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Doug Collins to Self Quarantine After CPAC Contact Tests Positive

Grip and grins are ubiquitous in politics. When someone is an elected member of Congress and a candidate for statewide office, they’re just part of the job. Last week was the annual CPAC gathering, and one of the attendees has since tested positive for Covid-19. Senator Ted Cruz announced over the weekend he would self-quarantine after being informed he had been in contact with that individual. Now, Congressman Doug Collins says he will do the same:

“This afternoon, I was notified by CPAC that they discovered a photo of myself and the patient who has tested positive for coronavirus. While I feel completely healthy and I am not experiencing any symptoms, I have decided to self-quarantine at my home for the remainder of the 14-day period out of an abundance of caution. I will follow the recommendations of the House Physician and my office will provide updates as appropriate.”

First, it’s our hope that Congressman Collins will be fine as will all the other attendees of CPAC.

As more and more cases of Coronavirus are discovered, it’s going to be a lot harder to maintain “business as usual” for a lot of us across a broad cross section of America. That not only extends to those that work in politics and government, but by nature of their level of personal contact, puts many of them and our readers on the front lines.

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