It’s all a race to the bottom. The victory is in the small sugar high of owning that moment.
I never comment on Facebook or Twitter. However, this site was a place where you could debate ideas. Even controversial ones, if you could defend them intellectually. Here’s to getting back to those days.
I’m not going to debate how we got here. Tomorrow is Wednesday. Let’s start there!
Beautifully said Gregs. I could not agree more. That is why I love hanging around a very diverse group. They are great folks, fun, different and just accept you for who you are. And we differ a ton politically but so the hell what?! We can talk and joke about it.
For so many folks to foment hatred and name call and all of those horrible reactions we have seen the last few years is just horrible, dangerous and divisive.
Today the press shows how truly hateful and awful they are on purpose. They are they ones that try to gin this up for political gain. Unfortunately many others try to do so for political gain too. I don’t want them to get away with it Sunlight and honesty is the only damn thing that will stop it.
MLK was all about content of one’s character not color….not identify politics. I think he would be appalled at what we have been seeing. I am.
No, honesty isn’t the answer. You can’be the arbiter of reality. You have a truth that may not match the reality for other people. When you approach every issue with dogmatism you don’t leave much space for honest debate.
Can you find a way to say here’s what I believe without the personal invectives? You can debate with facts, figures and even nasty snark. The canned language about libs, snowflakes etc make people tune you out.
You seem to have a valid point on many issues but people stop listening when they think you’re posting talking points without thought.
I only know you as an avatar but you could bring some humanity to your posts if you want to get honest feed back and debate.
Gregs, I believe today is a PERFECT example of lemmings falling back on talking points.
Anyone not condemning the total dishonestly the Press displayed in this story is sad indeed. To purposely lie and slant about an event that DID NOT HAPPEN –and literally watch it play out in the day—then put those folks and school in danger is APALLING to me. Why isn’t everyone appalled her? I truly don’t get it.
I can’t imagine anyone not pointing out this obvious dishonesty which is flat out WRONG. Period. I don’t like dishonest, BS. If someone does this on the right, I will have ZERO problem calling them out on it too.
Gregs don’t waste you time posting under other names and identities. We all could. We only know of one guy posting comments under other identities or fake names and he was caught red handed like CNN was here.
You’re right, no one is infallible and should continue learning. And not become a shill for any flawed political party or politician. I agree totally. There is a right and a wrong.
No, the video they show happened. It was a video clip. It just didn’t show all of what happened. No lies. Just half a story. Or maybe more like 10% of story.
But if you’re gonna complain that CNN does that, then you need to start turning a critical eye to Fox and Breitbart and complain when they do that.
But if you were to do that, you’d wind up spending all your days complaining about every known media outlet. Life shouldn’t be so miserable.
Here’s the thing: you’re not always wrong but you’re dogmatism turns people off. You’ve made great points that I agree with about the FBI during the Hoover years and how we were so skeptical of this institution then verses now. However, I would never agree or comment on one your post because you add so many invectives that I can never condone.
I respect your comments and don’t disagree at all. I have seen this bias for so many years that I just don’t roll over and take it any more. I am glad to point it out when I see it.
I see it destroying this country. It is a radical movement and appears to be getting worse in my humble opinion. I don’t have much sympathy for folks that are constantly slamming this country.
Are you wearin’ your MAGA hat so people can know you’re a victim?
The only “victims” have been the American People who’ve been victimized by Leftist Policies the last half century. I’d ask that you take a gander at TGM’s accomplishments over the last two years. “Promises Made…Even More Promises Kept!”
I am not a victim at al! I am one of the luckiest guys in the world aka Lou Gehrig without that dreaded disease he suffered through.
I love this country and all of the opportunities that folks that work hard with a good attitude have at their fingertips. I have little tolerance for folks constantly trying to run her down.
I like living my life with a sense of gratitude ever time I am lucky enough to wake up in the morning
Isn’t is odd that so many people that don’t live here will risk life and limb to get here. Some folks that are here can do nothing but whine and want to ” transform” the most awesome country the world has ever seen into something it isn’t– thank goodness. Those folks are always moaning about the glass being half empty.
I get tired of sniveling and whining. I suppose that is obvious. Does that sound like victimhood? You can’t even get that right!
Dave why don’t you and Andrew wear a MAGA hat for one day? I don’t think you are brave enough to do so. Are you? Get back to us okay?
That is an easy enough challenge. Let us have a bet to see how long it takes some “tolerant liberal” to verbally or physically assault you! If that is in downtown Atlanta, I give you 10 minutes…
Isnt that what all of us were fighting for with the Civil Rights movement? To get rid of bigotry when it was happening to blacks? Or maybe Muslims if that ever occurred?
Why are many encouraging bigotry, and that is exactly what it is, against anyone that thinks or votes differently than you do? That is EXACTLY what is going on isn’t it? You are right in the middle of it.
Why would anyone feel threatened to wear a stinking hat? Why don’t you see how your party and what your media has turned on half of the citizens in this country? Do you deny that? Is that healthy and unifying? It is easy to point out isn’t it?
No, go wear the red hat and see what an active group of sicko haters that have conditioned themselves and others to attack verbally or physically folks that simply think differently than they do. Its DEPLORABLE isn’t it? Congratulations.
If he shoe fits, wear it! I thought you were on the side that claimed to “tolerant”. Is that another falsehood?
You miss the point per usual. The hat has already become a symbol of intolerance to maybe 50% of the country or so. Like it or not. So, there could be some discussion around whether we should tolerate intolerance, or whether we confront intolerance, but let’s not pretend there aren’t two sides of a coin here, or more appropo, two sides to a hat.
Last one for today: do any of my “ANs” legitimately highly the hypocrisy I say they do? Or am I totally wrong and out of step to highlight them?
Maybe, but any value can easily get lost alongside the emotion taunting.
Maybe if you balanced the AWWWW NAWWW with some non lib hypocrisy. When I see your AWWWW NAWWW I know before I even read the thing you are going after a lib and only a lib. Hypocrites exist in all corners of the world and in every culture.
Ellyn, it is obvious the atrocious examples of hypocrisy going on in places right now. Yesterday is a great example.
Why don’t you show us great examples of hypocrisy on the other side? I am sure they are many. Matter of fact, I may totally agree with you. I don’t have a problem pointing out obvious injustices wherever they occur.
The problem, like btb and Ellyn have stated, is not what you are trying to do. It is how you are doing it. A less emotional approach, and a more reasoned/level approarch would probably work better for both you and DTM.
But if you want to look at hypocrisy why aren’t you posting the before and after of many of Trump’s tweets that are mirror opposites of each other? Doesn’t that make you just as much of a hypocrite?