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Filling the Shoes of Sen. Jack Hill

It has only been a week since Sen. Jack Hill was laid to rest, but the Georgia political wheels have continued to turn in order to fill the big shoes he left behind in Gerogia’s 4th Senatorial District and the State Senate.

Sen. Blake Tillery, a Republican from Vidalia, was selected as the successor as the Chairman of the Senate Appropriations Committee in an unanimous vote.

Five candidates have qualified for the race to fill the unexpired term of Sen. Hill: Scott Bohlke (R), Billy Hickman (R), Kathy Palmer (R), Neil Singleton (R), and Jared Sammons (I).

Four candidates have qualified for the Republican general primary for the 2021-22 Senate session: Scott Bohlke (R), Billy Hickman (R), Kathy Palmer (R), and Neil Singleton (R).


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