State Sen. Renee Unterman issued the following in response to several statements made by Democrats to the retirement of Gwinnett Sheriff Butch Conway, a Republican. Unterman is currently a Republican candidate for Congress in GA-7.
The statement:
“Sheriff Conway has honorably served this community with steadfast, admirable leadership for decades,” Unterman said. “He’s dedicated his life to keeping our communities safe, and he’s unapologetically stood up for the rule of law by taking a tough stand on illegal immigration. The Democrats’ response shows a lack of respect for our law enforcement officers and yet again shows they perceive enforcing the law as a crime against political correctness. I’ve served this community alongside Butch my entire adult life, and I won’t stay silent as he’s unfairly attacked. The need to stand up to this liberal lunacy is one reason I feel compelled to represent our district in Congress. Now more than ever, we need conservative fighters, and that’s what Butch and I have always been.”
A Democrat running for sheriff said Sheriff Conway’s retirement is a chance to bring “integrity” to the department and end the department’s “failed policies and practices.”
“We’ve had no shortage of integrity under Sheriff Conway,” Unterman said, “Thanks to his leadership, the Gwinnett Sheriff’s Department is a model for other law enforcement agencies around the state. Together, Butch and I worked to establish of the nation’s most promising and successful re-entry program for inmates, and I applaud him for the many lives that were improved by his innovation and compassion.”
A Democratic candidate for the Gwinnett County Commission issued a statement accusing the sheriff of “extreme partisanship and unethical practices.”
“Gwinnett voters should see this statement as disqualifying for elected office,” Unterman said. “These politically motivated character attacks impugn an admired public servant. As a member of Congress, I will communicate with local enforcement, treat officers with the respect they deserve and make sure they have the resources needed to keep us safe – just as Butch Conway has always done. Butch has gone above and beyond the call of duty as a community leader, protector and friend. Sheriff Conway deserves our gratitude, not bad attitudes.”