Today, in 1512, Juan Ponce de Leon gets his first look at Florida. Unfortunately it took him another year to get there because a local was sailing in the left lane of the channel and wouldn’t get over.
- Opiates, HepC, and HIV are targets of the needle exchange bill (HB217).
- “Save the hot dog” bill (SB32) dies in the House.
- Georgia Hemp Farming Act (HB213) heads back to the Senate…
- Sec. Perdue is heading to Perdue University.
- Marietta Square Market opens Thursday.
- With 7.7% of the Georgia workforce and 10.2% of the Georgia Economy, the tech sector is holding strong and gaining ground.
- Here comes Norfolk Southern.
- GT Basketball Coach Joesph is officially dunked.
- Contraceptive on the backer of an earring… maybe.
- Play stupid games, win stupid prizes.
- Is Venezuela the new Cuba?