Morning Reads for Monday, March 4, 2019
It’s a little gloomy in in our neck of the woods this morning. Southwest Georgia got hit hard yesterday by a tornado and our neighbors across the state line in Alabama lost at least 2 dozen people with more expected as first responders are able to clear debris this morning. Living in a border community, it feels less like another state and more like another subdivision or neighborhood. We are so grateful for our first responders and weather folks who saved innumerable lives yesterday with their fast response and up-to-date information. Our hearts and prayers are with the families who lost loved ones. We can rebuild homes, but the loss of human life leaves a void that can’t be filled.
Savannah had a major drug bust over the weekend.
Augusta has some big time economic development opportunities coming their way with over $1 billion in investment rumored.
With the Georgia Supreme Court decision on breathalyzers, local police and prosecutors are working to keep Georgia drivers safe with alternate avenues.
Former Governor Deal has endorsed the Gwinnett MARTA referendum.
In a Breaking News, red banner alert on the AJC this morning, comes news that the Mercedes-Benz stadium is converting to a cashless operation.
Because we all need a little good news on any given day. This Moorehouse Professor held a student’s baby so they could take notes during a class. This is pro-life.
More than 16,000 are without power after yesterday’s storm, but Georgia Power is on it.
And because March is Women’s History Month, let’s highlight someone who is MAKING history: Congrats to Andrea Lewis on becoming the first African-American female pilot with the Georgia Air National Guard.
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Here are 2 news tidbits.
Sometimes it’s best to wait until all the numbers are in.
A whole new definition to Twitter war.
The AOC vs. Green Peace cofounder are hilarious.
What’s funny is that that doesn’t appear to be news to anyone except conservative sources.
A guy who left Greenpeace and became a nuke industry lobbyist (of all things!) can’t see past a carbon-fueled future.
What the GND proposes is going to happen. Certainly not in the next 10 years, but it is inevitable I think. Any science fiction future societies (whose authors are some of the most thoughtful and creative thinkers) that are successful (i.e. not apocalyptic) DON’T use burning oil and coal for their fuel. There are too many alternatives on the horizon that will be safer, more efficient, and cheaper. I mean, most of our power generation revolves around boiling water fer crying out loud.
Like the writer L. Ron Hubbard?
I only read one of his and it was apocalyptic AND no fossil fuels!
Good grief… Conservative or liberal news sources it was funny.
As far as your statement about successful “creative” thinkers that is a far stretch. Once a few engineer’s I know did a study about what was more green a Hummer or a Prius the conclusion was the Hummer was more green due to the Battery manufacturing of Lithium Ion Batteries for the Prius. The manufacturing process for those batteries uses some very toxic and long lasting chemicals and not to forget the Prius has 2 drive systems. Also, take the manufacturing process of an incandescent light bulb. It’s a very simple device to build and all recyclable now look at the electronics that goes into LED bulbs which are much more complex and harder to build and not as recyclable. Also, include CFL’s which contain mercury for god sakes. If you want to be more green do what your grandmother told you and turn the lights off when you leave a room.
Yes, I remember that study. One study. No peer review. No disclosure of methodology. Many questionable assumptions. Disputed by many:
It’s a false equivalency anyway. The Prius technology is already 20 years old. Battery technology is advancing pretty rapidly, and batteries aren’t even an energy source anyway, just a storage mechanism.
I’ve read stories about transparent solar panels that can be applied to or used as windows. Sidewalks that generate power from people walking on them. Even nuclear fusion may be a viable, even portable, source someday.
First there was more than one study into Prius Vs Hummer. Even Toyota got into it to counter the premise but their own study was debunked. And I misspoke about the Prius batteries. It uses Nickel Metal Hydride not Lithium Ion. You know if you cover every square inch of Georgia with solar panels you could not generate enough energy to provide what we currently use. Then the problem of the sun itself which requires you to need storage which right now the only thing that will work is batteries Guess how many of those you will need? Yep it’s a really big number. Last time I was at Sandia National Labs that fusion problem was much like warp drive it had one problem element, Unobtainium. One day Benevolus we will have dilithium crystals, matter transportation and warp drive but it is not today or the near future until then we need to be more efficient with what we have so turn out the lights when you leave the room..
Great link to Greenpeace! Hysterical. And true if you ask me.
Beep Beep. The exemption bus is good if you can get on it. Riddle: What does the production of firearms have to do with The Georgia Film Credit? [spoiler title=” “]House Bill 505 You can Read it here.[/spoiler]
So after the house bill that would stop gubberment from telling you what color to paint your house died in rules last week. I give you SB 172. This bill was introduced on Friday. HB 302 was killed in Rules on Thursday I hear. Glad my Senator Mullis is on the side of property owners on this one.
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