The news from Smyrna this morning is heartbreaking, and I hope you will keep Smyrna and the family of our fallen officer in your prayers.
- On this morning’s edition of Political Rewind, one of the Governor’s spokespeople said that there’s a “cost/benefit analysis” that was considered in Kemp’s decision to start reopening the state. I’m guessing this report was part of the cost half of that analysis.
- While the Governor’s message seems to be… not as clear as intended, here are some specifics regarding yesterday’s EO.
- Mayors throughout Georgia, many of whom were the first in the state to act to squelch the spread of COVID-19 in our state, were among the last to know about Kemp’s plans to reopen certain businesses in the state.
- One notable exception is in Marietta. (I won’t be joining him at an area bowling alley or dining room any time soon.)
- The problems inherent to thinking you know more about something than actual experts in that field.
- Excellent pandemic parenting advice for parents of teens (and tweens).
- The McIntosh County Commission meeting was Zoom-bombed. Bomp-chicka-wow-wow.
- In Macon, long-haul truckers find a quiet place to rest in area church parking lots.