Good morning! It’s raining. Here’s a short story.
- The deconstruction and removal of the Golden Ray is set to begin later this month.
- The Twin Pines mining company will withdraw – and resubmit – their proposal to operate a titanium mine in the Okefenokee Swamp.
- Grady High School students are lobbying for a name change in conjunction with the school’s upcoming renovation.
- A Mercer student (who had indeed not attended a Caucus in Iowa) is a “lying dog-faced pony soldier,” at least according to Joe Biden.
- Trump’s latest budget proposal includes $93M to continue deepening the Port of Savannah.
- Details on the Senate proposal that would give state funds to adoption agencies that discriminate against non-Christians.
- An Oscar red carpet slideshow – read the captions! Martha Stewart is a #mood.