July 16, 2019 8:57 AM
Morning Reads for Tuesday, July 16
Good morning! I was supposed to be in New Orleans this week. I am not in New Orleans. I do not miss the humidity, but I do miss the people, and the food, and all the rest of it (well, I do not miss the potholes).
- The sentiment, “If you don’t like it here, leave” is racist. Full stop. It’s also not a new sentiment in America. Here is a good explanation of why “this long, ugly strain in American history” endures.
- The Center for Puppetry Arts in Atlanta is the global “hub of the entire wacky world of puppetry.” It’s home to Kermit the Frog, but it’s also so much more than that. Definitely read this comprehensive history of the Center and why it is important to the arts community.
- The Fulton County jail is over capacity, and they are looking to other counties to outsource their inmate population.
- Recent changes to EPA FOIA policies probably aren’t great for environmental transparency on the Georgia coast.
- This is an important investigation into the consequences of patient safety violations at some of Georgia’s hospitals.
- A proposed strip mine in south Georgia means that many are gearing up for the Second Battle of the Okefenokee.
- Climate change is real, and it will absolutely impact Georgia.
- The people have spoken, and they have thoughts on the best hot dogs in middle Georgia.
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Hey, did anyone else see that Lindsey Graham had washed the brown off his nose for a TV interview yesterday? He mounted his own attack— “We all know that AOC and this crowd are a bunch of communists, they hate Israel, they hate our own country. […] They’re anti-Semitic, they’re anti-America.” Graham in the end couldn’t keep the brown off his nose to the end of the interview.
True to form, Republican Congressman Andy Harris explained that Trump “could have meant go back to the district they came from, to the neighborhood they came from.” Because “Neighborhood” is interchangeable with “countries” when you’re a Republican.
But hey, Susan Collins, after noting that she “disagree[s] strongly” with some of the “far-left members” of Congress—fair and balanced and all that—said Trump’s tweet was “way over the line, and he should take that down.” Trump must be shaking, what with Collins past successes at checking Trump and moving the needle.
The other 90% of Republicans not commenting; primarily spineless, self-absorbed, or secret racists, but give ‘em credit that what their doing will MAGA.
More UK diplomatic Memos leaked: https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-7244539/Trump-axed-Iran-deal-spite-Obama-British-ambassador-says-Trumps-actions-diplomatic-vandalism.html
UK Ambassador Kim Darroch’s write-up of the British meeting with Trump’s top team, national security adviser Bolton, SoS Pompeo, and VP Pence, is informative because it illustrates the indifference of Trump’s team in justifying termination of the Iran deal to a trusted ally.
Jim Mattis resigned from the Defense secretary post seven months ago. The current vacancy is the longest such stretch in Pentagon history. Don’t’ worry, foreign policy belched from Trump’s gut is a sure thing. MAGA.
So the guy who ran on a platform of “America is a crumbling, crime-ridden, pit of despair being overrun by immigrants” is now telling people to leave if they don’t like the country.
Anyone who subscribes to the “if you don’t love it, leave it” school of thought, has no concept of what love is and what it entails.
“Socialism never took root in America because the poor see themselves not as an exploited proletariat, but as temporarily embarrassed millionaires.” John Steinbeck
The media is focused so much on what is happening at the border it is easy to lose sight of what is the cause of that crisis.
When’s Pat gonna republish the Doug Collins’ press release arguing that brown and black people should “go back to their country”?