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Georgia Young Republicans Show Support for Gov. Kemp’s Forthcoming Senate Pick

The Board of Directors of the Georgia Young Republicans have unanimously approved a resolution “in support of Governor Brian Kemp and his appointment to fill the vacant U.S. Senate seat following the retirement of Senator Johnny Isakson on January 1st.”

GYR State Chairman Colt Chambers:

“The Georgia Young Republicans stand squarely behind Governor Kemp and his appointment to fill the vacant U.S. Senate seat following the retirement of U.S. Senator Johnny Isakson. As 2020 approaches, unity within the party has never been more important. Governor Kemp has proven himself to be a capable leader and he should have the moral support of all GOP party leaders and elected officials at this critical time.”

Andrew Abbott, a GYR spokesman:

“Unity sometimes means swallowing pride and ambition and doing what is best for the party. As Young Republicans we believe it is important that people on all sides stop slinging mud at potential contenders and allow our rightfully elected governor to do his job. People of all ages would do well to consider that and unite behind Governor Kemp’s choice for US senate.”


WHEREAS, Senator Johnny Isakson, after serving Georgia and the Republican Party with distinction, announced his retirement and resignation effective December 31, 2019; and,

WHEREAS, Article V, Section II, Paragraph VIII of the Georgia Constitution gives the Governor of Georgia the power and responsibility to appoint a replacement for Senator Isakson upon his resignation; and,

WHEREAS, this appointed United States Senator will serve for a year while a special election is “held on the same date as the general election which is first held following the date of the vacancy and in conjunction with such general election” pursuant to Georgia law; and,

WHEREAS, the State of Georgia entrusted Governor Brian Kemp with the authority and responsibility to make difficult choices on our behalf as governor; and,

WHEREAS, this appointment demonstrates the difficulties that lie ahead for any elected official who is tasked with such authority and responsibility; and,

WHEREAS Brian Kemp has demonstrated his leadership and commitment to our conservative values.

THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that we the Executive Board of the Georgia Young Republicans stand by Governor Kemp’s constitutional authority to appoint a temporary successor to Senator Johnny Isakson and trust that he will select the right candidate. Furthermore, we encourage all Georgians to stand in unity behind the appointee for the duration of the appointment; and,

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that we encourage our members, and all Georgia Republicans, to stand for their candidate of choice should more than one Republican qualify to run in the special election for the United States Senate seat; and,

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that we appreciate the multitude of voices that have expressed their opinions about who is the most qualified for this position, including leaders of our party and President Donald Trump.

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