November 10, 2020 3:04 PM
GAGOP Chairman David Shafer Joins Anti-Raffensperger Crowd
The list of people attempting to tell Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger what to do has added a new member: GAGOP Chairman David Shafer.
Chairman Shafer joined Rep. Doug Collins in issuing the following letter to SOS Raffensperger calling for a hand count of all ballots:

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I do not understand, he is asking for a hand count (with signature validation by observers for mail in ballots) on all votes?
They still have not shown any evidence but I guess they want to cast a wide net and hope some dead fish are found.
If they start this process now they may finish in March.
Yes, it’s the desire for delay that is at peak transparency here. Push enough doubt and procedure to delay counting beyond dates for the ability of the SoS to certify, and kick the decision to the legislature. (notice the underlined sentence in the letter…) It appears. Allegedly…
I mean, why do we even spend all that money on voting machines anyhow? I get not everybody fully trusts robots or toaster ovens, but all election officials need to do is take a small sample of ballots, run them through machines in sight of observers, and make sure there’s no error. In fact, that may be standard part of SoS audit- don’t know. Surely it was done before and after machines were bought, tho.
But my guess is that the machines aren’t lying. They kick out anything that may require human review already.
I’ll repeat that the SoS should do a boring half-hour walk-through of the equipment and procedures for verifying signatures and eligibiltiy, to increase public confidence. And local elections officials should all be addressing local audiences with the integrity of the vote as they see it.
Raffensperger has been fair enough through this process that he could tell the GAGOP to eff off and then switch parties. There’s always options.
Oh, I also noticed reference in letter to voters who are “legally domiciled” in another state. Except where one is domiciled is really a legal question hinging on the intent of the person to live somewhere permanently. One way to prove state of domicile? Voter registration and voting. So, if someone voted, they are literally expressing an intent to be domiciled in Georgia. So…
I believe GA allows, like many states, for folks to even be registered in multiple states but still vote here as long as they don’t vote anywhere else. I mean, there are ppl who can afford multiple homes, or register in places where they reside temporarily, like students. I guess ppl are allowed to be indecisive about permanent life choices. Just gotta also pay income taxes in proportion to states of residency…
I’m confused. Didn’t the REPUBLICAN faction of the legislature that Mr. Shafer heads ram through the machines in question?
No need for confusion. Plain as the nose on your face what they are about at this point in history.
To think these guys raised holy hell that Kaepernick was disrespecting our country by kneeling.
It’s all about ideology, “God and country” are just a campaign slogan to these people.