Morning Reads for Tuesday, January 29

Good morning! Hope you bought bread.

  • Backpfeifengesicht is the German word for “a face in need of a slap.” This word for a specific kind of anger, and others like it from across the globe, can actually help you tame your own rage.
  • Related: New Orleanians are never going to stop being angry about that call.
  • A Glynn County program aims to ensure that every first grader in the county has a library card.
  • A delegation from Columbus is headed to Sundance – and they’ve got $5 million in incentives in their pockets.
  • A Bill Gates startup is getting in on the drone action this week in Atlanta.
  • As if an Arctic cold snap and black ice weren’t bad enough – MARTA is dealing with a labor dispute that threatens service this week.
  • A thieving, low-down scoundrel stole $1000 from a Girl Scout troop in New Jersey that hoped to fund their trip to Savannah to visit the Juliette Gordon Low birthplace. Good Samaritans came to their aid.
  • Talk of another de-annexation in Stockbridge leads to firm exhortations.
  • Apple tried to make a Mac in the US, but were screwed by domestic manufacturing shortcomings.

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