We knew 2020 would eventually arrive and bring in one of the busiest, most divisive years in the political realm in a long, long time. The march towards November, 2020 begins in earnest for Georgia Republicans when Precinct Mass Meetings are held in February for larger counties. They will be followed by County Conventions in March, District Conventions in April, the State Convention in May, and the National Convention in Charlotte in late August.
One side feature to all of this is one that is of utmost importance to Georgia Republicans: the election of its National Committee members (one male and one female) at the State Convention. These members, along with the State Chairperson, serve a four-year term and represent Georgia Republicans on the Republican National Committee.
Both the of the current National Committee members, Ginger Howard and Jason Thompson, have done an awesome job in serving Georgia Republicans AND communicating with GAGOP members as they have traveled all across this state.
Ginger Howard has announced that she will be seeking re-election at this year’s State Convention. She shared the following press release:
Georgia’s current Republican National Committeewoman, Ginger Howard, announces her campaign for re-election. “It has been one of the greatest privileges of my life to represent Georgians on the RNC since 2016, and I am officially launching my re-election campaign for 2020. I would be honored to continue to serve my state and my country as Republican National Committeewoman for another term,” says Howard.
Ginger Howard has faithfully represented Georgia on the Republican National Committee for the last three and a half years. Since being elected at the 2016 Georgia GOP Convention, Howard has increased communication between the RNC and Georgians, advocated for her state, and engaged with opportunities to foster unity in the Republican Party.
While serving as Republican National Committeewoman, Howard has been elected by her peers in the Southern Region of the RNC to serve on the Site Selection Committee, and she serves on the Standing Committee on Rules. In addition, she was appointed by Chairwoman Ronna Romney McDaniel to serve on the Committee on Arrangements for the 2020 Convention. Howard also serves on the Faith Advisory Board for the RNC. Most recently, Howard was appointed to serve on the Women for Trump National Advisory Board in July of 2019.
Howard has invested much of her life in Republican politics. Her resume boasts of volunteer experiences at the grassroots level since 1989, numerous leadership positions, and awards recognizing her involvement in the Republican Party and her influence as a successful small business owner. She also currently serves on the Board of Governors for The Georgia Republican Foundation. Howard’s leadership as Republican National Committeewoman has been noteworthy, and she has devoted herself to serving Georgians and Americans alike.
Looking ahead, Howard hopes to continue representing Georgians and their conservative values, and she has already gained the support of prominent Republicans. “I am thrilled to have Nick Ayers, the former Chief of Staff to Vice President Mike Pence, and Sue Everhart, former Georgia GOP Chairwoman, serving as Honorary Co-Chairs for my re-election campaign,” says Howard. “Over the next several months, our team will work hard to keep engaging with people across the state and to keep Georgia red in this coming November.”