Rodden Suspends GA-6 Campaign
Five days after former State Senator Brandon Beach dropped out of the GA-6 race, Nicole Rodden has announced that she is suspending her campaign as Republican candidate for Congress in GA-6.
From a press release from Rodden’s campaign:
The motto for the United States Merchant Marine Academy is Acta Non Verba, meaning ‘deeds not words.’ I have spent my entire adult life trying to live by these words, including my decision to run for Congress in Georgia’s 6th district. Throughout this campaign, it has been made clear that the 2020 elections and the battle between failed socialist policies and free market principles will be the fight of our lives. Democrats are organized, well-funded, and ready to capitalize on their recent victories across this nation. Now, more than ever, we must be united as Republicans. It is in the same vein of ‘deeds not words’ that I have decided to suspend my campaign for U.S. Congress in the name of unity.
It became evident to our team that without the proper resources to spread our own campaign message, we had no positive pathway to the general election. I ran for congress because I believed, and still believe, I am the best Republican candidate to take on Congressman Lucy McBath, but I refuse to negatively attack fellow Republicans for 6 months in order to get there. I am not afraid of a fight or contrast, but I believe in the importance of integrity and common sense.
As the daughter of two first-generation Americans, my family’s love and appreciation for the values this country represents runs deep. When it comes down to a choice between my personal desire to serve as a United States Congressman or putting America first, I choose country over self.
To the donors, volunteers, and enthusiastic supporters, thank you. Rest assured that I will continue to advocate for the same issues that brought me into this race. We must provide better care to our veterans, eliminate human trafficking, and support sweeping reform within our U.S. immigration system.
As a Navy Reservist, I took an oath to defend our Constitution, and I will continue to uphold that oath regardless of my title.
Acta Non Verba,
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Statement from Marjorie Greene on Rodden’s departure:
After seeing last night’s news of her campaign suspension, I’d like
to thank Nicole Rodden for her willingness to serve the residents of Georgia’s 6th
Congressional District.
When I launched my campaign a few months back, our goal was straightforward:
Give Republicans in Georgia’s 6th Congressional District a conservative fighter to get
behind who will take back our district by defeating Lucy McBath next November.
Over the last few months, my campaign has spoken with tens of thousands of
Republican voters at the door, in the mail, on social media, and face to face. We are
bringing in voters and volunteers to our campaign one door, one voter at a time.
They want a Republican candidate who isn’t a career politician. They want a Republican
candidate who won’t campaign on one thing and then do another. They want a
Republican candidate who will stand with President Trump against radical left-wing
attacks, not one who is ashamed to do so.
I am that conservative Republican candidate.
Career politician Karen Handel cannot beat Lucy McBath, and she proved that to all of
us by losing the Republican seat we held for 40 years.
As a life-long Georgia resident and political outsider — wife, suburban mother of three,
businesswoman, job creator — I am the Republican candidate the Democrats and
McBath fear the most.
I live and work here in the 6th. I know first-hand the issues families in our district want
handled in DC that aren’t being addressed by Lucy McBath.
As a businesswoman who has decades of experience negotiating prices in the
construction industry, I am uniquely positioned to take the fight to DC to get health care
costs down for 6th Congressional District families.
We need price transparency from medical providers and insurers so that health care
consumers (all of us) can see the prices we are paying for health care. By doing so,
consumers will be able to comparison price, thus driving prices down. We need more
competition in the health care industry, not less.
McBath and the Democrats want no competition: a total government takeover of health
care, which will lead to massive tax hikes, rationing of care, and less access to doctors
and cutting-edge medical procedures.
Voters in our district want low taxes, a vibrant economic and jobs environment, health
care security, safe and top-notch schools, and a secure border.
Lucy McBath has done none of these things for the residents of Georgia’s 6th
Congressional District — she’s spent most of her time on Pelosi’s Impeachment Sham
(voted for it TWICE) rather than fighting for our district.
Lucy McBath votes with the Socialist Squad almost 100% of the time.
Our district is an economic powerhouse in Georgia.
It deserves a Representative in Congress who will fight for low taxes, job creation,
secure communities, border security, work to lower the cost of health care and increase
access to doctors and treatments for our population.
I’m calling on all Republicans in the district who are tired of career politicians saying one
thing and doing another, to join our growing grassroots force, help us win the
Republican Primary on May 19th, then take back the 6th in the November 2020 General
— Marjorie Greene, Republican Candidate, Georgia’s 6th CD