June 4, 2019 6:00 AM
Morning Reads for Tuesday, June 4
Good morning!
- Studios including Disney, Netflix, WarnerMedia, Viacom, Sony, AMC, and NBCUniversal will likely rethink their relationship with Georgia should HB 481 go into effect.
- The Orly crash that indelibly changed Atlanta’s arts landscape happened 57 years ago, yesterday.
- A new Georgia law should mean fewer abandoned and derelict mobile homes.
- Meet Atlanta’s American Ninja Warriors!
- Yesterday was a state holiday in Alabama commemorating the birthday of Jefferson Davis. Accordingly, the Montgomery Advertiser published slave narratives.
- Creole cooking legend Leah Chase, who dined with multiple presidents, died on June 1.
- A Georgia Tech professor explains why knitting is coding.
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As soon as Disney closes their theme park in China or when Netflix refuses to film their new series in Egypt and Jordan, then I begin to ‘worry’.
Otherwise, they’re just virtue signaling past the graveyard.
Actually very funny. But fake. The opposition just cannot help themselves.
If you didn’t know the Daily Show was a comedy program, I’ve got some bad news to tell you about the Onion.
I think this one is real:
Once again Dade County leads the State. We are getting a pumped storage facility. Or is this a top secret plan to get a straw in the Tennessee River? https://www.timesfreepress.com/news/local/story/2019/jun/03/developers-eye-sand-mountasite-pumped-storage/495860/
Didn’t MC Escher design one of those that never stops?
I hope you do not live downhill from the proposed lake. What happens when Dade County gets 6-8 inches of rain in a couple of days?
It has a designed emergency spillway.
I didn’t read the link, but it may be infrastructure that uses off peak excess electricity to pump water up, and then generate electricity using downflowing water during peak demand period.
If Hollywood pulls out they’ll be the ones killing hundreds of existing jobs. Who would get the blame for that? Not Kemp.
The real “fake news” problem:
CNN laughter at Biden for comments he made during his first run. Too bad, although he is a gaffe machine. He’s the only normal Democrat who has a shot. This is going to get much worse from his own side.