October 6, 2020 6:00 AM
Morning Reads for Tuesday, October 6
Good morning! The election is in four weeks!
- All the latest on Trump’s COVID-19 fight.
- WAWAWEEWA! Sasha Baron Cohen returned to Georgia, this time as Borat, and was once again able to find some folks in Macon who not only had not heard of Borat, but apparently have also not heard of Will Ferrell, I mean, what in the what? Anyway: fiasco!
- A lawsuit against Clayton County Sheriff Victor Hill alleges gross mishandling of COVID-19 outbreaks in the county’s jail.
- The Golden Ray, one year later: what we’ve learned from recent hearings on the catastrophe.
- More on the Irwin County physician who is accused of sterilizing dozens of immigrant women without their consent.
- Voters are anxious.
- Now children everywhere can learn not only how to spell R-E-S-P-E-C-T, but also what it means to them in this lovely new children’s book based on the song by Georgia’s own Otis Redding.
- How John Bozeman started in Georgia and made his way to Montana, where he founded his eponymous city.
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Do you get the feeling someone has been incompetent?
“TAIPEI (Taiwan News) — As the number of cases from the White House coronavirus cluster mushroomed over the weekend, media outlets, analysts, and entertainers on Twitter observed that more of President Trump’s associates have been confirmed with the Wuhan Coronavirus than Taiwan, New Zealand, and Vietnam combined.
On Oct. 1, Trump’s close adviser Hop Hicks tested positive for coronavirus, with Trump and the First Lady testing positive the next day. By Oct. 3, both Newsweek and analyst Nguyen Phuong Linh pointed out that 14 people closely associated with Trump and the Rose Garden event had contracted the disease, surpassing the total for new coronavirus cases that day in Taiwan, New Zealand, and Vietnam.
In fact, Taiwan and Vietnam announced zero new cases of the virus on Oct. 3, while New Zealand announced one new imported case that day and zero local cases. It took Taiwan two weeks, from Sept. 19 to Oct. 3, to accumulate 14 cases, all of which were imported.”
Snuggles was in DC this weekend with thoughts for democratic voters. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YJdDsOSNepc