Morning Reads – Tuesday, August 20
This is my first time giving the craic in years, which means I’m bound to make a mess. Also, I’m not Scottish, for which I blame others. Let us use obscure idioms today.
What’s the Skinny
- It’s Tuesday, which means Donald Trump has changed his mind again on gun control.
- CNN has Joe Biden up 9 on everyone else, which surely is an outlier poll that everyone will dismiss out of hand.
- That whole ransomware thing hitting state and municipal government organizations like the Georgia Department of Public Safety? It’s spreading.
- Boris Johnson thinks he can keep the Good Friday agreement from unraveling by saying “please.”
- China has started taking hostages in Hong Kong.
Spilling the Tea.
- WebMD has more on the ethylene oxide problem in Cobb.
- A man running from an Atlanta hotel’s security team tried to jump from one tenth-story ledge to another. He missed.
- The University of Georgia spends more on recruiting football talent than any other school, by a lot.
- Qualifying for municipal races continues today. No, I’m not running for anything, thanks.
Advocates for cash bail reforms took to the Atlanta city council podium yesterday, concerned that councilman Michael Julian Bond was going to offer legislation to reinstate cash bail for minor offense. Bond strenuously denied the claim, though he didn’t rule out the possibility for later.

No, people. These are NOT ICE agents at Five Points. This picture started a viral rumor of an ICE raid downtown yesterday. These guys are a Visible Intermodal Prevention and Response Team from the TSA. They hang out at Five Points from time to time because there’s some value in knowing what passes for normal there in case they’re called out for something that’s truly weird. Condition yellow, team. Carry on.
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The numbers for 2018 are in, and the economy didn’t even make 3% GDP growth, despite reduced regulation protecting consumers and the environment, and the printing an additional half trillion dollars, 80% of which were bestowed on the rich, though Trump said he’d deliver 4% growth.
Most people aren’t much feeling a good economy—they accept the economy is good because everyone says so. It won’t take much slip to be comparable to the totally horrible 2+% GDP economy growth of the Obama years. But hey, Obama’s numbers were inflated and Trump’s are the real thing, except now there are rumblings that the numbers are becoming fake again. Deep state and everything.
A man running from an Atlanta hotel’s security team tried to jump from one tenth-story ledge to another.
Well, it works on television.
The GOP Trump administration delivers news faster than it can be properly considered. From last week….
Of course the managements of Mississippi plants raided for having employed illegals weren’t arrested.
Remember the Postville plant raid in 2008 during the Obama administration? An executive was sentenced to 27 years in prison for hiring hundreds of illegals, providing them with phony documents, and laundering money through other businesses he controlled.
Trump commuted his sentence in 2017, natch, because the crimes wouldn’t have happened but for Hispanics that broke the law. It’s like the GOP position that Trump’s obstruction of justice would not have happened had Russians not interfered in the 2016 election, but with the Trumpian twist that the Russians didn’t interfere in the election.
“The commutation was a good move. It freed a prison cell for the lock up of a Mexican kid,” said Steve King of Iowa where the Pottsville plant was located, “Locking up a kid deters Mexican illegals more than hiring hundreds of ‘em.” [snark]
Yep, It’s Tuesday and Trump falsely claims Google ‘manipulated’ millions of 2016 votes: Fact check
“Wow, Report Just Out! Google manipulated from 2.6 million to 16 million votes for Hillary Clinton in 2016 Election! This was put out by a Clinton supporter, not a Trump Supporter! Google should be sued. My victory was even bigger than thought! @JudicialWatch,” Trump wrote.
But wait there’s more…Trump: Any Jew voting Democratic is uninformed or disloyal
and in true narcissistic fashion of blame someone else, like the Federal Reserve …
Trump acknowledges China polices may mean US economic pain
totally contradicting himself recently and VP Pence, “… the American economy is booming,”
Three comments and no one bites… maybe you need some new material.
I read a report somewhere recently that said Trump would lose because people were generally just getting bored with his whole act.
Morning Reads get many timely additions, without comments. The source provided so many opportunities in one day and endless new material every day. Keeping up with the contradictions alone would be a full time job.