Good morning! Last week, TheDeepDark asked our readers to suggest news sources that we might overlook in our Morning Reads. Thank you for the suggestions! I try to keep up with different dailies from across Georgia, but it’s easy to miss some of the great resources we have.
One intrepid reader noted that too many Morning Reads links are behind a paywall. Guilty as charged! Here’s the thing: I won’t stop posting links that are behind a paywall. Most newspapers with a paywall offer a few freebies (the Brunswick News, for example, is extremely generous with something like 15 free reads each month). If you find that you are reading enough articles from, say, the Washington Post that you exceed their freebie limit, maybe – now, hear me out – maybe you might want to consider actually paying a little coin for the journalism you consume. Just a friendly suggestion!
- The Communities of Coastal Georgia Foundation awarded more than $110K to 24 area organizations.
- If you are on social media at all, and have ever posted anything remotely related to a medical concern, chances are you have a “friend” (who is probably part of an MLM) respond with, “There’s an essential oil for that!” Anyhow, the Georgia Poison Center (1-800-222-1222) receives a couple of calls every day about these oils.
- How a Forsyth County subdivision responded when actual black helicopters descended upon their community and arrested a teen on terror charges.
- Clarity for “live-aboard” vessels in Georgia.
- Are toll lanes the answer for congestion in metro Atlanta?
- No more ring around the collar! And no more ads based on gender stereotypes in the UK.
- What really happened to MH370? (A long read, and an excellent read.)