January 29, 2019 6:00 AM
Morning Reads for Tuesday, January 29
Good morning! Hope you bought bread.
- Backpfeifengesicht is the German word for “a face in need of a slap.” This word for a specific kind of anger, and others like it from across the globe, can actually help you tame your own rage.
- Related: New Orleanians are never going to stop being angry about that call.
- A Glynn County program aims to ensure that every first grader in the county has a library card.
- A delegation from Columbus is headed to Sundance – and they’ve got $5 million in incentives in their pockets.
- A Bill Gates startup is getting in on the drone action this week in Atlanta.
- As if an Arctic cold snap and black ice weren’t bad enough – MARTA is dealing with a labor dispute that threatens service this week.
- A thieving, low-down scoundrel stole $1000 from a Girl Scout troop in New Jersey that hoped to fund their trip to Savannah to visit the Juliette Gordon Low birthplace. Good Samaritans came to their aid.
- Talk of another de-annexation in Stockbridge leads to firm exhortations.
- Apple tried to make a Mac in the US, but were screwed by domestic manufacturing shortcomings.
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I’m sorry but a tiny screw has nothing to do with Apple’s problems trying to manufacture products in the US. The main problem is Apple itself and this article only confirms that.
“Apple has intensified a search for ways to diversify its supply chain, but that hunt has homed in on India and Vietnam.”
The real reason behind Apples decisions:
“The minimum wage in Zhengzhou, China, home of the world’s biggest iPhone factory, is roughly $2.10 an hour, including benefits.”
“China is not just cheap. It’s a place where, because it’s an authoritarian government, you can marshal 100,000 people to work all night for you,”
This illustrates why the US Free Enterprise companies come to the table at a disadvantage but even then, because of Free Enterprise we do win over those competitors many times when given the opportunity to compete.
Those are the real reasons regardless of what Tim Cook claims. It is an Economic decision period. Having been in Manufacturing Engineering most of my working life I can tell you needing screws is one issue suppling those screws is a different problem.
Sounds like slave labor to me.
Does to me too Chef, does to me too….
It does, but that doesn’t mean we can avoid competing with them.
That’s according to what the definition of competing is. If it like going to a well digging contest where we have both hands tied behind our back and China doesn’t that’s not competition… Tie both contestant’s hands and then the playing field is level and then you have real competition. …
The playing field will be more level when wages are similar. It’s going to be a long, hard road for us until that day arrives.
Indications are we’re going to declare victory and leave Afghanistan and our allies there to the Taliban. Tough break for women there, but who’d expect different from the Trump administration?
What do ya reckon? The Europeans couldn’t hack it back in the colonial heyday but maybe if we had just 17 more years we could bring them around?
I’m not a Trump apologist by any means, but the occupation of Afghanistan seems to have no good solution, and that’s not his fault.
The majority of their populace wants to remain in the late Iron Age. Spending $2.5 trillion and roughly 2,400 American lives will end up leaving them pretty much unchanged regardless of which president bails.
Yes, but what is the alternative? Just let the Taliban thrive? What will that cost us?
We spend billions on foreign aid year after year in places like Israel and Egypt, with no end in sight.
Yeah it really sucks Benev but we seem to have been unable to defeat the Taliban outright and there’s no way to negotiate them into being good-faith actors. So the alternatives are to cut losses or continue on in denial. Unless you see another way?
Well I guess I have to trot out the libertarian mantra; we are not the world’s policemen. We went in there to root out Bin Laden and Al Qaeda not change an entire people’s way of life. Today’s Taliban was yesterday’s Mujahideen that we supported when they were fighting the Soviets. If they start supporting international terrorism again then we deal with that not their internal governance.
There is also a clear role for the U.N. here, to monitor, etc., if folks are inclined to believe in such global governance institutions.
As soon as it was clear that the Taliban wasn’t able to be destroyed, this type of endgame was inevitable. But the toughest part remains– finding a way towards co-existence.
Not an expert in their laws, but I assume that the Afghan Constitution may need to be modified again, to set up some sort of hybrid between federalism and how we handle Native American tribal sovereignty, such that specified powers and laws are federalized, and one of those might certainly regard women’s rights and religious freedom, etc.
I always thought that if you said to the Taliban, here have this swath of territory, and follow your arcane form of Islam there, but you have to allow one week for any women and children in the territory to freely leave– that the Taliban would cease to exist within one generation. Of course, they would never agree to that, but there is perhaps- hopefully- a pathway of legal protections for women in that territory.
One thing we did learn from Vietnam is that we shouldn’t take it out on service members. A concomitant effect of that is that eases us in absolving ourselves of our own blame.
Trump isn’t to blame for Afghanistan. Obama made mistakes. Trump is to blame for actively expediting destruction the shining city on the hill aspiration. He conducts government in the mold of his own personal selfish affairs and values. And that is just fine with the Republican party and its value voters.
Then we can use the money under 10 U.S. Code § 284 and build a border to stop the drugs. No State of emergency needed.
Your link for annoying folks in need of a face slap back into reality in not working Terri.
Not sure if this is the link intended but it appears close:
The Senate took a “snow” day but Ralston kept Teri and the lower house busy today.
So mom’s house got 12 inches of snow. The cousin’s dairy farm in Calumet Co. Wi got almost 16. and now the wind and solar vortex is coming…
So you can all feel a little more warm and cozy today and tomorrow…
I’ve endured winters with sub-zero temps before but I can’t imagine highs of -13 like they’re calling for in Chicago and points north. I don’t own enough clothes to stay warm in that extreme.
btw I see weather people in the north are as quick to use wind-chill as people here use heat-index. Give me the highs and lows and wind-speed and humidity and I’m sharp enough to figure what it means.
Even with computer modeling it appears that snow prediction in metro Atlanta is still less accurate than my old Granny way back when. As to the bread purchasing I suppose we will need a good bread pudding recipe to take care of the excess bread, milk, and eggs in one fell swoop.
I dunno man my left knee was giving me trouble last night!
From Back in The Day Bakery in Savannah
Wow. Decadent isn’t strong enough to describe that one. Therefore it is perfect.
I think we all know Democratic Socialism is nothing more than the covering up Marxism and Socialism with a softer label but if you need more evidence that Democratic Socialism is a failure here it is…
I think that’s a bit of a reach to draw that conclusion from that story.
Corruption, human rights abuses, and despotism are not exclusive to socialism.
I don’t know enough about what’s going on in Venezuela to know what to attribute their problems to, but a few lefties objecting to our taking sides in that dispute is no indication of any larger philosophical agenda. After all, the Party of Trump’s primary goal seems to normally be to stop intervening in all these foreign disputes. Why is this one different?
I’ll answer my own question: Because it’s socialism?
:::hex signs:::
Because US intervention has worked out so well for us and the world…
But hey at least it’s going to make their property taxes go down. https://youtu.be/UIpJXfNPqVA
Windows cannot open this file. To open this file correctly, defenestrate, then try running the file again…