June 28, 2019 1:14 PM
Jimmy: Trump Presidency is Illegitimate
At a Carter Center event in Virginia, Former President Jimmy Carter questioned the legitimacy of President Trump’s election.
The most interesting part about this is how long it’s taken Trump to respond with a semi-coherent insult via Twitter.
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So, does this suggest that the Reagan presidency was illegitimate because the Iranians interfered with that election?
In Trump’s defense, he probably hasn’t seen the comments because it’s just now morning in Japan. I’m sure once he gets around to his morning bowel mov— err, I mean, “executive time,” he’ll have crafted a worthwhile zinger.
Trump Derangement Syndrome reaches its highest level yet!
Carter should stick to teaching Sunday school. The DNC, Hillary, the FBI and the media did 100x more criminal activity to affect the outcome of the election than a few Russian Facebook ads. It’s a joke and Obama was right. No way could the Russians affect our election. All of the illegals streaming into this country sure could..
Carter’s wonderful energy policies and that of our current leftists would make our current energy independence impossible.
We are doomed …if we listen to their hysteria.
Putin says liberalism is eating itself ….I don’t usually agree with Putin but isn’t this obvious to US citizens and every other person on earth?!
Oh brother.
You realize that when Putin talks about “Western liberalism” he’s not referring to Democrats in California, right?
“Western liberalism” is a reference to our entire political/economic system. The system that gives you freedom of speech, freedom of religion, and freedom to pursue your own happiness. The system that gives you the right to petition your government, the right to vote for your leaders, and the right to a fair trial before impartial jurors and judges. The system we fought off the British to establish. The system we fought against the Germans to preserve. The system we’ve seen spread around the world because we believe so firmly in the notion that America is the shining city on the hill.
Putin is saying that the system of representative government we’ve established to safeguard and promote our freedoms and liberties is obsolete. He’d rather see a world marked by oligarchy and authoritarianism, a world where folks like Putin pick the winners and send the losers off to black sites and prison cells. If you agree with him… well I don’t know what to tell you.
The debate…painting Joe Biden as a racist is absurd. It’s hateful, a massive lie and disgusting. The term means nothing any more. Painting everyone you disagree with as a racist is the same thing. It shows weakness, no character and desperation.
Why on earth did Obama have a racist V.P. twice!!??
When the politically correct whiners try to paint each other as racists it shows you what a bunch of losers they really are.
Let’s get back to economics…we are going to raise the hell out of your taxes to pay the free stuff of non Americans —-we are for unending open border so get ready to pay more.
Your going to love $10 a gallon to save the planet. We are doomed. Really? Get real people!
“non Americans” don’t get the free stuff you so despise. Stop believing this stupid lie.
Why don’t you wake up? Where do those people go? They flood the emergency room’s. Millions are coming in here each year.
Look at the debate everyone of those clowns raised their hands and wanted to give them free healthcare and free everything else… Where is our free healthcare?
Oh I forgot about the pandering for slavery reparations! That is ABSURD! New victims created overnight! Another way to divide America. It is pitiful pandering!
Free college for dummies who go to the most expensive schools, get lousy degrees and want YOU to pay for it!
Sorry US Citizens ,you get to pay for free stuff for everyone else. Your politicians want their vote. No ID to vote right!?
If this is a winning combination I might become as miserable, sad ,vindictive and unappreciative as the above agenda.
There is a difference between emergency room care and the other extreme, free medicare/medicaid, etc. that non-citizens do NOT get. Assistance for an emergency hardship should be granted. I am not for non-citizen government benefits (insurance, welfare, etc.) That is a big negative if anyone campaigns on “benefits for all” regardless of citizenship.
College entrance qualifications won’t change, no matter how the student is funded. There are too many complex issues with variations on states funding of public colleges and how they offer state residents discounts to suddenly shift to a federal free tuition program. Another domed, convoluted campaign promise.
The whole slavery reparations issue is kinda weird, especially coming up now. I haven’t seen any real specifics about what that means in the current campaign context. But it would open up a Pandora’s box of equal reparations for a number of issues. I agree, it’s not a good campaign issue.
Proof of citizenship ID is required to register to vote, and to actually vote. No one is advocating for non-citizen right to vote.
Hey there, David. I know you didn’t watch the debate, so you’re relying on what a bunch of talking heads like Sean Hannity, Tucker Carlson, and Milo Yianoppolous are telling you.
Harris led her comment by stating, very clearly, that Joe Biden was not a racist and that she wasn’t calling him one. The video is out there. I’d encourage you to go find it. The substance of her comment – because substance is what should matter here – is that school busing helped bring about integration and that she was proof of that because she was a beneficiary of school busing. Conservatives* staunchly opposed busing – and Biden largely sided with them – because they opposed integration and wanted to maintain schools that were either de jure or de facto segregated. Her point was that Biden furthered the agenda of a bunch of racists like Herman Talmedge by working with them in the Senate to oppose federal laws re: busing and school segregation.
*Note, I used the term Conservatives because opposition to busing was strongest among Southern Democrats, Western/Northern Republicans, a group that began to slowly coalesce into a unified party starting with Goldwater’s run in 1964 and accelerating with Reagan in 1980.