The next public meeting on Ethylene Oxide is tonight, Monday, August 19, 2019, at 7:00 PM at the Cobb Civic Center. An Open House will precede the meeting, and from 5:00 PM until 6:45 PM, representatives from the EPA, the Georgia EPD, the CDC, and community organizations will be available to discuss the issue one-on-one. In addition, you can click on this link to submit your questions to be addressed during the meeting.
Here is the complete agenda for tonight’s meeting.
Below are updates on this issue since my last post:
- Here is a link to the Cobb County portal for all things Sterigenics, including the latest news articles, official statements from Cobb County and other jurisdictions and official agencies, and links to my previous updates as well as those Senator Jen Jordan.
- On Thursday, August 15, Cobb County issued all necessary construction permits for further emissions reductions at the Sterigenics facility.
- This is the news release issued by the Georgia EPD on Friday, August 16 detailing their plans for air quality monitoring near Sterigenics in Cobb County and the BD Bard facility in Covington. Please note that these plans are separate from the independent air quality testing that will be done jointly by the City and Smyrna and Cobb County.
- This week, Governor Kemp will meet with representatives from Sterigenics and BD Bard “to ensure that they take responsibility, embrace transparency and work with their communities to build trust.” Governor Kemp also noted that “this situation is simply unacceptable.”
If you can’t attend the meeting in person, please visit Cobb County’s YouTube page, where the meeting will be broadcast live at 7:00 PM.