Rep. Brenda Lopez Romero (D, District 99) has announced her candidacy for GA-7 as a Democrat. At least two other candidates, Marqus Cole (D) and Harrison Floyd (R), previously announced as candidates for the position.
Rep. Rob Woodall (R) will not be seeking re-election for the seat. Larry Sabato had labelled the seat as a toss-up prior to Woodall’s announcement.
Rep. Romero in a letter to her House colleagues:
Dear House Colleagues,
My career path has always been about service. Today, I am honored and humbled to announce that I am running to be your United States Congresswoman for the 7th District of Georgia to continue serving our community.
Even though I grew up with limited means, faced language barriers, and felt the hand of discrimination, I still feel lucky. I feel lucky to live in a country where you can immigrate at 5 years old without knowing the language, work hard, and one day start your own law firm and become a State Representative.
I know that the way we’ll win is by building a people-powered campaign, with dedicated supporters like you giving what they can to help us win.
For every person who told me I could not, there has been another who told me I could. Those people helped make me who I am. And those experiences have become a guiding value in my life: that as I achieve success, I must lift others up with me.
As I’ve prepared for this moment, I’ve listened to friends and neighbors in our district to better understand their needs. I’m running to make sure that the people in Washington, D.C. take their priorities from my constituents, not the other way around.
That’s why I’m planning to spend as much time as possible out on the campaign trail, meeting with communities across the district, and putting people first. In the coming days, I’ll be sharing more about the issues I believe we must tackle, based on my experience representing our neighbors in the Georgia State House and on my conversations with communities across the district.